
...Lift for the Rock (May the Greatness of the Pump forever be Blessed upon Him)

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Notable Awekian Celebrities & Figures

Timeline of Awekian Monarch

Though Sir Osiris the Knight was the founding leader and ruler of Awekia, beginning in the early 16th century, he married into the House of Jestor, and adopted their rulership as that of the newly born Awekian Kingdom. A crown that was throned upon Lionies Jestius, in eastern Italy in 1422, the Jestor kingdom is the official originators of the Awekian monarchy. However, with the marriage of King Osiris II and princess Kio, the kingdom merged with the Awenativian monarchy to accept the history lineage that dates back to the

(H) = Heir

House of Maequezaks

The House of Maequezaks is honoured with the respect of being the official start of the Awekian crown. Hanskhan Maequezaks was the commander who forged the Awenativian empire of the mid-to-late 13th century, which spanned across the pacific ocean. The second largest empire of the century, behind the Mongol empire, he took the crown when he marched 300,000 jedixes into Tzian. A act against the hated Mariakitopo, who reluctantly gave over the crown and his eldest wife, Mariakita.

This house would see the unity of the five kingdoms of Awekian under the Awenativian empire. The dissolving of the old polytheistic beliefs and the conversion to Geistism, Quas Leia would personally see to the chifting of the Zodiceak Monks into Geistic proto-Zhans.

  • Tzas Hanskhan the Merchant King

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Real Name: Hanskhan Maequezaks

Birth Place: Kha'moana

Reign: 1257 - 1313

Birth Date: May 7, 1220

Death Date: 1313

Height / Weight: 5'10

Marriage: Mariakita of Tzian

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Moanan

Nationality: Awenativian

Claim: Emperor of the Awenativian empire, marriage to Mariakita

Net Worth:

Note: The merchant child of Kha'moana, Hanskhan built the largest maritime empire of its time. Spanding from Awenativia to Hawaii, Inca to Indonesia, his command stretch across the entirety of the Pacific ocean, two centuries before the European discovery of the New World, and four centuries before the might of the European maritime empires. A man of order and marret, he was loved by the five kingdoms of Awenativian (Tizoc, Hwajenii, Ningen, Questria, Inqua) marched 300,000 into Tzian, to overthrow the hated Mariakitopo, who agreed to give him the crown and his eldest daughter, Mariakita.


  • Quas Mariakita (H)

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Real Name: Mariakita Opo of Tzian

Birth Place: Tzian

Reign: 1257 -

Birth Date: 1226

Death Date: 1290

Height / Weight: 5'6

Marriage: Hanskhan Maequezaks

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Tzianese

Nationality: Awenativian

Claim: Eldest daughter of Tzas Mariakitopo, sole wife of Hanskhan Maequezaks

Net Worth:



  • Tzas Jiwmu (H)

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Real Name: Jiwmu-zu Kamazushi-ojio Maequezaks

Birth Place: Kha'moana

Reign: 1313 - 1380

Birth Date: 1272

Death Date: 1322

Height / Weight: 5'10


Gender: Male


Nationality: Moanan & Tzianese

Claim: Rightful heir of Hanskhan and Mariakita, appointed to Tzashood in 1422

Net Worth:

Note: The legendary.....


Real Name:

Birth Place:


Birth Date:

Death Date:

Height / Weight:






Net Worth:



  • Quas Leia (H)

Real Name:

Birth Place:


Birth Date:

Death Date:

Height / Weight:






Net Worth:



House of Jestius (Jestorian crown)

The short-lived monarchy of Jestor are the royalty behind Olivia the Olive. Wife of Tzas Osiris, she marks the Italian linkage to this ruined crown. Facing pressures in their home land of eastern Italy, they were the allies of the Venetians and Florancians, who often traded with them. Their artistic connections to Florence would lend to the boom of the Awekian Renaissance. The Jestius family would see their end due to their acquisition of art, gold, and gambling. They were disliked by the likes of the Medici family, who turned the Pope against them, which concluded with their exile from Europe. They voyaged to Awekia on the Hercion, Orcion, Persion, Acelision, and Thesion.

  • King Lionies Jestius (H)

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Real Name: Lionies Jestius

Birth Place:

Reign: 1422 - 1450

Birth Date:1403

Death Date:

Height / Weight:


Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Greek-Italian

Nationality: Barbarosian

Claim:Founder of the Jestor Kingdom

Net Worth:

Note:The founder of the Jester Kingdom, he was the youngest son of an old Greek crown.


  • King Sparbarus the Brute (H)

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Real Name: Sparbarus Maxima Jestius

Birth Place:

Reign: 1450 - 1478 (Death in the civil war of Jestor)

Birth Date: February 1436

Death Date:1478

Height / Weight:





Claim:Son of Lionius Jestius

Net Worth:

Note: A warlord of a ruler, Sparberus was the hammer to his father's throne. While Lionies was a calm and calculative king, to planned his way to kinghood, his son was a brash and bruting man who fought his way through his rule. Waring with neighboring countries and slaughtering anyone who opposed his might, be was feared by many and liked by few.


  • King Jestor (H)

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Real Name: Jestor Rouennais Jestius

Birth Place:

Reign: 1478 - 1515 (Fall of the Jestor Kingdom, and exile of the crown)

Birth Date:July 13, 1459

Death Date:November 13, 1534, Fort Royal, GAK

Height / Weight:

Marriage: Queen Jestor, December 13

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Italian

Nationality: Jestoran

Claim:Son of Sparbarus Jestius

Net Worth:

Note:The Last king of the Jestius throne, Jestor is unfortunate to have to deal with the heated results of his father's war crimes. By his rule, Jester was under attack from three different factions, and a civil war. Narrowly escaping, he made it to Giland with his family, loyal knights and noblemen, servants, and whatever important artifacts they could bring.


  • Queen Jestor

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Real Name: Zomedia Gulinus Jestius

Birth Place:

Reign: 1478 - 1515 (Fall of the Jestor Kingdom, and exile of the crown)

Birth Date: December 12, 1467

Death Date: June 12, 1552, Fort Royal, GAK

Height / Weight:

Marriage: King Jestor, December 13

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Italian

Nationality: Jestoran

Claim:Wife of Jestor Jestius, son of Sparbarus Jestius

Net Worth:



House of Osiris

The House of Osiris is remembered for being the house that saw leadership in the Awekio-Spanish War of 1547 - 1614. Tzas Osiris would see to the Declaration of Unification, as well as marry Olivia the Olive, of the Jestorian family. Their marriage would lead to the arrival of the Jest. Along with the Barboss family, the Jest would usher into a Venetian style of banking, that saw the accounting necessary for funding many of the artistic and architectural advancements in culture in Awekia, including the furthering of Geistism. Tzas Osiris II would personally fight alongside his men in the war against Spanish conquistadors, popularly remembered in the March for Tzian in 1567. His son, Tzas Vlad the Venomous would bring the downfall of Spanish Awekia and Colonia.

  • Tzas Osiris I, the Wise (H)

The 'Statue of Wonder', at the National Awenativian Museum, depicting a mighty Tzas Osiris the Wise reading from the 'Book of Awenativa'
The 'Statue of Wonder', at the National Awenativian Museum, depicting a mighty Tzas Osiris the Wise reading from the 'Book of Awenativa'

Real Name: Che'yoda l'Vega Osiris

Birth Place:

Reign: 1505 - 1550 (Stepping down, passing the crown over to his son)

Birth Date: August 20, 1484

Death Date: 1578

Height / Weight:

Marriage: Olivia Ionna Jestius

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: French

Nationality: Italian

Claim: Founder of Awekia, and married into the crown

Net Worth:

Note:The founder of the Grand Awekian Kingdom, Nester was a exploring knight, who held connections to Roman and French history. An Englishman, he was known to speak french and only use his British tides in moments of convenience. He became the king, after he married Olivia. Spending most of his reign in the heat of combat, he was the love of his people, and it still seen as a patriotic symbol to this day.


  • Olivia the Olive (H)

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Real Name: Olivia Ionna Jestius

Birth Place: May 18, 1489

Reign: 1513 - 1558

Birth Date:

Death Date: 1570

Height / Weight:

Marriage: Nester Osiris Knight,


Ethnicity: Italian

Nationality: Jestoran

Claim: Daughter of the Jestius crown, wife of King Osiris

Net Worth:

Note:The second-to-youngest daughter of the Jestors, Olivia was convinced into dating Osiris by her mother. As a way of keeping their family's royal class, she began to mingle with knight. After their marriage, as her husband spent most of his time fighting the war for freedom, she grew in popularity at home. Becoming a symbol of beauty because of her mediterranean look, and a loved figure because of her caring nature, she was title Olivia the Olive. As well, she became known as the 'High Lady', and marked the position that all succeeding wives would play in the royal order.


  • Tzas Osiris II, the Wolfhart (H)

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Name: Che'cuanuhlak Osiris II

Reign: 1550 - 1585

Birth: June 4, 1518, New Settleland


Death: 1585

Claim: Son of Osiris and Olivia

Note: The Wolfhart of Blairwood, Osiris the Second forever feared living in the shadow of his father. And, because of this, he began the 'Reign of the Red River'. In the Heat of the Spanish-Awekian war, he took his father's position as the chief of Awekia's military. However, unlike his father, he put all of his thoughts behind said force.

Most remembered, he was the first Tzas of Awekia, with his marriage to the Tzianian princess. Helping to usher in the Awenalization of the kingdom, which led to the formation of the unity between the Tizoc, Ningen, and Awekian nations.


  • Quas Kio

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Name: Doña la Matlinche

Reign: 1547 - 1585

Birth: 1520

Marriage: Osiris II


Claim: Wife of Tzas Osiris II

Note: Born in the Americas, on the island of Cuba, in what is now Havana, she was a member of the Taino people. She was taken as a child, and raised in a catholic monastery in mainland central Mexico. Intended to be used as a interpreter, she was favoured because she knew how to communicate with the natives of Azteca. Married off to Hector de la Cortez as a concubine, she was eventually brought to Awenativia, after the downfall of the Aztec empire. Famously scent on the messenger mission to Theeds, with Batista Bizarro, to speak with Tzas Osiris.

While their are differing stories of what happened inside of the palace, they were kidnapped and captured when the Spanish invaded. And, while imprisoned, she was offered a pardon and protection, if she taught the jedixs her knowledge from the Aztec's fall. Dona would marry Osiris II in 1547


  • Tzas Vladimus Osiris III (H)

A popular statue of Venomous Vlad, his legend is larger than his legacy. He became a model of art, in the 'Gothic Admiration Era' of the late-1800s to mid-1930s.
A popular statue of Venomous Vlad, his legend is larger than his legacy. He became a model of art, in the 'Gothic Admiration Era' of the late-1800s to mid-1930s.

Real Name: Vladimuz Draciux Osiris

Birth Place:

Reign:1585 - 1602

Birth Date:August 13, 1546

Death Date:1621

Height / Weight:

Marriage: Lilia Slytherin

Gender: Male


Nationality: Awekian

Claim:Son of Osiris II

Net Worth:

Note: As a member of the 'Reign of the Red River', he was a murderous king who spent his life fighting in the ever-growing Spanish-Awekian war. Believing himself to be chosen by god to rid the continent of the numerous spanish colonies, Vlad immediately moved to the heat of the war ground upon his taking of the crown. Known for his murderous way of acting towards the enemy troops, his name was known for brutally killing POWs and captives. Raiding and slaughtering camps and colonies, using methods like dismemberment by horse, impalement, brazen bull, and the act of cutting out the heart of the conquistadors, he became a symbol of terror to the Spanish citizens on the island. The spanish called his 'Venomous Vlad', and the name has stuck to his, ever since.


  • Lilia Silith Slytherin

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Name: Lilea Kiopu Unisia Rass

Reign: 1587 - 1602

Birth: Novermber 13, 1551, Queen's Bay

Marriage: Vladius Dracius Osirus



Note: Raised in the French quarters of Middex, Lilia was one of the many women chosen to be one of the prince's house maidens. With a quiet and mysterious essence about her, she drew in the king attraction. And upon discovering her birthday, she was quickly settled to be his wife. Moving to his personal camp base with him, Lilia began to display the same sadistic mind that her husband held towards the Spanish.


  • St. Olsiga the Vengeful (H)

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Name: St. Olsiga Alicia

Reign: 1602 - 1616

Birth: November 1593, New Settleland

Marriage: Kievux Osirus

Death: 1693,

Claim: Daughter of Vladimus and Lilia, Second child of Vladimus

Note: Known as the'Vengeful', she is one of the few Awekian queens whom took the position of their husband's military rank. After the Spanish assassination of her love, she swore revenge, and comprised many plans that brought cruel and violent fates to the rest of the spanish camps. With her father's holy mission passed on to her, she took the task very seriously, and made sure she caused the last strike to end the war. And, she did, with her acts leading to the final end of the century-long war between the two.


  • Kievux the Mad (H)

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Real Name: Kievux Alceed Osirus

Birth Place:Queen's Beach, Awekia

Reign: 1603 - 1616

Birth Date:May 29, 1549

Death Date:

Height / Weight: 5'10 / 167lbs

Marriage: St. Olsiga

Gender: Male

Ethnicity:Italian / Frence Awekian

Nationality: Awekian

Claim: Adopted son of Tzas Vlad / Husband of

Net Worth:

Note: Prince of Awekia, Kievux is a odd figure in Awekian history. Adopted son of King Vladius and Queen Lilia, after failing to bare a actual child, he was the heir to the crown. However, he never became the king. Instead, his younger sister would take the throne, to the request of the kingdom. From the memoirs of St Olsiga and Queen Lilia, along with many other office officials, modern opinion does lean towards Kievux having Schizoaffective disorder. He was often said to be either aggressively angered or morbidly depressed on a regular degree. With him constantly speaking as if he was being watched, and threatened. Olsiga once said that her brother periodically heard harmful demons in his head, which would divert his attention from the reality of the world. He was known for wearing armor and a steel mask for the entirety of his adult life, as well as appointing his horse 'Prestigios' to the rank of second-in-command.


House of Jestor

The saviors of the throne, the House of Jestor brought a end to the controversial reign of Quas Olsiga, and the 'River of Terror'. Tzas Francique saw the taking of the crown, with the assistance of the Lords, and the imprisonment of his aunt. He spent the rest of his reign returning Awekia to the state that it held before the tyranny of his predecessor. He would oversee the rise of the Awekian Renaissance, and the Aweko-Dutch East Indies deal. He would return Indonesia to Awekian possession, after two centuries of separation. His son and successor, Lawrence the Lavish would receive the wealth of these deals and events, becoming the wealthiest person of the 17th century. If estimated for inflation, he was worth $364.7 billion, alone, which he put into the arts and architecture.

  • Tzas Francique (H)

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Name: Francique Antonie Jestor

Reign: 1616 - 1649 (Stepped down from the throne)

Birth: May 19, 1598



Claim: Third son of Olsiga

Note: Good ol' 'Halo Head', Francique was the third son of Olsiga. But, upon his childhood, he and his siblings were forced to fight each other for the throne. In all facets of kinghood, they would aim to defeat each other with harshness and coldness. But, because of the public's disapproval of the moral state of the monarchy, his mother was greatly disliked. So, when he proposed overthrowing her, the rest of the country agreed, and Franc did so. Becoming the new Tzas, he aimed to repaired the country and bring an end to the Reign of the Red River.


  • Quas Veronika

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Name: Veronika Ophila Opalmore

Reign: 1620 - 1649

Birth: July 11, 1601

Marriage: Francique, in 1620


Claim: Wife of Francique

Note: An former opera singer, Veronika Opalmore was a very popular figure in Los Haven. Because of this, she caught the eyes of the young prince. And after they married, her artsy background brought her to favor the arts and the likes of theatre, opera houses, and institution for the arts. Her influence would help Awekia reach its first golden age. One helped by her views of luxurious environments and exotic antiques and artifacts.


  • Tzas Lawrence Odo the Livish (H)

Lawrence the Lavish
Lawrence the Lavish

Real Name:Lawrence Odo Jestor

Birth Place:

Reign: 1646 - 1681

Birth Date: August 28, 1629

Death Date: June 5

Height / Weight:


Gender: Male


Nationality: Awekian

Claim: Second son of Tzas Francique and Veronika

Net Worth: $369.8 billion

Note: An important figure in the line of Awekian monarchs, he is credited for officially ending the Spanish-Awekian war. And, upon doing so, he eventually stilled the growing tension between the French navy and the privateers. Forming the Awekian navy, and establishing Texjara and Los haven as towns that would booth the Awekian economy. And, in this boom of finances, the country grew in worth and wealth. And with this, his life became that of a lavish monarch. Because of this, King Lawrence's family's wealth grew into the multi-billions, in personal riches. Making him one of the richest men in human history, he was known for having monuments constructed in the name of him and the 'Lawrencian Era'.


  • Quas Zenobae

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Real Name: Zenobae Ionni Xioyup

Birth Place:


Birth Date: October 12,

Death Date:

Height / Weight: 5'7 /

Marriage: Lawrence the Lavish

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Awenativian

Nationality: Awekian

Claim: Wife of Tzas Lawrence

Net Worth:



  • Tzas Edward I (H)

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Name: Edward Jestor

Reign: 1693 - 1730

Birth: May 3, 1647


Death: 1730

Claim: Son of Lawrence

Note: The first of the House of Jestor, Edward planned for the house to be the return to the peaceful homeland that the Awekians people desired. With the streak of violent Osiris' preceding him, a shadow loomed over him for most of his reign. Having to clean up the problems that his mother brought to the country, his reign was known as the 'Dawn of Silence'.


  • Edward II, the Calm (H)

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Name: Edward Charles Jestor

Reign: 1730 - 1790

Birth: August 26, 1678

Marriage: 1694, to Tizojareni


Claim: Eldest son of Edward I

Note: Called the 'calming tzas', Edward the Second was a very quiet and tamed. Like his father, his reign was a peaceful time for the kingdom. With no major threats taking place in his time as king, he spent his rule beginning the Awekian Industrial age. Forming acts that would put forth mines and railways, he connected the east and west sides to one another. As well, he started production on steamboats, science programs, and colleges.


  • Quas Isabela Tizojareni

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Name: Tizojareni Tizoc-Jestor

Reign: 1730 - 1803

Birth: April 17, 1684

Marriage: 1704, Edward II

Death: 1803

Claim: Wife of Edward the Second

Note: The second daughter of the Tizoc chief, she was sent to the (then) unmarried Prince Edward, as a furthering peace-treaty. Surprisingly, the prince married her, and conjoined the two royal families.


  • Tzas Tizoc 'Theodorus' XI (H)

La statue d'or de Théo, sculpted out of a mix of 30% gold and 70% bronze, the statue stands at the top of the capital building in Tizocland.
La statue d'or de Théo, sculpted out of a mix of 30% gold and 70% bronze, the statue stands at the top of the capital building in Tizocland.

Name: Theodore Tizoc Jestor

Reign: 1820 - 1860

Birth: February 18, 1784, Tizocland


Death: 1890

Claim: Son of Edward the II

Note: Theo is remembered among the most, besides Osiris the Knight, because of his love for the Awekian Outback. Half native, he made huge strides in peace relations with them. As well, he passed the first Nature Acts, which created the many national parks that the country has. He founded the Wildlife Rangers, and many other wildlife protection programs, to help insure the wellbeing of the natural presence of Awekia's outback.


House of Txumi

  • Quas Xero (H)

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Real Name:Xeropiopula Ukalayi Jestor

Birth Place:

Reign:1870 - 1900

Birth Date:June 16, 1840

Death Date:March 7, 1900

Height / Weight:

Marriage: Tzas Tyzumika I


Ethnicity: Awenativian

Nationality: Awekian

Claim:Daughter of King Theo

Net Worth:

Note:The 'Natural Queen', 'True Awekian', 'Beautiful Princess, and 'Great Wonder', Xeropiopula was the glorious leader of Awekia, and the one widely believed to have smoothly navigated the country through the industrial age, and into the 20th century. Her connection to both the native and foreign population of Awekia marked her love as a queen. Xero continued on the policies that her father believed so heavily about, and assured the founding of national parks and wildlife protection programs. She set up programs for Texjaran relief, and the reconstruction of the island states.


  • Tzas Tyzumi-ka I

Real Name: Tyzumi-ka George Txumi

Birth Place:

Reign:1870 - 1910

Birth Date: September 24, 1836

Death Date: March 1, 1910

Height / Weight:

Marriage: Queen Xero

Gender: Male


Nationality: Awekian

Claim: Husband of Queen Xero

Net Worth:



  • Tzas Tyzumika II (H)

One of the few images of the king, Ty was painted here posthumorously, since the photografic tech was blury and worn.
One of the few images of the king, Ty was painted here posthumorously, since the photografic tech was blury and worn.

Real Name:Tyzumika Txumi II

Birth Place:

Reign:1910 - 1929

Birth Date:December 4, 1887

Death Date:1920 (Assassination which would lead to Awekia's involvement in the second world war)

Height / Weight:





Claim:Eldest son of Tyzumika I

Net Worth:

Note: Taking his place as the king of Awekia, the second Tyzumika was unfortunately assassinated after two decades of his reign. Found dead in his beach home in the west, it was later discovered that the fallen empire of Quaestio had killed him, upon joining the the German Axial forces. This act would begin the kingdom's return to an age of war. Soon after, Britain and France would convince the Awekian people to combat the empire.


  • Quas Sophia

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Real Name: Sophia Mary Antoinette

Birth Place: October 1, 1881

Reign: 1910 - 1929

Birth Date:

Death Date: March 8, 1960

Height / Weight:


Gender: Female


Nationality: Awekian

Claim: Wife of King Tyzumika

Net Worth:



House of Tzextar

  • Quas Belleza (H)

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Real Name:Bellaza Harlein Txumi

Birth Place: Queen Belleza Beach

Reign:1923 - 1973

Birth Date:June 20, 1905,

Death Date:February 2, 1988

Height / Weight:

Marriage: 1923, Tzas George

Gender: Male


Nationality: Awekian

Claim:Daughter of Tyzumika II

Net Worth:

Note:Rushed into rulership, Bellaza was a young woman when she became queen. And, she became known for how youthful she behaved and thought. Being criticized for not being experienced enough for the looming war that was upon the country. But, she was eventually helped by her husband, the exiled Prince Persumio of Quaestio. Taking the charge in the growing WWII threat, he helped take the load off of the queen. And with that, she young woman focused on the issues at home, to which Awekia hit is entertainment golden age. With films and music assisting cars, radio, and TV as pastimes, she became a famous celebrity figure.


  • Tzas George (H)

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Real Name:Georgius Ivanik Tzaxtar y Persumio

Birth Place:

Reign: 1919 - 1927 (Quaestio Empire), 1928 - 1971

Birth Date: February 19, 1904

Death Date:March 15, 1988

Height / Weight:

Marriage: 1923, Queen Belleza

Gender: Awekian

Ethnicity: Questrian

Nationality: Awekian

Claim: Husband to Queen Belleza

Net Worth:

Note:As a civil war led to the Axial rule over Quaestio, the young ruler was exiled out of the empire. Forced to flee from the fallen side of the continent, he was discovered in the outback of Awekia. After meeting with Queen Belleza and joining the Awekian army in the start of what would be Awekia's involvement in the war, he built a close relationship with the lady. Soon, they eventually married and he became the king of the Grand Awekian Kingdom until his death.


  • Tzas Lance (H)

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Real Name: Lance Ivanik Tzextar

Birth Place:May 30, 1946

Reign:1973 - 2011

Birth Date:

Death Date:

Height / Weight: 6'1 / 179lbs

Marriage: Queen Lily Daniela, 1966

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Ronerro Awekian

Nationality: Awekian

Claim:Fourth child to George and Bellaza

Net Worth:



  • Quas Lily Daniela

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Real Name:Lily Daniela Aeviosky

Birth Place: Starville Valley, Awekia

Reign:1973 - 2011

Birth Date: December 23, 1949,

Death Date:

Height / Weight: 5'8 / 134lbs

Marriage: Lance Txeztar, 1966

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Swedish / French-Awekian

Nationality: Awekian

Claim:Wife of King Lance

Net Worth:

Note:Perhaps more active and popular than her husband, Queen Lily had to lead Awekia for most of her husband's reign. After her husband fell ill in the winter of 1989, Lily had to rule over most of the country's affairs and government. Because of this, she is widely remembered more than her king. With her elegant and graceful nature, she quickly became of symbol of her queenhood, within the early years of her husband's rule.


  • Tzas Eriksus II (H)

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Real Name: Eriksus Ivanik Tzextar II

Birth Place: New Settleland, Awekia

Reign: 2011 - present

Birth Date: February 2, 1984,

Death Date:

Height / Weight: 6'2 / 180lbs

Marriage: Juliessa, 2003

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Ronerro-Awekian

Nationality: Awekian

Claim: Second and chosen son of King Lance and Lily

Net Worth:

Note: Taking the crown after his mother's passing it on to him in 2011. Chosen upon childhood by his older brother to be the one to rule, he was a natural leader, often being the peacemaker of his family. And because of this, he became the next to take the crown. Upon which, he and his wife immediately took asserted themselves in the issues of the country. Because of this, Eriksus has became one of the most hands-on kings since King Edward the second.


  • Quas Juliessa

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Real Name: Juliessa Quintozanilla

Birth Place: Hyusig Islands, Awekia

Reign: 2011 - present

Birth Date: October 29, 1985,

Death Date:

Height / Weight:

Marriage: Eriksus Jestor, 2003

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Latino-Awenativian

Nationality: Awekian

Claim: Wife of Eriksus Jestor

Net Worth:

Note: A native of the Hyusig Islands, Juliessa was the child of fruit farmers. A result of the latin american migration, she is a Ningen Awekian, with her one of her grandmothers being of Peruvian descent. Though, with ambitions of becoming a helping hand to her home island, Juliessa greatly helped her father become mayor of the island. And, with her assistance, they met with the royal family to discuss the public trade within the island. In this meeting, she met Eriksus, marrying him two years later.



Real Name:

Birth Place:


Birth Date:

Death Date:

Height / Weight:






Net Worth:




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