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Strange Dream!!!

I dreamt something really odd two nights ago and I wanted to share it with all of you. Best way to describe it is: Inception meets The Dark Knight Rises meets Star Wars meets... a ton of other stuff!


At the moment I am wearing a cast on my right leg (Right), I sprained my ankle pretty bad a month ago, and in my dream some dude that resembles Don Cheadle came to my room and checked my leg. He told me: "When you wake up you'll be able to walk normally again". Then he left. In my dream I went to sleep and woke up the next day to find that my leg was fine. So, for the first time in a month I put on a shoe and just then a co-worker of mine rushes in to tell me my roommate is waiting for me in the car. I rush down to meet my roommate and he drives me to what seems to be New York City. I guess there must be some kind of black hole that takes people from Mexico City to NYC and back.


Anyways, my roommate drives up to this HUGE bank where he hands me a taser and tells me to go in. I obey and walk inside. There, I excuse myself through a sea of people (I guess it was like a lobby) and reach airport-like metal detectors. Just as I am about to go through armed men in white full-body armor start coming through the metal detectors opposite of me and block my way in. I did question the fact that "real" Stormtroopers were in the bank, but brushed it off quickly. I turn around to see the sea of people on the ground with their hands on their heads. The only man standing was the guy holding everybody hostage. He was wearing a luchador-type mask and at the moment I couldn't make out who he was beacuse I was looking at him from behind. I slowly got closer and realized it was Mr. Tom Hardy in the dream-world-flesh, in other words Bane.


I was behing the Batman villain and just as I realized who he was I reached for the taser my roommate gave me. Then a moment of prudence struck me... I couldn't take Bane on with a taser and a thousand Stormtroopers!!! I put the taser back and allowed myself be pushed toward the rest of the hostages. Then I pulled out a netbook from the sudden backpack that appeared on my back and emailed my roommate who was waiting outside: "Stuck in bank. Hostage to Bane." Then the bank's intercom system filled the room with music. A song that sounded familiar... it was my roommate's phone's alarm! Then took a deep breath and woke up.

I think this is the first time I ever have such a geeky dream. Well, one that I can remember fully. I find it strange that the dream incorporated stuff from TDKR and SW since I am not that big a fan of either franchise. I like them, but not to be dreaming about it. Plus, the co-worker that suddendly arrived is someone I don't frequent with that much. Either way, hope you had fun reading about my adventure in dream-world.

Any dream interpreters out there?

-- Geo (sora_thekey) 24/7 geek! -- Follow me on Twitter: @Geo_sorathekey