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WMG Dispute Over?

Not to long ago, I made a Superboy AMV with Linkin Park's "What I've Done" because it seem to be alot like the Kid's story from birth, Cadmus, Young Justice, Teen Titan, death, and rebirth. I worked for almost whole year, i would posted it soone rutnil I found out the due to an error in the music, I couldn't finalize the video. When I did manage to offically finish the Comic Music Video and posted it on YouTube, it was muted due to WGM. That really ticked me off. I left it on there so I can embedded the video with a AMV with the same music (only not muted). But about an hour ago, I got a comment on my video, when I went to my video to mae a reply. Surprise, surprise, the music PLAYED! It played. It happen once before, only to a glitch. This time is could be the same thing. So, to test this. I shall post it here. Enjoy it if you can hear it. And please Rate and Review.