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Saesee Tiin Respect Thread

Saesee Tiin is an almost reclusive Jedi Master and one of the Order's supreme duelists and pilots. 

As with other EU respect threads, however, this will be different in that comics are not the only source material for Star Wars. To represent Saesee's capabilities, I will be posting plenty of comic scans but also quoting novels and sourcebooks. For those of you who are hazy on Star Wars knowledge, let me explain a few things first.
1. Just in case this needs to be said, EU is Expanded Universe. Basically, EU Star Wars is all information and material separate from the movies as well as the movies themselves. This includes TV shows, comics, novels, video games, etc.
2. To understand canonicity in Star Wars continuity, there are five canon classes.

  • G-Canon- (George Lucas Canon). This is the highest canon class. It includes only the movies and material pertaining to them.
  • T-Canon- (Television Canon). This is the second highest canon class and includes any information provided in TV shows. This includes Star Wars The Clone Wars, as an example.
  • C-Canon- (Continuity Canon). This is the basic canon. This includes everything else that is confirmed to be in continuity, i.e., novels, comics, sourcebooks/handbooks, video games, etc.
  • S-Canon- (Secondary Canon). This is essentially any information that has yet to be confirmed as canon. It should only be mentioned in the context that there is a chance a given piece of information could be non-canon.
  • N-Canon- (Non Canon). Self-explanatory.
3. As I said above, I will be quoting novels and sourcebooks. I will have no scans of pages from novels or sourcebooks. Instead, I will take a section from a book, quote it, and list what the source material is.
4. For those of you who may be skeptical about my using sourcebooks/handbooks as a legitimate source of information, understand that Star Wars source/handbooks have a much better level of credibility than Marvel handbooks, for instance. In comparison with the comic or novel that a certain section may be based on, Star Wars handbooks and sourcebooks tend to be extremely accurate and are often re-released every few years with updated information. Facts provided in sourcebooks are C-Canon.
Having gone through all that (hopefully it all makes sense), respect Tiin.
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Saesee Tiin's strength in the Force was among the greatest of the Jedi.

Saesee's flying practise also helped to hone his Force abilities. By the time he arrived at the Jedi Temple, he was already adept at channeling his Force connection. As he progressed in the Order, he was acknowledged as having one of the strongest Force abilities of all the Jedi.

--Taken from The Official Star Wars Fact File #114

Force Telekinesis is a power through which a Force sensitive can move, contort, and control matter for a variety of effects, ranging from constructive purposes to destructive ones.

Saesee mentions that he telekinetically threw a battle droid four kilometers.

He redirects a homing missile mid-flight.

Tiin lifts an immense droid part and crushes a combat machine with it.

Force Telepathy is a power through which Force sensitives can read, communicate, and manipulate thoughts. Empathy is a power through which Force sensitives can read, communicate, and manipulate emotions.

As an Iktotchi, Tiin has a natural affinity for telepathic abilities.

This telepathic Iktotchi from Iktotch, the moon of Iktotchon, was trained by Master Omo Bouri, the great Wol Cabbashite who orchestrated the Treaty of Tramis.

--Taken from The New Essential Guide to Characters

He enhances a telepathic channel between Plo and Sha Koon.

In the Great Holocron, Saesee inscribes a recording where he states that he can use Telepathy to sense his opponent's moves in a fight, project his own thoughts, isolate his brain waves, intercept thoughts, communicate across space, discern lies, and probe memories.

"When I was a Padawan, many of my fellow students believed that my inherited telepathic abilities gave me an unfair advantage in my education. It is true that I never had difficulty in communicating my thoughts or comprehending the thoughts of others, but I do not believe that this made my education any easier. For unlike my peers, I was a natural receiver of thoughts, a condition that I—not then able to organize incoming thoughts or consistently contain my own deliberations—often considered a hindrance at times, an embarrassment. I will not share details, but allow you to imagine. Had I been raised on Iktotch, where societies are designed to accommodate telepaths, my circumstances still would have been awkward, for my Force sensitivity would have set me apart.
I did my best to seal off my mind from others. I found that I could home in on the minds of specific beings if I maintained eye contact. I also learned to incorporate my abilities during a fight.
In combat, telepaths do have a distinct edge. Even if one fights by instinct and reflex, most cannot stop themselves from emitting monosyllabic thoughts that project their next movement. During my training bouts at the Jedi Temple, my opponents unwittingly revealed their every move, allowing me that crucial fraction of a moment that enabled me to be the one who would remain standing. Understandably, my fellow Jedi students began to keep their distance.
I came to the attention of the Jedi Master Omo Bouri, a Wol Cabbashite who, for reasons I could not fathom, selected me as his Padawan. I had never encountered a Wol Cabbashite before. Master Omo's cognitive brain, as opposed to the one that controlled his digestive tasks, was so highly evolved and alien from mine that his musings were often indecipherable. To communicate, he used phonemic pulses of energy with syntactic contours in a magnetic field that he exuded and controlled with his tongue. At first, I couldn't understand his thoughts or a single word he said. It was a most refreshing experience.
I'd thought I knew more than I needed to know about telepathy, but Master Omo showed me that I was wrong. He showed me how to use the Force to isolate my own brain waves, intercept stray thoughts, and screen dozens of minds at once. How to whisper across space, yell without noise, keep secrets, and sift through layer of lies and buried memories to uncover the truth. How to seek out information from the stars themselves, allowing one to astrogate a starship through lightspeed without a nav computer.
What's more, he taught me the meaning of conviction and dedication to the Jedi Order.
What path might my life had taken had not Omo Bouri chosen me as his Padawan? I do not care to speculate, for I am certain any other path would have been far less engaging. And I would have been less of a Jedi."

--Taken from Jedi vs Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force

Saesee appears to read Qui-Gon's mind regarding the Living Force.

"I'm not worried, Masters," Obi-Wan said good-naturedly. "I'm only thinking forward." He waited for Qui-Gon to offer some piece of wisdom regarding the living Force, but for once his Master kept silent.
"Right you are to think forward, Padawan," Yaddle told him. "Deal lightly with matters of consequence, and decisively with those of little consequence. Difficult it is to face a crisis and solve it gently, if not resolved beforehand you are, for uncertainty will impede your efforts. When comes the time, thinking forward allows you to deal lightly."
Her big eyes shifted to favor Qui-Gon. "Agree do you, Qui-Gon?" 
He bowed his head. "As you say, Master."
Diagonally across the table from Yaddle, Saesee Tiin glanced up and smiled, as if reading Qui-Gon's thoughts.

--Taken from Cloak of Deception

Farsight, Vision, and Sense are Force powers that allow the user to peer into the future, gain clairvoyant information, detect life, and perceive all surroundings, among other uses. 

Iktotchi have the ability to peer into the future. 

Old Republic scouts discovered the Iktotchi some 3,500 years before the Battle of Yavin—and were surprised to find the Iktotchi were waiting for them. Members of this species had an innate form of precognition that allowed them to foresee that the scout ship was coming several weeks before it actually arrived.

--Taken from The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

All Iktotchi possess a natural gift of low-grade precognition. For most of them, it manifests itself in prophetic dreams that predict events that will shape the lives of millions. Most Iktotchi are unable to control when they have precognitive visions, but instead receive them as particularly vivid dreams or daydreams.

--Taken from the Power of the Jedi Sourcebook

Tiin is renowned for his foresight.

Saesee Tiin was also one of the few Jedi Masters who never took a Padawan. He served on the Jedi Council at the time of the Battle of Naboo, and was known for his foresight and his ability to foresee the future.

--Taken from The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

Tiin and Ki-Adi-Mundi stretch out their Force senses to detect disturbances.

In that quarter of the hall designated for the Coruscant delegation, Masters Tiin and Ki-Adi-Mundi were snaking among the seats, open to the slightest disturbances in the Force.

--Taken from Cloak of Deception

Instinctive Astrogation
Instinctive Astrogation allows a Force user to sense safe routes through space. 

Tiin is capable of forgoing use of a nav computer and instead relies on the Force to plot courses through hyperspace, which he states he learned from his Master Omo Bouri.

Each Jedi connects to the Force in his or her own way, and Tiin's Force abilities allowed him to focus his thoughts to control his starfighter even while traveling through hyperspace. While flying at lightspeed, Tiin had no need of a nav computer. He increased the Sharp Spiral's performance by taking hyperspace shortcuts and flying dangerously close to mass shadows.

--Taken from The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels

"How to seek out information from the stars themselves, allowing one to astrogate a starship through lightspeed without a nav computer.
What's more, he taught me the meaning of conviction and dedication to the Jedi Order."

--Taken from Jedi vs Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force

Force Speed allows the user to accelerate their movements, reflexes, thought processes, and perceptions. Force Valor augments a Force practitioner's strength and resolve.

Saesee smashes a droid's head with an elbow strike. 

He casually throws a person across a room.

Tiin applies leverage on a pole to stop a moving speeder he is tied to and then the breaks ropes binding his arms. 

He carries a person with one arm while blocking blaster bolts with his lightsaber.

The two judicials who had fought beside Tiin were wounded. The Iktotchi carried one of them under his left arm, while he continued to divert bolts with the lightsaber clutched in his right hand.

--Taken from Cloak of Deception

He runs quickly enough to move in the path of three blaster bolts flying alongside one another.

Saesee and Agen Kolar deflect several blaster bolts.

He moves his blade in a blur as he reflects fire from half a dozen shooters.

Not far away, Saesee Tiin led another pair of judicials in a charge against a half a dozen terrorists entrenched in a narrow alley between two of the pyramids, his blade a blur of cobalt as it parried bolts and sent blasters flying from outstretched hands.

--Taken from Cloak of Deception

Along with Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ki-Adi-Mundi, Saesee swings his lightsaber fast enough to produce a shield as he parries blaster bolts.

Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Tiin, and Ki-Adi-Mundi surged from the pyramid entrance, engaging the terrorists that had driven them back. A quarter of the way across the immense plaza, the Jedi spread out in a wedge formation, their constantly moving blades fending off blaster bolts loosed from ahead and to either side. Behind the energy barrier fashioned by the lightsabers, Yaddle, Depa, Vergere, and two of the judicials raced out to divert fire from the rear.

--Taken from Cloak of Deception


Saesee Tiin is one of the Order's best duelists.

Most of the Jedi are deployed on distant worlds, but Mace manages to assemble a trio of celebrated swordmasters to assist him in arresting Palpatine: Agen Kolar, a Zabrak known among the Jedi to strike first and ask questions later; Saesee Tiin, a solitary Iktotchi who has never chosen a Padawan learner; and Kit Fisto, Nautolan master of Form 1 lightsaber technique, who distinguished himself on Geonosis and Mon Calamari, and who partnered Mace in battling Grievous on Coruscant.

--Taken from The Complete Visual Dictionary

Mace Windu stood in the darkened comm center of Jedi Command, facing a life-sized holoscan of Yoda, projected from a concealed Wookiee comm center in the heart of a wroshyr tree on Kashyyyk.
"Minutes ago," Mace said, "we received confirmation from Utapau: Kenobi was successful. Grievous is dead."
"Time it is to execute our plan."
"I will personally deliver the news of Grievous's death." Mace flexed his hands. "It will be up to the Chancellor to cede his emergency powers back over to the Senate."
"Forget not the existence of Sidious. Anticipate your action, he may. Masters will be necessary, if the Lord of the Sith you must face."
"I have chosen four of our best. Master Tiin, Master Kolar, and Master Fisto are all here, in the Temple. They are preparing already."
"What about Skywalker? The chosen one."
"Too much of a risk," Mace replied. "I am the fourth."

Shaak Ti felt him coming before she could see him. The infra-and ultrasound-sensitive cavities in the tall, curving montrals to either side of her head gave her a sense analogous to touch: the texture of his approaching footsteps was ragged as old sacking. As he rounded the corner to the landing deck door, his breathing felt like a pile of gravel and his heartbeat was spiking like a Zabrak's head. He didn't look good, either; he was deathly pale, even for a human, and his eyes were raw. 
"Anakin," she said warmly. Perhaps a friendly word was what he needed; she doubted he'd gotten many from Mace Windu. "Thank you for what you have done. The Jedi Order is in your debt—the whole galaxy, as well." 
"Shaak Ti. Get out of my way." 
Shaky as he looked, there was nothing unsteady in his voice: it was deeper than she remembered, more mature, and it carried undertones of authority that she had never heard before. And she was not blind to the fact he had neglected to call her 
She put forth a hand, offering calming energies through the Force. "The Temple is sealed, Anakin. The door is code-locked." 
"And you're in the way of the pad." 
She stepped aside, allowing him to the pad; she had no reason to keep him here against his will. He punched the code hungrily. "If Palpatine retaliates," she said reasonably, "is not your place here, to help with our defense?" 
"I'm the 
chosen one. My place is there." His breathing roughened, and he looked as if he was getting even sicker. "I have to be there. That's the prophecy, isn't it? I have to be there—" 
"Anakin, why? The Masters are the best of the Order. What can you possibly do?"

--Taken from Revenge of the Sith

Saesee Tiin vs Mace Windu. Tiin and Mace have an even sparring match with one another.


Tiin has the knowledge to document information in holocrons, as he did with the Great Holocron to discuss Telepathy and Darth Maul's craft, the Scimitar

"When I was a Padawan, many of my fellow students believed that my inherited telepathic abilities gave me an unfair advantage in my education. It is true that I never had difficulty in communicating my thoughts or comprehending the thoughts of others, but I do not believe that this made my education any easier. For unlike my peers, I was a natural receiver of thoughts, a condition that I—not then able to organize incoming thoughts or consistently contain my own deliberations—often considered a hindrance at times, an embarrassment. I will not share details, but allow you to imagine. Had I been raised on Iktotch, where societies are designed to accommodate telepaths, my circumstances still would have been awkward, for my Force sensitivity would have set me apart.
I did my best to seal off my mind from others. I found that I could home in on the minds of specific beings if I maintained eye contact. I also learned to incorporate my abilities during a fight.
In combat, telepaths do have a distinct edge. Even if one fights by instinct and reflex, most cannot stop themselves from emitting monosyllabic thoughts that project their next movement. During my training bouts at the Jedi Temple, my opponents unwittingly revealed their every move, allowing me that crucial fraction of a moment that enabled me to be the one who would remain standing. Understandably, my fellow Jedi students began to keep their distance.
I came to the attention of the Jedi Master Omo Bouri, a Wol Cabbashite who, for reasons I could not fathom, selected me as his Padawan. I had never encountered a Wol Cabbashite before. Master Omo's cognitive brain, as opposed to the one that controlled his digestive tasks, was so highly evolved and alien from mine that his musings were often indecipherable. To communicate, he used phonemic pulses of energy with syntactic contours in a magnetic field that he exuded and controlled with his tongue. At first, I couldn't understand his thoughts or a single word he said. It was a most refreshing experience.
I'd thought I knew more than I needed to know about telepathy, but Master Omo showed me that I was wrong. He showed me how to use the Force to isolate my own brain waves, intercept stray thoughts, and screen dozens of minds at once. How to whisper across space, yell without noise, keep secrets, and sift through layer of lies and buried memories to uncover the truth. How to seek out information from the stars themselves, allowing one to astrogate a starship through lightspeed without a nav computer.
What's more, he taught me the meaning of conviction and dedication to the Jedi Order.
What path might my life had taken had not Omo Bouri chosen me as his Padawan? I do not care to speculate, for I am certain any other path would have been far less engaging. And I would have been less of a Jedi."

"Greetings, Master Yoda. The vehicle that delivered the Sith Lord to Naboo has been secured. It does not surprise me that the ship was designed to kill intruders, but given its contents, it seems strange that it did not self-destruct when its own failed to return.
The ship's exterior bears a striking resemblance to an experimental Sienar Design Systems armed star courier, but every aspect of the vessel is either heavily modified or prototypical. It is equipped with a built-in cloaking device, and I've confirmed that the device is fueled by stygium crystals. Various weapons and devices indicate Sith technology.
All the ship's records have been wiped clean. I have found nothing to identify the Sith Lord slain by Obi-Wan. Although I have disabled the ships weapons, I am compelled to say that it still poses a great danger, and I recommend that this vessel be placed in the Jedi Council's care.
That ship is alive with the dark side. Master Yoda, I can feel it clinging to my robes. And worse, it still tempts me, calling me back with promises of fantastic journeys to the far reaches of the galaxy."

--Taken from Jedi vs Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force

Saesee is also one of the Order's foremost pilots.

Early in his training, Saesee Tiin displayed an exceptional talent for piloting starships. He could push any ship to its maximum potential.

--Taken from the Power of the Jedi Sourcebook

But even among the Jedi, the piloting prowess of Iktotchi Jedi Master Saesee Tiin remains unrivaled.

--Taken from The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels

It is recounted that Saesee received his own personal starfighter, the Sharp Spiral.

Although Jedi avoid personal possessions, Saesee Tiin cherished the Sharp Spiral. He receivd the SoruSuub Cutlass-9 patrol starfighter from grateful Duros diplomats after he rescued their convoy from pirates. The vehicle was competent from the start, but Tiin drastically redesigned the craft to suit his own unique abilities. He removed the starship's deflector shields to make room for a handcrafted hyperdrive and later replaced the vehicle's blaster cannons with military-grade lasers confiscated from a Hutt arms dealer. A small proton torpedo launcher was concealed beneath the starfighter.

--Taken from The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels

Of all Saesee's epic acts of bravery and skill, none can surpass those he achieved in his own specialized starfighter, the Sharp Spiral. Saesee had been awarded the Soro-Suub Cutlass-9 patrol fighter by a group of grateful Duros diplomats after the Jedi had saved them from space pirates. Due to his skills, Saesee was permitted to keep the gift and immediately set about modifying it. The already superb performance of the ship was improved to levels that matched Saesee's skills.

--Taken from The Official Star Wars Fact File #114

He escapes enemy fighters by engaging the ship's hyperdrive briefly to fly through a planet.

Tiin can fly nearly any vessel even without prior experience with it.

Over time, after Force training under the guidance of Jedi Master Omo Bouri, Tiin could instinctively fly virtually any craft. He was known in the Republic military as an excellent dogfighter, but was also something of a loner who preferred solitary contemplation over crowded meetings.

--Taken from The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

Tiin is noted for having defeated three battle cruisers by himself.

It was in the Sharp Spiral that Master Saesee Tiin performed one of his most famous deeds. For some years, Saesee had established close links with a group of independent conscience-fighters called Freedom's Sons. The group fought for liberty and were usually allies of the Republic. However, when a faction within Freedom's Sons became corrupt, Saesee set out to apprehend them.
It was an unbalanced fight—Saesee in the
Sharp Spiral and the rogue Freedom's Sons members in three battleships. Despite outgunning Saesee many times over, the renegades could not land a single shot on the Sharp Spiral, so fast did it fly. With cool calm, Saesee went about destroying the shields, engines and weapons systems of all three ships. He then left the ships stranded for Republic forces to pick up.

--Taken from The Official Star Wars Fact File #114

The Sharp Spiral's most dramatic mission pitted the starfighter against three warships piloted by rogue members of the Freedom's Sons. Although the Sharp Spiral lacked deflector shields, Tiin was able to fly rings around the trained soldiers. With Jedi precision, he destroyed every key component on the warships, including the deflector shield generators and control towers. The disabled ships were left floating in space until Republic authorities arrived to arrest the mercenaries.

--Taken from The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels

Master Tiin once single-handedly defeated three battle cruisers in his personal starfighter, the Sharp Spiral (a gift from a grateful diplomat).

--Taken from the Power of the Jedi Sourcebook