
Face My Fears

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The Awakening

40 light years from earth

The alien spaceship drifted into space, there was no fuel, there was no power, it just moved throughout the asteroid field following the flow of traffic. In this lonely vacuum of space, there was this spacecraft; inside this spacecraft was Ziccarra Liafador. She had survived the supernova through the grace of her own mind.


Planet Valkrum, Thega

“The Princess looks ever graceful today doesn’t she” the high priest said, to the guards watching as she fought four competitors at one time. “You’re ever persistent aren’t you my Princess” Roman said sending his blade towards Z’s chest plate. “If you spent your energy focusing on attacking me, instead of talking you’d have hit me by now” she said pushing her hands forward and allowing her Psy energy to plow directly through his chest plate knocking him down.

Z placed her sword at his neck, as the tip of her blade lay perpendicular to his Adams apple; she activated her Psy-energy. “If I were the enemy…you’d be headless” she said, retracting her blade and sheathing it. “Your skills grow stronger each and everyday milady” The High Priest said, moving to where the Princess stood.  “I wish that were true of my competition” she said, glancing at the wounded warriors on the ground before her.

“You’re the best fighter in all of Thega” the High Priest said again. “I’m not sure that I want to participate in, any strongest warrior contest.”  Z said, tossing her towel around her neck and heading back in towards the palace. “W-why would you say that?” the High Priest said, shocked at Z’s revelation. “I just want to be normal” Z said removing her top heading into the lavatory.  As she undressed behind the silhouette shade, the high priest followed. “I don’t know my own people, I don’t know my history” she said slowly slipping her underwear off.

“Oh well why didn’t you just ask, A long time ago; there existed two tribes…The Shia and the Yet’s.  The Shia was led by, a beautiful woman named Aryll. It was through her that peace ruled over the country of Thega.  After a prosperous run, Aryll fell sick, a man named Kain from the Yet tribe took over as the leader of Thega.  While leading the country, Thega fell prone to attacks from the creatures in the darkness; Kain was powerless to fight them. Seeing her people in need, Aryll gave Kain permission to consummate her, so that he would inherit the power of her body.  Using this power Kain defeated the creatures from the darkness, and thus you were conceived.”

The High Priest said rubbing his long beard as he watched the young princess, place her clothes back on. “That was a very Enlightening story….Enlightening, and yet boring” Z said, intentionally trying to anger the High Priest.  “You’ll never be Queen with the attitude!” The High Priest said following closely behind the young Princess. “I don’t want to entertain suitors, I damn sure don’t want to be a Queen” she said standing on the balcony looking out into the menagerie.

“I want to be myself” Z said constructing a psy-sword and swiping it into the air. “I watch these girls’ go out day after day, getting all beautiful just because…” she said making a fist with her hand watching as the Psy energy engulfed her knuckles.

“M’lady…you’re the most powerful woman in the Valkrum system, you too can do these things!” the High Priest said sitting next to the woman he called his own child. “Please…call me Ziccarra” she said, pushing her hair behind her ears.  “Ziccarra…I know this isn’t the life you would’ve chosen for yourself, however soon you will be the leader and you can do whatever you want.

“Can I tell you something?” she said, clinging to her leg, as the other dangled over the balcony.  “I’ve been watching our sun for some time… I think something’s wrong with it”. “Something like what?” he said still rubbing his long goatee.

“When matched up against the suns in the surrounding systems, ours appears to be several years older. Secondly the star that went supernova, over in the Zecht system was the same age, size and had the same tectonic activates ours” She said, giving the High Priest a stern look. “What can we do?” he said believing in Z without a doubt. “I must go to the Sun, that’s our only hope of saving our world” she said, watching her beautiful tiger walk around the Menagerie.

“When are you going?” He said, still rubbing his goatee. “I’m going ASAP” she said, getting up off the edge of the balcony.  “And by that I mean first thing in the morning” she said, sending him a faint smile. The HP always drew emotion from her, she walked the long corridor to her bed and snuggled in soundly, a few moments after she got in bed, she was sleep.

Start the Conversation


“Looks like those Lawmakers have finally lost it” Blair said watching a special on TV; though she was a member of the newly formed Future Champions, she took some time to get herself together. A thick darkness moved over the tower showering the room in an ill-omened darkness.  “I can hear you Imari” Blair said eating her popcorn. Imari was the newest member of the Champions; she preferred to live the dark and gloomy lifestyle as opposed to anything else. From the darkest corner of the room she emerged. “How come you’re here by yourself?” Blair asked curiously. She didn’t expect the young girl to answer back given her inability to speak English. Imari just stood there watching; the feeling she was giving off began to creep Blair out. “If you want you can sit here with me” this happened to be a rather bold move seeing as how Imari was typically a disturbing entity to be around; however Blair knew she just needed a friend.

Through the darkness the young lass trekked revealing she did at least have a personality; wearing a pair of Grey and Blue Jordan’s, with some Denim jeans with a white halter top and a grey jacket. “Wow Imari, I’ve never seen you outside of your cowl” Imari just stood there, rubbing the edges of her penny. Eventually she took a seat next to Blair and began watching the T.V. “Popcorn?” Blair asked handing Imari the bowl; the young teen glanced at the bowl for a brief second and then turned back towards the television.

“Ba..Ba.. ba..” she made sounds that didn’t make any sense to Blair, it was almost as if she were trying to say something. “Are you trying to tell me something?” Blair asked turning down the T.V so she could hear Imari. “Ba..lay..air” Imari said again; this time Blair was actually able to make out what she was saying. “IMARI! You said my name” Blair responded with a huge smile. Flipping past a few channels, the news was continuing coverage of the Utopian Civil War; a war that was going to be between super humans.  “I don’t like what’s going on over there” she said glancing at Imari, The young girl was looking at the TV with a paralyzing stare as if she knew what we’re going to happen.

“The President has issued an Executive Order for the first time since the 1960’s; the provisions listed in the order states that Any Super Human or Super Human Advance that is registered as a S.H.A in Solace City must turn themselves in or the U.S Military will forcefully escort them to these internment camps”

“CAMPS?” Blair said looking confused, “I’m pretty sure that’s not constitutional” she said turning the T.V up to get a better understanding.  “Wait a second…” Blair said remembering that Sicily was SHA X. “Sicily is in trouble” Blair said out loud turning to Imari. “Imari?” Blair said learning the young girl had vanished almost into thin air. “I’ve got to help Sicily…” Blair said running to her room to suit up. Sicily and Blair had been friends for a long time; they were both in the very first Vine Titans team. Sicily left to do her thing in Solace City but the two stayed in touch over the years. Activating her sound wings she flew off in search for Sicily. “That Law just went into effect, it might be too late” Blair thought trying to think about possible places Sicily would be.  As she flew over the Datonville skyline a huge wave of panic resounded from the city beneath her.

Dive bombing down into the city, it didn’t take her long at all to see what the problem was. “A 20 foot gorilla?” she said flying right pass it’s head. “It’s Apesha” Sicily said appearing behind Blair, who had landed on a building. “There’s an Ape Sha?” Blair said in disbelief. “It’s a long story…however this is a trap to lure the Sha’s to this area” Sicily said taking out her Echosphere.  “A trap you’re planning to go into” Blair said completely disagreeing with Sicily’s decision. “It’s going to kill innocent people” Sicily said turning her Echosphere on. “The moment you activate that Echosphere you will be a target, Sicily don’t you get it…your innocent” Blair said trying to pled with Sicily. “Sha-up” Sicily said no even listening to Blair. A bright light entranced both Sicily and Blair, when it subsided Sicily emerged in a metallic body with a huge red V on her face. “Well if you’re going, I’m coming too!” she said with a confident smirk on her face.

The emergence of Sha X caused the rouge Ape Sha to promptly fire upon the building; opening its mouth it fired a colossal energy beam at the building. “CRAPPPPP!” Blair said flying out of the way, the building shattered like glass creating a huge curtain of dust and debris.  “You always wanted to team up with me, here’s your chance Blair” Sha said smirking under her helmet. “No hun, your teaming with me” Blair responded sending a paralyzing sonic blast at the Ape. The sound scorched the streets, but only managed to make the Ape angrier. The beast slammed its hand down trying to smash Blair; She didn’t know where it was going to land so, she backed up and cast a sonic shield. The huge upheaval of Earth still knocked her to the ground. Even though Blair was downed, Sicily used this to her advantage. Running up the arm of Ape Sha, she planned on doing some serious damage; ejecting her wrist blades she dug them deep into the skin of the Ape. The Ape growled in pain and quickly shook Sicily off; the velocity at which she was thrown sent her spiraling into the air.  “Crap crap Crap!” she screamed only to be caught by Blair; “Thanks” She said grateful.

“Alright Sis, let’s put something together, you attack close and I’ll get it from afar” Blair said dropping Sicily off on another building.  The great thing about this situation was that most of the people in the city evacuated when the Ape appeared; this reduced the chance of deaths.  “Let’s get it!” Sicily said turning into a ball and began rolling at the Ape taking its attention; Blair took this time and used another sonic screech to render the Ape senseless for a few moments.  Sicily jammed both of her blades into the side of the Ape, but this did nothing but pinch the beast.

“How the hell are we going to beat this?” Blair said feeling overwhelmed.  The beast continued to bellow in the streets showing no sign of stopping its tirade.  “I kind of wish we had a banana” Sicily said standing next to Blair just glancing at the beast. “That’s not going to work” Blair said giving Sicily a still face. “Not for the Monkey…I’m hungry” she said rubbing her stomach.  Blair smiled and shook her head; giving Ape Sha her full attention; “You guys don’t have some type of directory as to what Sha is weak to What?” Blair asked still trying to take the beast down.

“I don’t thin…” before she finished the sentence, all the air around them began to get sucked into the mouth of the giant ape. “Man I’m so glad I took out that insurance policy” Sicily said watching as the monster fired a blast that was as wide as the street. Blair stepped up trying to concentrate her sonic energy into a shield one that would protect both her and Sicily. The petrifying blast engulfed the whole block igniting it instantly into a loud explosion.  Blair’s shield held through the worst of the blast but it couldn’t hold long enough.

Both Blair and Sicily lay in the middle of the street broken from the attack. “I-I told you to stay out of this…” Sicily said barley being able to lift her head up. “I wasn’t going to allow you to fight this thing by yourself” Blair replied.

Blair managed to pick herself up off the ground; the destruction the beast caused was gruesome. “Damnit... we have to stop this thing” She said holding her right shoulder. Sicily whom was protected by her armor stood next to Blair trying to keep her friend up. The beast bellowed again and this time charged those head up. “awww come on give us a break!” Sicily said. “I got an idea!” Blair said flying over to a downed power line. “Blair it’s going to fire again!” Sicily said worried for her friend.  The beasts kept its mouth open ready to fire its energy wave again; Blair took the electrical wire and jammed it into the roof of the beast mouth shocking it massively. As the beast through a fit; Blair fired another high pitched scream that rendered it stupid again. “And now for the final!” Sicily said running up and spring boarding to the monsters chest; pulling her wrist blades back out she jammed them into the heart of the Ape killing it on impact.

The beast let out a bellow and fell to its death. “Why didn’t Ziccarra just come to fight it?” Blair said wiping blood from her arms. “You didn’t hear? Ziccarra is dead, She’s the reason Ninjeta exploded” Sicily explained. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN DEAD? AND NINJETA DESTORYED?!” Blair said almost screaming it. Sicily stood there just shaking her head; she wanted to say something but she still understood so little.

Kelly’s senses heightened as she looked  from  inside the battled scarred building, the dilapidated building had seen its glory days, every step Kelly took, and she could hear the banshee like screech coming from the decade old floor boards. She walked cautiously into the dusty abyss, even though she was doing the hunting, she was also being the hunted. When two top predators in the animal kingdom stalk the same territory, they fight/ kill each other to see whom is the stronger race, after the initial fight a precedent is set. “It is the role of the Gator to know where the Shark’s territory begins”

She had been activated, and given an order by her superior to kill, Sicily Boss if the beast didn’t get the job done. As Kelly continued walking through the void, she heard something, looking up to see nothing; she felt the disgusting sting of Honor Legend’s blades eating though her arm and tendons.  Her flesh had slid directly off her “Bone” revealing a hard metal under layer; even Kelly was surprised at this development. She rolled to the far side of the room holding her bloody arm. Kelly looked across the room to see…nothing. She looked behind her to see… nothing. In just one instant it was like God turned a light switch on. Imari appeared in Kelly’s face releasing a barrage of attack, the brass glove bounced off Kelly’s nose knocking it up causing an avalanche of blood.

Ducking backwards Kelly was able to dodge a weird sounding left hand punch from Imari; she had to take a min to get her mind together.  Kelly did a suicide roll to the left, to avoid being kicked in the chest. She came to a rolling stop, with a cut arm, a bloody nose and a bloody waist; she rose to her feet however, smiling.

The rattling of the chains alerted Kelly of Imari’s aerial position; Kelly smiled and removed Tyranny from its holster, she removed a few pieces on the gun and then looked up at Kelly. “I cannot fight an opponent on their grounds, for I shall be handicapped, however, since the circumstances are favorable, I’ll need to modify my plans.” Kelly said in an almost monotone voice.

Imari had been tracking Blair the whole time; when she found out they were fighting the Ape she originally opted to help; but then saw Kelly lurking in the shadows.

Kelly walked around the room slowly, knocking on the beams of the wooden interior, glancing back she smiled; so bright that Imari could see. She took aim at the wooden beams and began to shoot them one by one. The Bullet’s smashed through the wooden pillars, causing the building to let out a huge moan.

Kelly shot the last lateral support beam and made a mad dash for the hole that they had entered, she had caused the buildings support system to fail, and it was time this blemish known as Honor Legend disappeared with the building she stalked.

Both Blair and Sicily heard the clasping building from behind them and quickly took defensive positions. Once the wreckage cleared they both saw the paralyzing stare from Imari on top of the rubble.  “IMARI?!” Blair said running over to her. “Imari?” Sicily said confused. “This is Honor Legend” Blair said smiling whilst holding her arms. “This is weird; thought Honor Legend was a myth…” Boss said extending her hand to shake. Imari repelled Sicily with a paralyzing stare; and then presented the Empire’s crest to Blair.

“What’s this?” Blair asked trying to get a good look at the crest. “It’s a crest that belongs to the Lethal Weapons; it would seem that this…Law is being enforced by the Weapons.” Sicily said still with her focus on the crest. “Well…at least it isn’t the Green Dragons” Blair said being propped up by Imari.

New York City.

“I don’t think the “S.H.A’s” as we are calling them should be arrested just because of the disorder happening in the Middle East; The truth of the matter is they are entitled to the same rights as every other American Citizen” Claire responded rather passionate about the S.H.A law. The gorgeous women walked away from the reporter heading into the Fashion show.  She walked swiftly and with a purpose, mainly not to attract the attention of to many GWC’s.  As she walked through the lobby there were multiple prestigious photographers in attendance; taking a brief pause she stopped and turned in a pretty basic 3/4 stance.  Although she was here as just a judge for aspiring new models, she had the weird suspicion of a bad night.

S.H.A WAR: Claire Bennett  



“You’ll be hunted down, collected, killed, and used all for the purpose to perpetuate a war between these S.H.A’s. The war isn’t whats on my mind…it’s the aftermath- Alistar Liafador

“That maybe Ziccarra, but the War between the Humans…is only a pre-cursor to the war on the horizon, ask your friend Maya what I’m talking about IF you manage to make it out” (Sha #1)

The Reality “M” fiasco ended with setting the status for Maya during the present day; what the event actually did was eradicate her former emotional structure and create a new one. In that she and Marc have revitalized their relationship and she now has the role of Supreme Chancellor of the Ninjans however… a War is still on the horizon. (Shattered Psyche of Maya Lopez)

They are all over this world...some odd 600 of them all designed to bring about the end of this civilization and perpetuate the start of a new one.  I got a memo from myself sometime in the future that said beware for Vine 2030 will not end the way the timeline expects it to be. I'll say it again...You cannot escape the SHA WAR. (A warning from the Devil)

She saw the man with the black hair; leading his legions; she saw the King of Ninjans leading his legions; Utopia was split between two factions now; “The Dark Trinity” Composed of Derekken, Y intercept and Tessa McIntosh; then there was Captain Trojan a man using his powers to seek retribution for his lost wife. “The great Schism” Maya said looking at Sicily. “What?” Marc said interrupting. “There is a S.H.A War brewing…” (Sha #1)

“We still need you…” Maya said hugging Z around the waist.  “There’s a war coming Z, Marc and you won’t be there…” Maya said almost as if she was prophesizing. “Oh I’ll be there; I told you I don’t take any days off” (Clue #1)

“My wife…My home….My people” he said in a teary eyed fit he felt hopeless he had nothing; nothing but the receipt for revenge one he felt he was going to use very soon. “No one will survive this…This SHA ISLAND” (Sha #1)

A long time ago, Ziccarra Liafador crash landed on the planet Earth. Her arrival brought a radiation known as Xechcellum to Earth. The Radiation killed many, but gave a whole host of others Super powers. These beings were to be known as S.H.A’s The S.H.A’s answered to Gwen Lopez for a long time, but finally broke free from her grasp. Years later Ziccarra Liafador father lands on Earth and begins a hostile takeover of the Utopian Empire, his arrival also gave super human abilities. His arrival has affected and shattered many lives.  Humanity now fears for their existence…


 A few months ago

“Humans I have cast judgment!” the thunderous boom from the regal Ninjan King could be heard echoing throughout the city of New Jerusalem. Haven and his wife took refuge on top of the tower of heaven. He had somehow seen this coming in the earlier days that proceeded today. The Ninjan King appeared from nowhere and befriended the people of Utopia. The moment Ziccarra grew close from Rio; he grew violent. Haven tried his hardest to warn the Utopian senate, but this mattered not to them. Now the whole city was subject to torment from the Ninjan King; Haven hated this turn of events. He knew the moment Ziccarra Annexed Greece; that more annexations would follow; Utopia essentially ended up becoming the modern day Mesopotamia. “The Euphrates River… it’s flooding!” He said looking back at his wife Audi. “Haven!” she screamed as the huge tower slowly started to sway being forcefully pushed over by the power of water. “AHHHH” They both screamed clutching on to each other.

From out over the Tower they could see what looked like King Derekken flying en route to confront a blue skinned blonde haired man. Lightening broke the skies in half painting them an apocalyptic red. “I knew it… God is punishing us from pledging our allegiance to these pagans!” Haven yelled out to his wife whom he tried to bear down upon so the swaying tower wouldn’t push her over the edge. Haven had been the biggest critic to the Liafador monarchy, it all started when Ziccarra rebuilt the temple of Jerusalem, that’s when all his suspicious became true; this Utopia was going to be an evil nation. The water slowly began rising; somewhat stabilizing the tower for the time being. “Audi, we have to get down from here!” Haven screamed turning red from his own fear.

He peeked over the side of the tower and what he saw took him by shock; there were hundreds of Utopians fleeing to the skies for salvation. “They’re flying…” he said slowly trying to catch his breath. Then there were those who weren’t lucky enough to get powers; the huge tidal wave took them all in one sweep. “HAVEN!!” Audi screamed from behind him; a super being hit the tower causing it to tip over; Audi was thrown over the railing and dangled from 2400 feet in the air. “AUDI!!!!” he screamed running to her air. Bending over the railing his clasped his wife by the wrist. “Haven…doesn’t let me go…” she screamed with tears coming from her eyes. “Don’t worry baby…I got you…I got you!” He said mustering up his strength trying to pull his wife up. He could feel strength surging through his body; this wasn’t his something was happening.

“Ha...haven!” she screamed noticing something different going on with her husband. He looked disoriented but most importantly his grip was loosening. “Haven I’m slipping” she screamed trying to knock him out of his awkward gaze. A lightning bolt ripped through the skies and hit the tower smashing directly into Haven setting his body on fire. As he screamed in writhing pain; his wife fell 2400 feet only to be swallowed alive by the unforgiving waves of the Euphrates River. Haven moved forward in an effort to save her and fell over the side as well. He plunged all the way down and was too swallowed by the River; however he was quickly pushed down stream by a current. The air from his lungs quickly escaped him and he passed out.

The River deposited him in the Indian Ocean not too far from the southern coastline. The impact woke him from his slumber. He stayed hunched over coughing up a bunch of water. “Nambja…” he said in a disoriented manner. “Audi…” he said still coughing her name as if she was still there. Then the moment hit, and he realized she was gone and it was his fault. He couldn’t keep composure he lost it; with his heavy heart he pounded against the sand and cursed Satan in anger. “She didn’t hurt anyone!” he screamed slamming his fist once again into the ground causing the sand to rip into his flesh. Looking up he could see the capital city of New Jerusalem off in the distance, the skyline lit up from the battle.

“My wife…My home….My people” he said in a teary eyed fit he felt hopeless he had nothing; nothing but the receipt for revenge one he felt he was going to use very soon. “No one will survive this…This SHA ISLAND”

Months later.

The Earth shook rattled by a huge explosion that took place in the heavens. Huge streams of fireballs came raining down from the sky.  Many people fled for cover as the space debris smashed into the Earth. “If you can hear me back at the station; I’ll repeat the PLANET NINJETA has been destroyed!”  The reporter screamed trying to evade the falling debris. “She’s gone…” Maya said glancing up at the huge explosion in space. Though she happened to be just a dupe of the original, she still had all the feelings and temperaments of the original. She could do nothing else but stare into the everlasting Blue horizon watching, and knowing deep down that Ziccarra was gone. Her mother was now dead, Z was now dead; all she had now was Alex. “I’m going to be strong for you…” she said speaking into Alex’s mind as he slept. 

“Let’s get out of here” she said holding her sleeping baby boy en route to Marc’s apartment; that is until something caught her attention.  “I King Derekken of Utopia has learned that there are…disgruntled citizens living in Southern Utopia have begun taking up arms against my throne; In direct retaliation us living here in the Capital of New Jerusalem will declare war on our own brothers!”

The camera cut to a huge field in which thousands of beings stood in formation; dawning the famous Sha “S”. Maya’ pacific blue eyes began to widen at the sight. ‘It’s starting already” Maya said teleporting to Marc’s place.

Placing Alex in his crib, she watched as he began to sleep peacefully with all the things unfolding in the world right now he was the only thing keeping her strong.  As she turned to head into the living room she received a call on her Cellphone. “Maya…” someone said in a panic; her voice was broken and scratchy and she seemed to be in distress. “T-turn on the T.V” Maya went to Marc’s 56” plasma screen TV and turned on C.NN.

“The President has issued an Executive Order for the first time since the 1960’s; the provisions listed in the order states that Any Super Human or Super Human Advance that is registered as a S.H.A in Solace City must turn themselves in or the U.S Military will forcefully escort them to these internment camps”

Maya raised an eyebrow, she was public enemy number one with Ziccarra dead she would be looked at like the leader of the S.H.A’s. “Vanka…stay where you are, I’m coming to you”  she said duplicating again giving the second dupe strict orders to watch Alex.

“I didn’t think this day would come so soon…” she said in flight to Vonka’s home. It was only when she landed in front of Vonka’s home did she realize something was fishy. “I haven’t spoken to any of the L.O.E.S members in 13 years…how does Vonka have my number?”  Taking a moment to stop and think about what she was doing, Maya figured it was a trap.  “The law isn’t in effect yet, so why would she be crying?”

No sooner than Maya lowered her guard she was attacked by Lethal Weapon III. The sadistic killer leapt from the bushes and tackled the blond to the ground with a knife at the throat.  The woman took control of this guard position, but didn’t act on anything like she was awaiting an order. She couldn’t see thanks to the sun however a man with a long blade exited Vonka’s house cleaning what looked like blood from his sword. “RAMSES!” Maya screamed trying to break free. “Kill her, but don’t get happy…it’s just a clone” he said walking past LW3 and Maya. Before the rough blades slit Maya’s throat she sent out a beacon to Sicily Boss; Sicily replied back that she understood and the dupe was used up.

“Who was that?” Blair asked curiously. “I’m sorry to cut our reunion short Blair but…the world Needs Sha X” and with that the 18 year old assassin became one with the night.




I was going to make this into an actual rpg, then i thought about it and changed my mind. However what I am going to do is use your characters (The ones who vouleenter) to fight this Sha War. It'll be a blog post, yall know how i do detailing your characters role in the SHA WAR.  Oh i forgot, you guys can write your own SHA-War story that's fine with me. If you choose to do so let me know.
Any takers


What if

I'm going to borrow, Andy's idea from a while ago and implement it here.

I want to do a series of "What if" Stories; they don't have to be very long, but i'd like it to be interesting!


  • The Story can take place in any place and time (In the real world)
  • The story can take place in any place and time in comics
  • The story can take place in any place and time on the Vine
  • The story can be apart of others Bio's
  • The story cannot be about Manga or Anime
  • The stories will not change the integrity of your characters.

This won't follow any type of order, most will start when me and the participant can think of a good idea.

1. DH (?)

2 Mistress Redhead.

3. Darkchild

4. Marco Smith

5. Clara Mass

6. Claire

7. Longshot

8. CPG

9. Portrait


11. Alexia

12. Richard Wolfe



sarah morganWorld Heavyweight ChampionFalse ProphetShock ValueTaki,Maya LopezNintendo,Veronique_Diaz#1ashanti loganThundershockLethal Weapon IIIWAL Legend Sha,Lethal Weaponzephyr Calor CorazonL.O.V.ERated Sha,Mistress EbonyDr. Shayla AustinHonor_Legend,Jessica FairbanksDelta Sha,TinaGod ShaSupersonic Shasha of the eastdinosha,Spiralshane.Cassie Strong,Vine Titans Westattention whoreMichelle (Sha)Uproar,MetalasisNinjetaSavage ,Kingdom Come Solacemaria lopezYoung ShaGolden Age ShaCarmen LopezThe ninjan nightmareShayla Lopez,PokeshaFarwick CityThe therapist Solace City,PensacolaCheriThe Native shaSha sha.Sha Saturn,Daughters of EveMakiSha volume ISmackdownSha NeptuneMarisol Montez,Murder Inc.Cardinal Prospect,Jessica AceAqua Blue,Yellow Mytho RangerMatina LopezTykiraLethal Weapon VILethal Weapon VMina EsposaNovacaneAlexandria LeSha LopezMikayla Battle,Katie Acro-BatDesiree CelionSigma SolaceMystery ProfileKing Derekken IXThe DuchessNaughty Ultima ShaSheevaTiffany FairbanksNew haven Troops,Majin ShaOmega Sha,Bacteria shaMistletoeCandy CaneStephanie Love,PsychoaSha #223Queen NinjetaSuper Saiyan Sha NovaThe Center of Attention,Voltenthe futureSha SyndromeSharpshooter.,Rameek LopezJlynnanaDen FurThe 5th Amendment,Insurance ShaBlood Type,KASElectron JAWSShayla the terribleQueenPin sha,DownpourLove syndrome,Super Society XShayla Starr,purity WhiteSara Renee DulacSha Prime The ninjan soliderSuper Ninjan Sha,vega.Twilight shamatina,stephanie mcmahoninfinite solaceVerde Cortega,Jessica Lee JamesThe Holy ninjan Empress ShaDenise StoneOmega SinQuantum SolaceLethal Weapon IV,Bianca ValentinoThe Patron Killer shaTorment _Sha,,XanaduExecutionCurrent.,Vanessa traptonMatina lopez- Dunham Trinity Sha,piper.Shadow Sha of fire,Pixie shaKingdom Come Sha,sha (green)kyokoSha 1,000,000HollyBlack Solace,RecessionMistress Gia,Stephanie (sha)XD001 (Chaos black)Insomnian,Shooter Aerial AceShayla OrtegaOlder than nova's characterLord Magnus sha of the southAPE SHAShayla the greatOblivion Sha,Samantha BlakeDivine Sha,Karma Jetstream Jennysha of the westSamore FurishimaDNAQueen starla,Twilight girlKing comicvine,Shannon TwlightAlpha Sha,CosmaCortega INC.super girl.sha plutoSailor Sha,Nicole.sha Mercuryblack widow.Cosmic ShaBruno,Sinclair HioshimaPre Crisis ShaLeaf GreenRachel.Lord shaShaylaradeLeague Of Extordinary Sha'sHarley JonesGrandmaster ShaThe MinistryKelly Peterssha of the northtotodileCollateral ,The Eternal ShaBrave Bird,MalettaPrincess Diamond,Ginger MilesMorthina Fire RedMaravilla OrtegaMia ,Legendary ShaHellen Copper,sha (yellow)Cancer shaThe NinjansFantasy HopwellGina townsShadow sha of Water,Sha (Pink)Utada Nakasume,Vanessa FairbanksShayla SoulHelen ParrCaptain TrojanEdnaDestiny Wilson,Candice NitroY intercept,crimson wingNightshift.Sha,HeadlineMarie JacobsThe Legacysha Prime 1,000,000,Hosef Ramses IISha Blue,Chaos BlackGranny sha,Chaos Black XD3Hayden MilesLook B!tch i'm rick james!Perfect Undisputed ShamandrakeKim Possible,Nova PerezTerrasectsha jupiterThe Sha IndexGeneral ShaCassiaRevelation ,Shaundra SmithThe Death SyndicateLonestar Chaos black form 2Daughter's of EVEFierceProton The super girlMiss LopezSha of Infinite ForeversGwen StarksSuper Saiyan Sha,Kalenuno dos tresSolace,ArticleSHA (BLACK)Platinum Ragesamantha thrace,SHAINASierra Monet Dulac,Janine HeartThe Evolution,Shadow shasweetness,Diego Fang ,jylnnana@live.comQueen BeeSuper NinjanPlatinum ,Cleo Starlingthe gross sistersLimited edition Sha,DamnPrincess Ziccarra LiafadorDeath toll,December.Fatale Nakasuke,AsuanaJames.Joan Hidle,TashatakaJLynnXASHSha venusRadiation shaThe scarlet ninjanSerenadade,LUXRAYOcho Cinco,GigantaTa'lasha FuryAtomic Sherryawesomeholy ninjan empress shaNoelBlue Ranger.Shadow Sha of EarthPlatinum AssassinSha MarsSabrinaLibra shaThe Moving Ninjan EmpireJoan HildeZyternsha uranus,Sabelline Ingrid CortezShayla el zorro astutoSha

Despicable Me

Over the course of my time here I've been aligned to all three Alignments (Most people who knew me as a neutral probably don't even remember); but I'd like to know what your character thought about my character in Each of these Alignments.




Futhermore; I'd like you to say whatcha HONESTLY think about Moi. Not Sha but Moi!

From the mind of Ziccarra Liafador

  “My time in Utopia has baffled me just a tad bit; going from a mere citizen; to the wife of one of the most powerful men in the world seemed to have altered a bunch of opinions about me; as if people forgot who I am; I’m the Ninjan Queen; truth be told I’m an empress, but oddly enough I think Queen sounds better.   The people here in Utopia are nothing like the people of the world; which is a good thing; but it’s probably do to the growing number of religions surrounding this place.   The Jews and the Muslims; I brought them peace; I rebuilt the temple of Jerusalem and then rededicated a place in Utopia for it; I helped bring end to the disease and the under development; in small Persian lands. The respect I’ve gained over the years for being a Philanthropist never seems to go unnoticed in this part of the world; however to the rest of the world my work as a conqueror seems too often be underplayed. To rookies who don’t know any better, I’m Ziccarra Liafador that girl Jean Luc chose as his wife.   Poor rookies they don’t know any better; it’s probably the reason I decided not to put Lebeau on most of my source documents; to show these imbeciles who exactly is in the front office.

“As a wife and a mother, I know my role; but as a partner and a leader my track record is nearly impeccable; to people whom have known me the longest; I am the Ninjan Nutcracker, a nickname given to me by my friend and former opponent Uchicha Nevann. Poor rookies; they never look into the nickname. I was that woman who went toe to toe with Darkchild; I was that woman,who had Feral Nova dragged out of the desert in a body bag, I’m the chick who put toe tags around both Lstpaladin and Aztek; I’ve fought alongside Talon X23, The Hunter; Hawk, Risky and the WHOLE BADASS crew; I beat Renegade Lantern senseless and fought Soul Taker to the death only to be here right now writing this letter.

“Poor rookies they never look into the nickname; they commit their first petty crime; or stop they’re first crime and all of a sudden they’re big   time, I may bear a pretty face; I may entice with my full size breast that taper down to my narrow backside; however I’m not eye candy, I’m not someone’s submissive vixen, If SHA gets called in “There will be blood” and that’s why I’m a big deal” 


 They never Look into the nickname
 They never Look into the nickname


I put on!!!

 Ok, this is something i thought about doing for a while now.  I've tried it a bunch of times but i think i can make it work this time.

So any people who don't quite get the "RPG" concept or; feel like they want to start making an impact in cannon rpg. Pm me!!