
I woke up at 4am today, last night I slept from 7am-13pm. Preaching to the choir, haha.

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My Blogs/Projects plus Apology

So, I decided I owed a small apolody for those of you that care. Not that anybody really cares, but I've been falling being on some of my blogs, which is unfortunate and I hope it won't happen more.

  • I'm talking specifically on ReVamp's take on the Revamp, which is still not finished and we're already half way through the new titles, so I plan to do it in less detail, but to an extent that I will be talking less about what I predict on the number ones and more what I predict on the series.
  • Also, I plan to continue my Flops, Drops, Cops and Hops, whenever I get through to reading this week's titles, so a Day or two. I'm probably not going to edit it, since I have no way of Bumping it and whats the point in writing something if no one will read it. I'm just going to let it die, but if you want to, feel free to comment. My deciscion is firm though.
  • Last, but not least, I'm working on a Bucky Barnes Novel-Like Fan Fiction project, which I'm probably going to have to split up into multiple parts, because its going to be WAY to big once I finish the introducing what I intend to. At least too big for someone to read it comfortably.

Thanks people,

ReVamp says "Hello Megan" in a really irritating girly voice, just to piss you off.