
So I prayed to what I thought were angels, but ended up being ambulance lights.

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Ballad of a Bikini Cowboy

You are probably asking yourself just exactly what a cowboy (or, in this instance, a cowgirl) does with a surfboard in the Old West. Well, dear reader, allow me to show you what Bikini Cowboy has taught me.

First, a surfboard is handy for shielding horseback riders fleeing from a house that was just ignited into a fiery inferno by magical flour dust.

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Second, a surfboard is super handy for digging for water - provided you have a little boy with the ability to divine where water is in the first place.

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Finally, a surfboard is perfect for sliding down a ravine and into your arch nemesis - again, provided you have access to one of these.

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Perfectly logical, when you think about it.

Now, there is another use that gets shown in the book but it isn't necessarily an intended use. Whisky Jill, our protagonist, gets strapped to it as a sort of crucifixion. So, while it is a use, it shouldn't really count because I am sure she wasn't carrying it around just in case she got crucified by some crazy preacher.

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In the end, nothing is more satisfying than using your surfboard to do this:

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Yeah. While I love this book, I have no idea what happens in it.

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