Red L.A.M.P.

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Comicon: Boobs or Butts?

So I am heading down to Comic-Con in  San Diego with G-Man, Babs and and Funkify.  I'm going to be a camera man and follow G-Man around scoring some interviews.  Babs will have Funkify aka Drew, to do her camera work -- he actually knows what he's doing.  I on the other hand like to mix in MTV style zooms into my camera work, to make thinkks more interesting.

So my question to you all is:  would you rather me zoom in on Boobs or Butts?   I'll do what ever the community decides


CV Redesign 3:

Hey people, as Cap Cascader has already blogged about we are going to be launching a new redesign here on CV any moment now.  Lord Sedrik is just getting the servers ready for all the new code.  Most likely he'll need to take down the site for a short period while this happens. 

Kinda funny to think that CV is only 2 years 3 months old and we're already launching our 3rd major site redesign.  It's all in an effort to keep all of our sites up-to-date and in sync with our best designs and code.

Thanks people.  More info to come. 


Giantbomb meets Sgt Slaughter

I was soooo stoked to see that Jeff -- from downstairs -- got to talk mano-y-mano to frakkin "Sgt. Slaughter".  Are you all old enough to remember him in GI Joe?  Anyhoo, Jeff is a big dude, he's literally like 9 feet tall.  So I guess that makes the Sgt about 9 feet 2 inches.  And what a nice guy... I love the shout out to Macho Man he gives at the end!



SPEREWORLD: Red Lamp's early writings.

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So I was just going through old files on my computer and came across a part of a short story I started about 10 years ago.  I was trying to come up with a story that could be translated into a web based strategy game that perhaps I could create with some of my friends.  None of us knew how to build something like that and this never went anywhere.  So here's some unfinished copy and paste for you....


What is the distance from Champatra to Oobinije?  This was a question asked many, many times to young children.  Physically, the distance on land from the equatorial city Champatra to the equatorial city Oobinije is 24,000 miles.  A great distance.  But this was not the answer Panju’s teacher wanted Panju to give.
    Panju liked to tease, she looked across the rolling green plains, scratching her fingers against the back of her head, as if she had to think about the answer.  She was too old to be asked these childish questions, she thought.  Her teacher’s black eyes, like polished stones of coal in his sockets, disappeared and reappeared behind thick double eyelids.  Only 1/3 of the hot sun was visible in the sky, the dark side of the sun, black and dead, was slowly turning to face them.  Soon it would be night.  “There is no distance,” Panju finally answered.  A slow smile reached the teachers wide mouth.  This was the correct answer.
    Panju dropped to her knees as she looked up, studying the sky directly above her head.  Her fingers swept at the grass beneath her.  Her eyes were large black orbs, clearly reflected the image of the rotating sun.  One side of the sun burned hot with plasma, the other half, a dark, burnt-out forecast of things to come.  “When I was a child,” Panju’s teacher said, “At night, when the burnt side turned to faced the ground, one could still see the bright glow of the fire side reaching around.  It was a stellar night light in the dark of night.”
    “I’ve heard we have it good here,” Panju said, with a gravity to her voice.
    “Yes, we do.  People who still live in positive far X or the negative far X, live in constant day light.  Would drive the soundest mind to question itself.”
    Panju and her teacher lived in the capitol city near the equator of the world.  But in a world so vast, the band of the equator could easily be considered to be 64,000 miles wide.  By foot, on the best terrain, it would take fifteen or seventeen years to walk from one edge of the equator to the next.  All the way, one would hardly be capable of noticing a temperature difference or a difference in day light hours.  Traveling along the equator was the imaginary line Y.  Traveling from the equator perpendicular to line Y was the imaginary line X.  Arbitrarily assigned, one direction had become known as negative, the other, positive.  The decaying star was inside the enormous hulk of a planet.  Because the sun rotated on its axis, like eons ago before the sun began to burn out, the farthest reaches of negative and positive line X were constantly bathed in day light.  Although, unknown for sure to Panju and her culture, the circumference of their world was XXXXXX miles.  No one had yet to circumnavigate the entire world.  Not because it was thought to be impossible.  Distance was nothing.  Remember, there is no distance between Champatra and Oobinije.  No one had yet to circumnavigate the world because there was no need to circumnavigate the world.
    Panju looked down from the sun, which was always directly above head, and turned her attention to the green and blue plains.  The air was clear.  No pollution smogged the sky.  The horizon arched up and up, leading into the sky.  Miles and miles away, as the plains of grass rolled like a ramp upwards, they disappeared into the atmosphere.  It was as if they were standing in a large bowl, a bowl vaster than most worlds.  Panju had grown up with this feeling of being contained, of always living inside a cage.  This simple feeling had been her teacher’s bane.  Panju’s teacher worried about her young pupil’s need to break free, her need to gaze into the sky and leave the ground behind.  It was not fitting for a teenage girl to be so restless.
    Panju scratched an itch in the center of her face, just above his upper lip.  Her face was smooth and devoid of any features between her large eyes and her lips.  Her mouth was wide and handsome.  Her skin was of the creamy mocha color of her mother.  It was far different from the mottled white and gray skin of her father or of her teacher.  She wore a loose fitting kilt made of the white sap of the Chanta tree, which produced a fine, luxurios, strong thread when spiked and collected by the Majory women of the Delta.  Her wiry, muscular torso was covered across her right shoulder and under her left arm with a blazing orange and red sash; a traditional garb.  She looked like any other fifteen year old of the equator.
    “What do you hold sacred?” Panju’s teacher chimed.
    “Truth,” Panju answered, she affect her voice with a bothered tone. It was the standard answer.  Se had come out into the night to enjoy the warm breeze and watch the sun’s fire disappear behind itself.  She did not come into the open night to answer her teacher’s well-intended, repetitive questions.
    “What do you think is on the other side of the world?” Panju asked.
    “This is not a question,” her teacher answered stubbornly.  This is what all adults said when asked a question thought to be unanswerable or thought to be unproductive.
    “Past the sun, through the sky,” Panju said, pointing to the emerging black side of the star, “There must be more of this world out there, on the other side of the sun.  If the world truly does encircle the sun, that is.  And think, no one has yet been able to travel along the entire circumference of the world.”
    Panju’s teacher had great patience.  His eyes blinked slowly.  He looked away from Panju, kneeling on the grass, and gazed at the sky.  He wanted Panju to know that he was considering the adolescent’s fanciful journey; he was valuing his young pupil’s misguided thoughts. 
    “Panju, it is good to search out what one does not know.  But the answers to your questions are not out there.  They are inside of you and me and everyone else.  The way to centrality is not paved with the road of individual success—“
    Panju’s eyes widened.  She stood up quickly, looking surprised, and then turned her back to her teacher.  Panju crossed her arms over her chest and walked across the grass a few feet.
    “Oh yes Panju,” her teacher said, “It is very obvious that these questions you often ask only lead to a deeper problem.  You want to be different.  You want things.  Even if those things are not tangible, but come in the form of adventure, or worldly experience, you want things, I know.”
    But Panju was hurt.  Her teacher had criticized her of falling prey to the most basic of faults one could have in her culture.  Panju was embarrassed.  She was vain in the idea that she could one day grow up to do something that would bring others to be awed by her based on what she possessed.  Individual success was looked down upon.
    “I want to see things.  Is that so bad?” Panju asked sheepishly. She turned back to her teacher.
    “We do not see with our eyes.  We do not hear with our ears.  We do not smell or taste with our mouths.  We do not feel with our skin,” Panju’s teacher said, “All experience comes from within here.”  Panju’s teacher was pointing at his head again.  The old teacher’s eyes were closed in an attempt to make his point all the more poignant.  Panju looked past her teacher, out the green plains, which were now nearly dark.  Her eyes grew wider as she saw in the distance, a group of her friends crossing through the grass.  Suddenly Panju was happy again. With her eyes closed, Panju’s teacher continued, “We know all with our minds.  This is the only truth that is important.  What we perceive at this very moment is everything.  All else is meaningless.  With your mind tuned you can be one with your environment.  Knowing all, and seeing all,” he said and opened his eyes.  Panju was gone.  “Well, what?” the teacher said, flustered.  “Ah, Panju!” he called.  But it was too late, the youth had fled into the night for the company of her friends. 

Seeing Watchmen tonight!

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G-man and I are going to see Watchmen tonight in San Francisco at a special screening.  I'm very excited to finally see the movie that we have been reading and writing so many blogs about, not-to-mention watching so many teaser trailers.  Should we bring the camera and do an interview of the people in the audience ( before we go in of course )?  We'll probably do a first impression video review in the parkinglot of the movie once it's over, cause I'm sure we'll have something to say about it!

G-Man just walked in the office and he is standing behind me breathing heavily.  I think he wants me to drive us to the city now!

New Image Upload/Select code:

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Hey people:

I just pushed up new code to upload or select an image.  There is a new look to the popup menu when you go to add images now.  We think it looks way better.  The code got a slight re-write too, in preparation for a larger overall code rewrite I am planning.  Let me know if you have any errors.

One of the nice things is now you can look at your images, select some, then click the pagination buttons, select some more.  The images you selected on the previous page will still be selected. Sorry that's the best description I can give right new :)

More later.  --LAMP

Remove Image Bug Fixed:

We got engineers on it!
We got engineers on it!
Hey everyone you should be able to remove an image from your own galleries now.  You should be able to remove them from under your "All Images" tab too.  I moved around some other code that deals with images, nothing too major, but let me know if you see anything broken.  ( Refresh your browser 1st, to make sure you have the most recent javascript files ). 

We are planning some big changes to the way we deal with Images and Galleries -- mainly how to easily put images into galleries.  We don't like the current setup much. 

CV Engineering 2009.

Hey I'm working on it!
Hey I'm working on it!
Hey people, well it's the new year and we're compiling lists of what we need to fix or update on the site.  GMan and I are planning on adding a "Movie" section to the wiki.  With all the superhero movies out there it seems like a good fit to give the movies their own editable sections.  We'll also be working on other small fixes and upgrades that will help people use the site.

Drop me a note if there is anything you'd like to see happening.