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Diana-mania vs. Tebow-mania

As all of you that read my articles know, I am pretty ignorant when it comes to professional sports.  While I may play this up for more than it actually is, it is actually something which I would willfully choose to be ignorant about, if only the media would allow me.  Thus I tend to notice some of the more negative aspects of professional sports without fully appreciating at times the positive ones.  I think in terms of anyone following the news in the past few months that it would be hard to not have heard of Tim Tebow, quarterback and poster child for certain religious sports fans.  Although he is known for his strong faith, perhaps the thing which pushed to national prominence was the pro-life Super Bowl advertisement that he starred in during the Super Bowl half time in 2010.  Of course in comparison to the huge surge of popularity behind him, and not even necessarily for his athletic achievements, it leads one question just the exact importance of someone who is pro-life.  Generally I don’t waste much time thinking about why sports are important to people, but I was going over the Wonder Woman origin in the database today and it occurred to me that there are certain similarities between the two (that is the Perez origin of the character, seeing as the newest version’s complete background is not yet fleshed out.)   In short though Diana’s soul was collected into the cavern of souls after she was murdered by an abusive man while she was still an unborn child.  Later when the time was right she was reborn in a new form, but still the concept of the protection of an unborn life is there.  While this raises some interest in me as to whether Perez meant a deeper meaning with this choice of origin to perhaps reflect his own beliefs (I don’t know what those are by the way) it is also interesting to fathom that Diana might indeed become a recognizable figure for the pro-life crowd in a comic book setting, assuming her origin was well-known (and I think the Perez version was well known as she told numerous reporters.)  Of course a sizable portion of the pro-life side of the argument is associated with religion and specifically Christianity, but nonetheless Diana is proof of an a protected life that went on to great things, so she would likely be a symbol nonetheless.