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Read's Reads Episode 9

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Mythology vs. Comicology

 Starting today, the Indigo Cafe is going to start taking a look at the various mythlogy of the world and how it relates to the comic book world. Starting with Herc #1, the recent preview pages showed Hercules using various weapons from Greek legend to fight a street gang. One of the most featured weapons is the Shield of Perseus. According to legend, Polydectes fell in love with Danaë, yet Perseus, who knew that Polydectes had grim intentions, constantly protected his mother from him. Polydectes desired to remove Perseus from the island so he could have Danaë, so he therefore hatched a plot to send him away in disgrace. Polydectes held a large banquet where each guest was expected to bring a gift. Polydectes requested that the guests bring horses, under the pretense that he was collecting contributions for the hand of Hippodamia, "tamer of horses". The fisherman's protégé had no horse to give, so asked Polydectes to name the gift, for he would not refuse it. Polydectes held Perseus to his rash promise, demanding the head of the only mortal Gorgon, Medusa, whose very expression turned people to stone. Ovid's anecdotal embroidery of Medusa's mortality tells that she had once been a woman, vain of her beautiful hair, who lay with Poseidon in the Temple of Athena. In punishment for the desecration of her temple, Athena changed Medusa's hair into hideous snakes "that she may alarm her surprised foes with terror".

Athena instructed Perseus to find the Hesperides, who were entrusted with weapons needed to defeat the Gorgon. Following Athena's guidance, Perseus sought out the Graeae, sisters of the Gorgons, to demand the whereabouts of the Hesperides, the nymphs tending Hera's orchard. The Graeae were three perpetually old women, who had to share one eye and one tooth among them. As the women passed the eye from one to the other, Perseus snatched it from them, holding it ransom in return for the location of the nymphs. When the sisters led him to the Hesperides, he returned what he had taken.

From the Hesperides he received a knapsack kibisis to safely contain Medusa's head. Zeus gave him an adamantine sword and Hades' helm of invisibility to hide. Hermes loaned Perseus winged sandals to fly, while Athena gave him a polished shield. Perseus then proceeded to the Gorgons' cave.

In the cave he came upon the sleeping Stheno, Euryale and Medusa. By viewing Medusa's reflection in his polished shield, he safely approached and cut off her head. From her neck sprang Pegasus ("he who sprang") and Chrysaor ("bow of gold"), the result of Poseidon and Medusa's meeting. The other two Gorgons pursued Perseus, but under his helmet of invisibility he escaped. Perseus married Andromeda in spite of Phineus, to whom she had before been promised. At the wedding a quarrel took place between the rivals, and Phineus was turned to stone by the sight of the Gorgon's head.

  As shown, the head of Medusa is still very functional as told in Greek Mythlogy. Hercules keeps the front of the shiled covered to keep anyone from accidentially looking at it, including himself. This ties into the classic myth about Phineus looking into the shield and being turn to stone as the Warhawks are on the subway by Hercules. The legend of the shield and it's current status in Herc makes plenty of sense, hence nothing has been changed about the legend in comic book form.



Spider-Girl vs. Spider-Girl

 It's been a while since there was talk of any debate between Anya Corazon and May Parker, both who have shared the name: "Spider-Girl" one in the MC2 Universe and one in the normal 616-Universe. Since the ending of May's last title and Anya being pushed from the name "Araña" to Spider-Girl and getting her own title when she has already had 2 failed series, left a lot of fans of both characters upset. For May it was taking her title of Spider-Girl and giving it to Anya when she already had a name and for fans of Anya, trying to pawn another name off a character who already has an established name and history. What's the difference between the two:


May "Mayday" Parker is the child of Peter and Mary Jane Parker in a alternate future In the MC2 continuity. When she was little she was kidnapped from her parents. They were reunited with their baby daughter by Kaine, who found the child living with Alison Mongraine, the con artist who had kidnapped the baby on instruction from the Green Goblin. After they were reunited, Peter lost a leg during the horrific final conflict with the Green Goblin. After the battle Peter was offered a bionic replacement from Mr. Fantastic and, considering it a wake-up call, decided to retire and focus on being a husband and father (the battle is glimpsed in Spider Girl #7, and fully explained in Spider Girl #49). For years, they chose to keep their past from Mayday and hoped that she wouldn't develop powers of her own.

May Parker, Daughter of Spider-Man
May Parker, Daughter of Spider-Man

Despite her parents' hopes, May began developing versions of her father's Spider-powers when she was 15. At the same time, Normie Osborn (Green Goblin's grandson) set out to restore the family name (as he saw it). Mayday donned Ben Reilly's Spider-Man costume to stop him and soon took to crime fighting, at first hindered, then helped, by her worried parents. 


Born in Brooklyn, New York, Anya was a normal girl until one night when she went out to a bridge to fight a boy from school. But when she arrived, a fight broke out between a group named the "Sisterhood of The Wasps", and a group called " The Spider Society". Whilst attempting to help a mysterious man named Miguel (from the Spider Society), Anya was stabbed by a member of the Sisterhood of Wasps. Due to a spell which Miguel had cast, the Sisterhood of the Wasps were transported away because they had used a weapon on sacred grounds, but the wound was still severe. Miguel (the sorcerer of the Spider Society) transferred some of his power to her, saving her life, transforming her into the Hunter of the Spider Society, for whom he had been looking.

Anya Corazon As Araña
Anya Corazon As Araña

Anya received a spider-shaped tattoo from the energy transfer, and life seemingly returned to normal. However, the Spider Society soon approached her asking for help in fighting crime, as she was their new Hunter, despite that several members were annoyed with Miguel's choice of who to make the Hunter. After one or two fights against the Sisterhood of the Wasp, Anya was taken out to the desert to unlock her true potential. After a few hours she was attacked by wolves, and had a vision of her mother. Anya then discovered that she could summon a blue exoskeleton around herself, which gave her added endurance and strength. After being picked back up by Migueld and the rest of the Spider Society, Anya was asked to choose a name for herself. Anya decided on Araña, which means spider, as it was her mother's name.  Miguel and Araña would team up many times for the Spider Society,  for example, preventing the Sisterhood of Wasps from summoning their chosen warrior. 

Araña recently learned that Hunters (of The Spider Society) don't have an exoskeleton like she has. In yet another battle against the Sisterhood of The Wasps, the Wasps were once again trying to summon their Hunter. The Sisterhood was unsuccessful, but Miguel did not survive the battle despite Spider-Man's help. Araña transferred her power to Nina Smith, another Spider Society member, after the death of Miguel. Although she isn't a Hunter anymore, she still has many of her superhuman abilities.

  Both come from different backgrounds, both have different histories and both character are unique, so where does the problem come from?  During the Kravinoff family hunt for Spider-Man and spider affiliated individuals, Anya is attacked by Ana, Vladimir and Alyosha. Spider-Man, Arachne and Kaine come to her aid, but after a run in with Alyosha she gets sprayed with a type of sleeping powder and taken to the Kravinoff mansion. While in the dungeon Anya, Madame Web and Arachne are attacked by Vladimir. Just before she's about to be killed, the recently reborn Kraven stops his feral son. She and the other captors are taken as hostages by Sasha only to be saved by Spider-Man, who chases after Sasha, with Araña following after him. While Madame Web bleeds out in Julia's arms - not before passing on her powers - Spider-man fights Kraven, Anya takes on Ana and Sasha, beats Sasha and goes after Ana to stop her from interfering with the 

Kraven-Spidey Battle, when Spider-man is about to kill Kraven. Arachne with Madame Web's powers intervenes and helps Spidey make the right call by showing him what would happen if he didn't. After Spider-man lets Kraven live, he and his family disappear. Later Spidey Julia and Anya are seen talking over Kaine's tomb as Julia takes on new responsibilities and gives her costume to Anya. Peter calls her Spider-Girl but she refuses the name and decides to stick with Araña. After Julia leaves Araña and Spider-man set off swinging.   The Spectacular Spider-Girl title concludes with Mayday sacrificing herself to save April's life. However, in the far future, a future incarnation of April uses Doctor Doom's time machine to return to the present and convince her past self to act responsibly, she does and saves Mayday's life at the cost of her own and at the cost of the future that came to be. Mayday is later united with Wes, who reveals that he does indeed know Mayday's true identity and they kiss, beginning a relationship.  In several interviews at Comic Book Resources following the publication of "One More Day," Joe Quesada mentioned that the Spider-Girl title would be the ideal place for disgruntled readers to follow the development of an aged, married Peter and M.J. as they raise a family.  Quesada's comments were followed by a feature article on Spider-Girl with an interview with Tom Defalco, who acknowledged that Quesada was a fan of the character and the title. Moreover, during the 'Brand New Day/One More Day' story arc, Peter and Mary Jane have visions of a very young girl with red hair, who after the deal is made with Mephisto, is revealed to be the daughter they would never have now that the deal is done. Despite this Quesada has stated that he feels the MC2 universe is the natural progression of the characters.

  It was a simple talk and getting rid of one title, that was believed to not be selling for what it should be, to bring back a character, who has more everyday connection with Spider-man and the talk about keeping Peter and Mary Jane unmarried and apart to keep Spider-man looking young. It's easier to have a teenager that has no true connection with Peter to have the name "Spider-Girl" and still have her be the junior Spider-man of the Marvel Universe. Hence, everything was taken way out of context and now the controversy over why May should have her own title and Anya should just be shipped to the Avengers of made a regular supporting cast member of Spider-man to make everyone happy. It's sad that such a twist of words and view of one character has made this such a heated debate among must readers. The truth is, the fans and where the money is being put in, should decide what character really should have more lime light than the other.

  Having Young Allies title around, giving Anya a team of her own and her relationship with Nomad, Rikki Barnes was a stroke of good writing and genius, As the characters are from different worlds but have had the legacy of known characters thrust on them and they have handled it very well, despite losing friends and family as a result. Making them more of modern day super heroes and not copies of established ones. It's sad that this will probably go on for some time now, even if May gets her own title back and the editorial offices change again like they do frequently in the business but who knows? May Parker was the first true Spider-Girl and Anya Corazon was a brand new character that was given a pretty well established history and friendship and mission around the regular Marvel Universe. The truth is, there should be room for both. 

  Special thanks to  Comicvine for the images and extra info.     


Look at the Scorpion over the years

  Ever since his debut in Amazing Spider-man #19 in December of 1964, Mac Gargon, better known as the Scorpion has plagued Spider-man and his friends in several different styles, each form more deadly than the previous one. Here is a look back at those costumes and powers over the years in all forms.

Original Costume

Mac Gargan, as the Scorpion, was given superhuman powers through chemical and radiological treatments which produced mutagenic effects. He has superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes, stamina, and durability, and also has the ability to scale walls (he also punches holes in walls as a way to climb). He also has an exceptionally strong grip, reminiscent of a real scorpion's pincers. He wears a full-body battlesuit composed of two layers of light steel mesh separated by a thin layer of insulated rubber. In addition to his superhuman physique, he was traditionally armed with a cybernetically-controlled, seven-foot mechanical tail, with a tool steel articulated framework which can whip at 90 miles per hour

1st Upgrade

He was later hired by a spy ring to follow S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Sharon Carter, but was defeated by Captain America. Scorpion was acquired by Mr. Kline, who created android duplicates of the Scorpion and Mr. Hyde to dispatch against Daredevil. The real Scorpion and Mr. Hyde then launched a campaign of terror against S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, but were defeated by Captain America and the Falcon.  After being released from prison for good behavior, the Scorpion resumes his criminal career and encounters and defeats Spider-Man again. After realizing that the wall-crawler survived the encounter, he receives help from the Jackal who gives him Spider-Man's location. The Scorpion arrives at a hospital room finding Peter Parker and his Aunt May. Not realizing that he had Spider-Man right there, he threatens May and demands to know where Spider-Man is and, after she faints, Scorpion rampages through the hospital. A furious Spider-Man beats the Scorpion and forces him to apologize to May.

John Bryne Design

The Scorpion, through the course of his career, acquired a few items: a new costume, and several new tails: one that spurted acid, another that spurted tear gas, and one that can deliver electric blasts from the stinger. He also fought Ms. Marvel after a botched revenge attempt against Jameson; the Scorpion became more psychotic than usual after his battle with Ms. Marvel, resulting in his being dumped in acid. In the sewers, his sanity deteriorating, Scorpion came to believe that his costume couldn't come off. However, after a quick encounter, Spider-Man proved to him that his belief of being a monster was in his mind.

Roxxon Design

At one point, the Scorpion's constant defeats at the hands of Spider-Man drove him to depression. He wandered the sewers, his mind becoming clearer than it had been since his transformation and decided to quit being the Scorpion. He encountered a depressed and crisis-ridden Spider-Man. Ignoring Gargan's plea that he had changed, the wall-crawler beat him savagely. In his next appearance, Gargan was back to being psychopathic. He battled and was defeated by Spider-Man's clone Ben Reilly.

Scorpion temporarily worked for Roxxon and helped them in their phony "Rehabilitation Therapy". Roxxon updated the Scorpion's powers and costume and promised he would get back at his enemies. Spider-Man managed to convince Scorpion that he was only being used as Jameson had once before. Scorpion then turned on Roxxon and was then defeated by the web-slinger. Gargan reappeared during the aftermath of the Secret War that had been organized by Nick Fury against Latveria. He was among the supervillains who had been supplied with enhanced technology by Latverian dictator Lucia von Bardas and sent to attack the heroes who had been involved in Fury's Secret War. The villains' technologies were then hijacked by von Bardas, supplying her with power, potentially at the cost of the villains' lives, but the assembled heroes defeated von Bardas and apprehended Scorpion and the others.

Gargon becomes Venom

Later on through circumstances yet to be revealed, Norman Osborn reveals Spider-Man's true identity to Gargan and gives him orders to kidnap Peter's Aunt May should Osborn ever be captured and imprisoned. When Spider-Man defeats Osborn, he is imprisoned and Gargan carries out Osborn's orders in kidnapping Aunt May. Gargan eventually summons Peter and tells him the only way he can see his aunt again is to break Norman out of jail. Shortly thereafter, the Venom symbiote approaches Gargan, offering him new abilities, and Gargan becomes bonded with the creature. This would later give him an extra edge as part of Norman Osborn's Sinister Twelve. Even with these additional powers he is still swiftly defeated by Spider-Man, as the Avengers deal with the rest of the Twelve. So far he remains bonded with the symbiote. Though incarcerated, Gargan is unfazed, as with his new powers came the respect of becoming an "A-list" villain.

The Scorpion Returns

Gargan reappears during the "New Ways to Die" arc of The Amazing Spider-Man, no longer possessing the knowledge of Spider-Man's secret identity. Gargan and the Thunderbolts are called back to New York to capture Spider-Man. While on a search for the wall-crawler, Gargan's symbiote senses a former host at the F.E.A.S.T center. Gargan suspects that it's Spider-Man and searches the place only to find Eddie Brock. The Venom symbiote attempts to leave Gargan to re-bond with Brock, much to Gargan's (and Brock's) dismay. However, upon making contact with Brock, Brock's skin is shown to be caustic to his former symbiote, and as a white substance seeps out of his pores covering his body, Brock becomes Anti-Venom and battles Gargan. With some help from Spider-Man, Brock subdues Gargan and nearly destroys the symbiote. Norman Osborn uses a sample of the Anti-Venom's symbiote from Mac Gargan and creates a poisonous counter to its healing powers by combining the sample with the immune system of Freak. Mac Gargan is injected with the "cure" and is given a new Scorpion battlesuit, which contains the poison, until the symbiote can recover. Anti-Venom tracks down Gargan at Oscorp. After a grueling battle "Ven-orpion" injects the poison into Anti-Venom and seemly kills the suit. He then attempts to kill Brock but the symbiote tries holding him back, still feeling love for its former host. The symbiote gains its strength and breaks though the Scorpion suit. Gargan gives up but promises that he will get past this problem and will someday finish Brock.

Sinister Spider-man

Norman Osborn forms his Dark Avengers, providing new identities to some of his former Thunderbolts. After feeding a Skrull to a hungry Venom that has become more bestial than human, Osborn gives him a medication that resets the symbiote to the size it was when it possessed Spider-Man originally. However, Gargan can transform into his Venom form at will. A special "medication" provided by Osborn allowed Venom to assume a smaller, more human-looking form similar to when Spider-Man had control of the symbiote. From this form, he is able to switch back to his larger, more feral form whenever he pleases. As Spider-Man, Mac seems to be even more agile than when he was as Venom. He also still has all of Venom's powers, minus the claws, tongue, and teeth, which he can regrow at will. However, his "medication" has also been shown to decrease his will to fight, making him more sympathetic.

Gargon is the Scorpion again

During the "Siege" storyline, Mac Gargan is with the Dark Avengers when Norman Osborn makes plans to invade Asgard. Mac Gargan and the rest of the Avengers protest. For fighting alongside the Initiative, Osborn promises to give the team their freedom from servitude. As a result, Gargan is among the mass of soldiers to launch an attack on Asgard following Loki's setup. He and the rest of the Avengers manage to overwhelm Thor.  While fighting Ms. Marvel and Spider-Man after they arrive, Gargan is forcefully removed from the Venom symbiote, which takes over Ms. Marvel until Spider-Man defeats it. He along with the other Dark Avengers were arrested after Norman Osborn fell from power.Mac Gargan was later seen at the Raft where the Venom symbiote was removed from him. There, they plan to study the symbiote, instead of giving it to the private sector. As for Gargan, the symbiote's removal was causing medical problems, and Alistair Smythe broke him out of the Raft. Gargan was then fitted with a new Scorpion suit by Smythe, and convinced to join him in his plan for revenge on J. Jonah Jameson. Scorpion joins Alistair Smythe, a new villain named Fly-Girl, and some unnamed cyborg minions (each wanting revenge on J. Jonah Jameson) in attacking the launch site of John Jameson's latest space mission where they sabotage the launch and hold John Jameson for ransom.

90s Animated Series

Scorpion appears in Spider-Man: The Animated Series voiced initially by Martin Landau and later by Richard Moll following Landau's Academy Award win and subsequent lack of availability. In his debut episode, "The Sting of the Scorpion", Mac Gargan is a neurotic, plump, and balding private eye working for J. Jonah Jameson. In an attempt to discover Spider-Man's real identity, Jameson convinces Gargan to be transformed into a capable superhero by Dr. Stillwell using the Neogenic Recombinator. As Scorpion, Gargan is able to defeat Spider-Man by pulling a water tower onto him, but before he can unmask the wall-crawler, Gargan is overcome with pain as he undergoes further uncontrolled mutations that give him green skin, yellow eyes, and talon-like fingers. Believing more radiation may stop his transformation and return him to normal, Gargan attempts to gain access to a nuclear reactor but is found and defeated by Spider-Man, resulting in the Scorpion being sent to jail. Scorpion reappears as a member of the Kingpin's Insidious Six, a supervillain team created to kill Spider-Man though he is again defeated by Spider-Man. Desperate to find a cure to his condition, Scorpion kidnaps Dr. Stillwell but Stillwell destroys the Neogenic Recombinator to prevent the creation of other beings like Scorpion. After meeting Adrian Toomes, a.k.a. the Vulture, Scorpion kidnaps him from an exploding building and holds him hostage, believing him to be smart enough to undo the Scorpion transformation. Eventually, Alistair Smythe, requiring Scorpion's genetic code to further his own experiments, holds Black Cat hostage to coerce Spider-Man into bringing Scorpion to him. Scorpion eventually manages to escape Smythe's clutches due to the Vulture attacking and attempts to stay away from crime for the sake of his fiancée. Scorpion's final appearance is again as a member of the Insidious Six, who attempt to locate the Red Skull's doomsday device for the Kingpin. At the end of the episode, he is shown to have escaped the police.

Ultimate Scorpion

 Scorpion is one of many clones of Peter Parker. He was held in the Baxter Building while the Fantastic Four conducted research into his existence. It appeared that his costume was bullet proof. When Scorpion was awake enough to answer questions, Reed and Sue asked where he came from and how he came to be. His only response was asking where he was now. He asked if he was back in the "zoo".
While Scorpion didn't recognize Peter in the Spider-Man costume, he did seem to have some of Peter's memories. He repeated the phrase "Who are you, masked mystery man? Unveil yourself to the crowd!" which had been said to Peter Parker earlier. Also, Scorpion encountered Mary Jane Watson in the Baxter Building and said her name before passing out. These were the only indications Scorpion gave of having Peter's memories. Nick Fury had him and Gwen Stacy in containment. Fury told a S.H.I.E.L.D. officer to "get to work". 

Scorpion II

Carmilla discovered her power when she was still in high school. During her prom her arm began to act up and it accidentally killed her prom date and turned her hair a dark green. Because she lived in a small town she decided there was no way she could stay. She went off into the world and became a strong, independent woman. Years later she was brought back to the town when she discovered her parents had been killed. While she was back she came across her Madripoor adoption certificate which amazed her because her parents claimed they knew nothing of her terrorist mother. While she was in the town she was attacked by A.I.M. but SHIELD managed to rescue her. When they got her Agent Khanata explained that A.I.M. killed her parents, who her mother was, and why they needed her. They gave her a gauntlet device that would not only contract, expand, and regulate her powers, but also help her keep in touch with SHIELD as an agent. She was then sent off to Madripoor to find out more about her mother.  During the Superhuman Civil War, Carmilla remained loyal to the Pro-Registration forces, registering herself, and working with SHIELD to infiltrate the underground unregistered superhero network by portraying herself as such, so as to bring them down from within. On such one occasion, she was attacked by Mac Gargan, the former Scorpion and current host of the Venom Symbiote, who believes she will ruin his trademark as he is negotiating with a Hollywood studio for a biographical movie of himself. While the insane criminal manages to get the upper hand on her at one point, Carmilla's powers react to the webbing generated by the Symbiote, granting her a temporary "neo-symbiote" which acts as a biological armor, allowing her to defeat her ruthless namesake. 

Osborn Costume

Following the incident in Madripoor, Carmilla seems to have taken up work as a superhuman mercenary, as she is sent to New York to retrieve the armour of the original Scorpion, now in the possession of the Hood. Now dressed in her own version of the classic costume, Carmilla tangles with the friendly neighbour-hood Spider-Man when he stumbles onto a gladiatorial contest between many of New York's common criminals for the honour of becoming the new Scorpion and getting a seat in the Hood's gang. Seeking to remove all interference, she temporarily disables his powers with SPIN Tech before going for the costume, but is caught by the Hood and badly beaten. Only saved by Spider-Man, having shaken off the effects of the nanites, Carmilla aids him in bringing down the assembly of criminals, before escaping with her prize. That night, she gives the costume to the Kravenoff family, who hired her to obtain it based on her totemic connection to the costume. 

First Costume

Second Costume

Elaine Colls was a former mental patient in Hell's Kitchen who was given an enhanced version of Scorpion's suit and and recruited by Silvermane to retrieve the cyborg Deathlok. In the initial assault, in which she was assisted by Beetle and Hydro-Man, she was taken out by Spider-Man, but ultimately succeeded in bringing in a surrendered Deathlok after Silvermane revealed he had taken control of the city's computer systems. She was then ordered to ambush the infiltrated Spider-Man and Daredevil, who were trying to rescue Deathlok. She was holding her own aginst both heroes until she was betrayed and shot in the back by her own employer, now in control of Deathlok's body to gain his enemies' trust. Enraged at his betrayal, she swore revenge and followed them in hopes of finding Silvermane and exacting her vengeance against him. Once there, she attacked him, but her armor was taken over by Mainframe, another of Silvermane's henchmen. However, after Daredevil defeated Mainframe, she regained control over her body and resumed her attack on her former employer. Her revenge, though remained unfinished because of an explosion set off by the Punisher, and she was forced to flee the area.

Scorpia reappears sometime later when she goes after a man named Garrison Klum in Carnegie Hall. Scorpia takes out a few guards when Spider Man and the Black Cat arrive. The Black Cat manages to rip out Scorpia's tail with her grappling hook and Spider Man takes her out with a stomp to the head. Scorpia was being held in a cell at the Midtown North Precinct when Spider Man and the Black Cat dropped by. Spider Man told Scorpia that she would keep pegging her with web balls and have Felicia sing Memories from the Broadway show Cats until she tells the heroes who hired her to go after Klum. Scorpia tells them the information they needed and is left alone in her holding cell. 

Special thanks to  Comicvine for the images and needed info