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What will become of the X-Men after Schism is over?

Alright, so everyone knows that X-Men: Schism has just started and now the teams are split up into two different groups - Cyclops' group who are still remaining on Utopia and have declared themselves as "Earth's Mightest Heroes" and Wolverine's group who have all moved back to Westchester and started a school for the mutant children. While this is an interesting idea for more characters to get more development, what will become of the X-Men at this point? The X-Men have broke up before in the past, but they managed to put aside their differences and work towards the greater good together. So now it seems like this split might be more difficult to mend than it was in the past since it now involves the future of the mutant children, whether or not the students should become soldiers and fight for their lives or just be regular students living a normal childhood. So what is coming up for the X-Men and will their lives change forever (seriously this time?)

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Well, judging by the "Things to Come" previews, we see that the X-Men are going to be in worse situations than ever before and it's possible that either one of the characters might die or some big event is going to force the X-Men to come back together. Of course, the X-Men will have to come back together because the way I see it, all the characters in the X-Men universe co-exist with each other. I'm not saying that either title is not going to be successful without the other characters being with them because as long as the writing is good, then both of these series will be successful. However, if I would to read “Wolverine and the X-Men,” then it would be difficult for me to read this series without characters like Storm and Colossus being in it and the same is said for “Uncanny X-Men” as it would be hard to read this series without Wolverine, Kitty Pryde, or Iceman being in it, so the X-Men would have to reunite with each other at some point because those are the characters that all fans love the most. Also, even if one of the X-Men characters die, then they will probably be brought back to life anyway since in comic books, characters come back to life (except for Uncle Ben), however if one of the characters does die, then I would want that particular character’s death to affect the characters to the point where the other characters think about their actions and how they would try to prevent this same incident in the future. It would be a great opportunity to explore the character’s emotions during these tragic events and how they try to cope with the event.

So in my opinion, I think that the X-Men will have some problems ahead of them before they actually come back together since this event not only works on a more drastic scale, but since it concerns the future of the mutant children, it works on a more emotional and risky scale. The schism started because both Wolverine and Cyclops want to protect mutantkind from extinction, but both have different methods in approaching this problem. Cyclops wanted to use the children to fight battles while Wolverine wanted the children to enjoy having a regular childhood and because of this, I have a feeling that some kind of tragedy is going to strike both sides of Cyclops’ and Wolverine’s teams and with the “Things to come” promos, this further confirms the idea about a tragedy striking the X-Men. This tragedy might cause both Cyclops and Wolverine to realize their mistakes in separating the team in the first place and they might possibly become better friends or better teammates in the future because they both learn that while they want to protect mutantkind from extinction, they need to work together to accomplished their goals in protecting the mutant race from extinction. Basically, the whole gist of this schism (and I hope that the writers take notice of this) is that the X-Men needs to learn to work together to protect mutants from extinction and therefore, it would provide a much stronger relationship between both Cyclops’ and Wolverine’s teams if they had encounter some kind of major event that would force them to work together and realize the repercussions of the schism. It could have some positive consequences (the rebuilding of the school) and some negative consequences (the idea about losing the focus of Professor Xavier’s dream), but as long as the X-Men realize the possible consequences that can result from the Schism, then they might be on the road to forming a stronger team than ever before.

So what do you think will become of the X-Men after Schism? Will they stay apart from each other permanently or will they eventually come back together?