
Geeking out about Melinda May using the alias Chastity McBryde (from Elektra Assassin) in SHIELD this week.

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Mighty Thor--WHAT!!?!

Spoilers of a sort ensue if you haven't been reading Mighty Thor.

So, I quit Mighty Thor after the Galactus storyline; I would have quit earlier if it hadn't had Galactus and Surfer in it, who are characters I enjoy a lot. But the end, when Fraction effectively annihilated the character history of the Surfer, I stopped. I have become quite an anti-fan of Fraction.

But then I read a review of this week's issue here on CV, and it mentioned that there was a scene where Loki and Surfer are trying to wrestle over Thor's hammer. It sort of intrigued me, so I paged through the issue, and the one before it, in my LCS.


What the hell is going on here? Can someone tell me if this doesn't suck as much as I think it does?

For those of you who haven't been following, here's some of what I saw, which made me almost drop the books like they were covered in acid:

THE SILVER SURFER WEARING JEANS! No shirt, just F'ING JEANS! What the hell is that about?!?!

Plus, he's lying there on the desert, playing Prometheus while vultures eat his flesh. How on earth is this possible, even if he wants it to happen? Why why why?

Plus, Thor is ALREADY alive again!?!? That is stunningly ridiculous. I mean, I know death and resurrection is a cycle around the comic world, but that is pretty freaking fast.

I don't know. I think there was a bit more than that, but just saying "Silver Surfer in jeans" is enough to melt my brain. I mean, it's funny if it's played up for laughs, like in his recent appearance in Marvel Adventures Spider Man, where he wore a baseball cap, but from what I could tell, the Surfer just decided he wanted to sport some jeans here.

Somebody please tell me how this makes sense.