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Omega Nebula: Crattians


A craggy world of igneous and basaltic mountains, Cratto is wracked by constant geologic activity. Because of the smashing of the continental plates, new mountains are constantly being created.

Cratto has a dense atmosphere composed of nitrogen and carbon monoxide. Due to the constant earthquakes and landslide activity, surface exploration is not advised. The rubble-covered wrecks of a half-dozen expeditionary ships stand in mute testament to the planet's instability.

The Crattians make their home on the Moon of Cratto, During the Cratto War; the forces of Ninjeta battled the forces of New Haven to protect Ninjan technology. After the Ninjan- New Haven conflict, The Crattian joined the OSA, to help keep tabs on the Ninjans. The Crattians don't worship any deity, nor do they have a class system. Though they have a military, they aren't very strong, and typically find themselves supporting their allies. The Crattian Government is a republic.

The Crattian society are believed to be genetically deformed Ninjans, at least if you asked the Ninjans. Because of the shade of Green, Crattians and Ninjans are said to be distant relatives. The Crattians, however have both male and female entities, in contrast to Ninjans; whom are only female.A common theory is that through evolution, female Crattians stopped giving birth to males; because of this “defect” it was the Crattians that exiled these women who eventually became Ninjans.

The subject over Ninjan-Crattian relativity is a touchy subject within the world of Xiox and the Cratto moon, it is considered an insult if mixed up.

The Crattians have been historically plagued with Civil Conflicts, each time a conflict occurred, power changed hands. The Royal Tushk family were documented as the first rulers of the civilization; they were a notoriously aggressive and enslaved those in debt to the system.

The Tushk Dynasty crumbled on its self, as quarrels within the family, brought it down. The King Tushk and Prince Rigor Tushk engaged, in a full scale civil war. Prince Tushk won the conflict by using the sympathizing traitors from his father’s camp and slaves freed from his raids.

Rigor ended slave labor and began signing grants for mining of the Cratto planet. The initial mining of the unstable planet proved fruitful; The Crattians were in possessions of some of the galaxies most precious resources.

Rigor began offering trade options with the then, King of New Haven and Queen of Ninjeta to trade resources, because of this trade boom; the Moon of Cratto became the most prosperous planet in the Omega System.

Rigor’s reign came to an end with his natural death, following the death of the “First Prince” Cratto went through seven leadership changes all of whom were weak and lacked the aggressiveness to compete in the galactic market.

As a result, the Ninjans set up an outpost on the planet of Cratto and began to mine for their own minerals.To stop this practice, the Cratto council agreed to develop a serum that’d allow the Ninjans to birth naturally powerful children.

The Planet New Haven, feeling rejected; as its king fled to Ninjeta to be with the Queen, decided to invade Cratto. Lead by prince Mannahar; the New Havenders sought to capture this serum for themselves. The Reigning Princess of Ninjeta brought her troops to Cratto; The Ninjans and Crattians aided each other in fighting off a full blown war. The end of the war saw Zavanna, using her mind to vegetate her brother.

The direct consequences of the Cratto war saw, the birth of a stronger Crattian republic; and growth in relations with surrounding planets.

Crattians Powers

* = Power of Choice

Earth Control/Manipulation