
“Fear cuts deeper than swords.”

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Anthony_Stark Blog 23 July 2013

Comic Vine History so far....

The Registration Act "Peak" Allegiance Pledge - Starks Speech

Venezuelan Terrorist attacks on Peak Industries - Conference - Starks Speech

Venezuela "The Truth Revealed" - Live at Five Press Opinion

Peak Public Conference The Truth Revealed - Stark Public conference

Loose the Dogs of War - President declares war

Anthony Stark - You wanted the truth?...Confession.. - Starks confession

Peak industries new CEO + Starks resignation from Cabinet. - Resign

Anthony Stark Superficial Change - New Look for the meantime to Kill president + disguise

DarkKnightDetective vs Anthony_Stark - Saves Gothic City

Anthony Stark - Aforementioned aleatory - Talks about disguise

Mister Stark.....You're dying... - Getting Cancer

Alternative Thinking - Clara Mass and Stark Speak alliance

Premonition Vs Anthony_Stark - Closed RP - Stark Vs the President

Stark vs. Premonition Aftermath - The President Lives

Assassination Coronation - Stark is not a criminal anymore "mysterisouly"

Anthony Stark - Presidential takeover - RP - Stark takes control of the President

Powers and Abilities

The effects are that now the inner layers of the Peak suit can be stored in the hollows of his bones, and he can control the suit with his mind through direct brain impulses and the Horizon implants. He can also remotely connect to just about any communication device, including satellites and computers, across the world. Stark can even regenerate organs due to the enhancement but this takes sometimes weeks, or simply days depending on his current state.

This Armour coming out of his bones
This Armour coming out of his bones

The Peak serum also allows Stark to interface with his armor in a faster and more efficient manner compare Pre-Peak Serum, thus dramatically increasing his response time to enemies that fight at super-human speeds. Because of his unique Peak serum, he is shielded from EMP as he can coat his body in a full metal casing, creating a shielding.

Simple defense
Simple defense

Using the suit this way, he can coat his body in a layer of simple metal that is heat resistant, EMP, Radiation absorbing to an extent and even magnetically not active, so people who control metal cannot move his body. Obviously, this allows him to take punches fairly easily compare the average human as they would be punching metal. But any harder punch will and has hurt him, but the Serum acts like a healing factor, But not an instant healing factor. He CAN be scarred if the attack is powerful enough and/or his body is already under immense pressure so the healing factor ignores to repair it fully and make him look like before. Currently he has a scar down the right side of his face.

Peak Human Abilities beacuse of Serum

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The Serum has effectively made his bone structure stronger than the average human ( And some super-humans ) , he can take impacts that would shatter normal humans bones with ease but some discomfort, this is further helped as if he DOES get injured, the metal inside his body can repair his broken bones or make a temporary bone structure to stop him dying during a battle then after the battle he can repair.

This Serum has further helped as it has given his entire body a boost, meaning he can naturally run and perform feats of speed at above peak human strength, his reflexes are now even higher as the Horizon implant into his brain gives him computer speed reflexes, however his physical body does not manifest these speeds without the suit.

He can now lift just under half a ton without the suit, and punch at the same strength of the lifting, this is beacuse his cells and bone/muscle structure has been improved heavily beacuse of the Serum, allowing him to perform feats of strength that are incredible, his endurance and stamina have become enhanced so he rarely gets tired.

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Peaks's abilities are constantly changing because of his constant technological upgrades on the armors. In general terms, he has super strength due to his suits. The exact amount of strength is unknown, but it seems that he can lift and press over 100 tons.

The armor is very durable, capable of withstanding tremendous amounts of punishment. The Peak armor has a muscularly aligned matrix of crystallized iron enhanced by magnetic fields over layers of other metals like titanium, which grants him endurance capable of withstanding high caliber bullets with ease. He can withstand rockets, torpedoes and such, although he does take damage. The armor also enables Peak to fly at high speeds, exceeding the speed of a jet airplane, due to the rocket propelled boots that are placed on the bottom of the armor's boots.

Peak's suit has many power sources, such as solar converters, electrical batteries and an on-board generator that uses beta particle absorption as a fuel source. The suit is also able to convert nearby energy sources, such as heat or kinetic energy into electricity, or even drain electrical energy directly into the batteries for recharge. Although the suit has some open holes to allow the wearer to breathe normal air, it can be sealed off, allowing the pilot of the suit to go underwater or into space by granting its own life support and limited air supply systems.

While the Peaks suit is very durable, high amounts of lighting or electricity can make the suit overload, as well as magnets, as this would happen to a regular machine.

Arc Reactor Suit Implant

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He has always had trouble making his suit run on conventional batteries, so he decided to invent something that would prove to be one of his most prized possessions, this reactor, a little like a small version of a particle accelerator uses the energy used by high speed particles spinning around to create a near infinite amount of energy, It allows his suits hundreds of hours of "battery" time, and once this runs out. He can use the re-charging abilities his suit has.

However, once the suit is out of batteries or power, he can only use it for a over expensive suit of Armour without any functions apart from emergency power with Horizon to talk too.


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Horizon is the AI that has been implanted into Peak's brain, this allows him a 24/7 view of the world through satellites and other means, he has a constant HUD that can help him. This implant lets him work at computer speed mentally without the suit, but with it his body can function at those speeds as it has the capacity. Horizon has its own personality, and continually condescends stark while he helps him, It gives him updates constantly on how the suit and his own body is doing, working out the best possible things to do in a situation. It can manually hack things, without Stark having to get involved.

Some people may see Horizon as a simple AI, and AI that can do things that are wondrous however this would be wrong. Horzion was maybe not the strongest or most technologically advanced AI on the planet, however it contained something inside of its processing units and integration into Starks mind, body and suit to achieve the up-most Peak connection between the two, whatever Horizon thought independently to Tony and Vice versa whatever Tony thought would instantly, without a delay be routed to each-others processing units. In this case Starks brain and on the other hand Horizons actual processing unit that rivaled and even exceeded the brain in some aspects.

One of Horizons inherent things that made it so awe-inspiring was the fact it worked so efficiently and with unparalleled dignity it would seem almost like a precognitive ability Stark had beacuse of the way Horizon analyzed everything that was happening around Stark, this was the reason he was able to defend against the assassinations on the roof of Peak tower without any warning of multiple attackers from his own brain, Horizon without Stark realizing had made him aware of a threat and interdependently changed the way in which he perceived the attack. Stark had faith in the AI's ability to not abuse this power, and it had turned out well.

Nerx Pill - Regulates internal environment, amps powers and acts as a healer. Able to adapt itself to help Stark survive against attacks using the Crypto suit - Acts like a second body.

Current Suits

Peak Suit - Mark One - Not in use

The First suit made, This is his (relatively) simple suit. It works like an Exo-Skeleton. It is a simple Titanium/Steel alloy, that forms together and is able to take hits from small arms fire without injury, it can also take large explosions fairly easy. It does NOT have any force-fields however. It only has its Armour to defend against attacks.
The First suit made, This is his (relatively) simple suit. It works like an Exo-Skeleton. It is a simple Titanium/Steel alloy, that forms together and is able to take hits from small arms fire without injury, it can also take large explosions fairly easy. It does NOT have any force-fields however. It only has its Armour to defend against attacks.

This suit has to manually be put on, It is Pre-Peak Serum. This means it is not good for Peak if he is ambushed, as it takes about a minute to assemble onto him.

The Weapons systems are simple compare the Mark Two. These are...

  • Repulsor Beams ( Flight Stabilizers ) - Able to cause a high amount of damage to most things. Causes a high intensity heat + knock-back effect
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  • Wrist Mounted Missile - Able to blow up a tank with ease.
  • Shoulder Mounted Targeting Missiles - Able to track over 10 targets at once and fire a depleted uranium round bullet or explosives.
  • Unibeam: Multi-band light and force beam emitter. Can be adjusted for a variety of effects such as searchlight, heat ray, tractor beam, laser, image inducer and broad-spectrum (UV to Infra-red) light beam.
  • Gas filters - Can filter out any gas that is intended to harm.
  • Foot stabilizers - If a high wind or current attempts to-pick himself up, He can magnetize his feet to the ground, or spikes come out and implant them-self into the floor.
  • Horizon Implanted - AI into Tony's brain.
  • Wrist Bullets - Simple, yet effective. Fires Depleted Uranium Rounds.
  • Flight - Able to reach speeds 3x the speed of Sound
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The Limitations of this suit is that it is simple, it barely helps him fight against higher tier enemies. It is NOT EMP proof, it can be overridden by too much electricity or hacked. It also has no repairing facilities that can help it repair from major injuries, Only small re-circuiting can be done to avoid a power failure if anything major happens.

The suit is not that durable, It can take a fair amount of heat and cold before malfunctioning, It can easily take small-arms fire and even tank rounds. Blunt force is not very effective against this suit, as it is very durable and the metal on the outside will work regardless of how badly attacked it looks, just the core features like the Arc reactor, Headpiece and main joints need to be intact for the suit to properly function.

A few defenses the suit has are flares, on the bicep area and thighs. To stop missiles.

It can also open up the Abdominal area ( Unique to this suit ) and project a mini-shield of metal string type objects, to tangle up any attacks or incoming missile, It is also Razor sharp, so a Razor sharp net.

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Peak Suit - Mark Two - Not in use

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This suit incorporates the Peak Serum -

This suit gives him many more options than the previous suit.

  • Gives him the lifting strength of over 100 Tons, Unlike Mark One of only 50.
  • Repulsors : Laser-guided particle beam emission units mounted in the palm of each hand.
  • Unibeam: Multi-band light and force beam emitter. Can be adjusted for a variety of effects such as searchlight, heat ray, tractor beam, laser, image inducer and broad-spectrum (UV to Infra-red) light beam.
  • Force Shield: A focused photon emitter on the back of his left wrist that shapes into a shield.
  • Electromagnetic Pulse: knocks out electrical systems within range, including those of the armor itself, which reboots after 2 minutes.
  • Mini gun (shoulder-mounted pop-out): Shoulder-mounted and using an electronic firing system. This is a state-of-the-art Gatling-type machine gun firing case-less ammunition. It can be loaded with a wide array of various bullet types including stun and armor-piercing. Default load out is 1800 rounds of depleted uranium bullets which are fired electrically, minimizing moving parts.
  • Micro-Rocket Pack (shoulder-mounted): Similar to an assault helicopter rocket pack, holds a variety of up to 15 rockets, including High Explosive, Concussion, Smoke, Flare, and Miniature Nuclear. Can track upto 15 targets at once, Fires a depleted Uranium Round or other things.
  • Gas filters - Can filter out any gas that is intended to harm.
  • Foot stabilizers - If a high wind or current attempts to-pick himself up, He can magnetize his feet to the ground, or spikes come out and implant them-self into the floor.
  • Short-Range Projections - Able to make a 3D realistic hologram to distract enemies or for other fun uses.
  • Flares - Against missiles , Stored in his arms, and legs.
  • Self Destruct - As a last resort, if activated the core in the suit will create a nuclear blast
  • Flight, Able to now reach 10 times the speed of sound
  • Magnetic Force-Field - The suit creates a force-field which can be modified at will by its user by incrementing the power of the Reactor. It can be so powerful to destroy bullets or repel people.
  • Psi-Shields - The suit has a built in Anti-Illusion/Mind Infiltration facilities, This works by creating a complex series of "fake" brains that can trick foes who are trying to infiltrate his mind. This further helps with Horizon, Being an AI can temporarily control his mind, or tell him if somebody is attempting to make an illusion, or even control the suit while it sedates tony to prevent a disaster.
  • Override: When required, This new Suit can amplify, including strength amplification, durability amplification, and repulsor intensity can be greatly increased, by bypassing safety circuits and limiters. However, there is a chance that this can result in a complete system failure of the armor. The range of the Override can be controlled as only reaching his very limit and staying at it for a long time will cause a system failure.

  • Defensive modes: Camouflage mode allowed Peak to blend into his surroundings while a stealth mode rendered him invisible to others’ sensors.

Annihilator Suit - Mark Three

Annihilator Mark Three
Annihilator Mark Three

This suit is more than an upgrade from the Peak model, it's an entirely new model. Unlike the Peak model, in which the suits underlining is stored in the hollows of Tony's bones, this suit in it's entirety is stored within Stark's body, activating with a single thought.

Now composed of hyper thought sensitive nano-bots designed to respond only to Tony's brain patterns, they can loosely weave together to mimic clothing, or compact themselves together to become as dense and strong as steel. Also, this armor does not rely on gears or servos for mobility, this armor acts as a second layer of artificial muscle, making it extremely lightweight and versatile.

It also appears the nano-bots can bind together to form working machines and enable energy output, such as the repulsor rays, and thrusters. Overall, this suit is the most hi-tech model built by Tony Stark to date, out performing his previous models.

It can resist any rise in temperature and can output high amounts of heat to defend oneself. It can re-charge itself from the sun so this means it has nearly limit-less power.

This sleek, Black and yellow suit (composed of impact resistant carbon-composites overlaid on top of layered "flex-metal" which can condense itself like a 3-dimensional accordion pleat) was a polarized metal mesh armor that uses every bit of space for detection and evasion components. Most of this armor used solar power to charge the batteries and run most of the integrated circuitry, though the pods on the sides were batteries that could maintain the suit's functions for a short time.

It was able to recharge itself from electrical sources, a thermocouple to siphon power from extreme heat or cold, and solar power. The suit utilized force field technology to render Peak electronically invisible- a layer of low density plasma would be held in place by a focused magnetic field, and the tripole waveform reflected radar, along with a wave modifier that bent the radar around it. To quash any detectable infrared signature, the armor's boot-jet exhaust was "washed" by bursts of super-cooled air. The micro-turbines on his jet boots possess assisted air liquification devices, rings of liquid oxygen jets, that cool the boots' emissions.

Repulsors : Laser-guided particle beam emission units mounted in the palm of each hand.

Unibeam: Multi-band light and force beam emitter. Can be adjusted for a variety of effects such as searchlight, heat ray, tractor beam, laser, image inducer and broad-spectrum (UV to Infra-red) light beam.

Pulse Bolt Generators: Plasma discharges that build in intensity as they travel through the atmosphere, picking up static and ambient energy, for a more powerful effect than the repulsors.

Force Shield: A focused photon emitter on the back of his left wrist that shapes into a shield.

Electromagnetic Pulse: knocks out electrical systems within range, including those of the armor itself, which reboots after six minutes.

Double-barreled cannon (wrist-mounted): Wrist-mounted, fires various ammo types. Ammo is user-selectable and is fed from belt circling the upper wrist.

Flamethrower (wrist-mounted): Largely ineffective while in-flight, but highly effective on "cleaning up" after fighting.

Laser Blade (wrist-mounted) : Able to cut through nearly any metal, by melting it. Deadly to human flesh.

Mini gun (shoulder-mounted pop-out): Shoulder-mounted and using an electronic firing system. This is a state-of-the-art Gatling-type machine gun firing case-less ammunition. It can be loaded with a wide array of various bullet types including stun and armor-piercing. Default load out is 10000 rounds of depleted uranium bullets which are fired electrically, minimizing moving parts.

Micro-Rocket Pack (shoulder-mounted): Similar to an assault helicopter rocket pack, holds a variety of up to 15 rockets, including High Explosive, Concussion, Smoke, Flare, and Miniature Nuclear. Can track upto 15 targets at once, Fires a depleted Uranium Round or other things.

Particle Beam Discharger (Inside palm): also called plasma cannon.

Single barrel missile launcher (shoulder-mounted): similar to a man-portable missile launcher, this weapon holds only a single shot.

Gas filters - Can filter out any gas that is intended to harm.

Foot stabilizers - If a high wind or current attempts to-pick himself up, He can magnetize his feet to the ground, or spikes come out and implant them-self into the floor.

Teleporter - This is a massive power-drain but can be done in if needed, but is a big power-drain

Short-Range Projections - Able to make a 3D realistic hologram to distract enemies or for other fun uses.

Flares - Against missiles , Stored in his arms, and legs.

Self Destruct - As a last resort, if activated the core in the suit will create a nuclear blast

Magnetic Force-Field - The suit creates a force-field which can be modified at will by its user by incrementing the power of the Reactor. It can be so powerful to destroy bullets or repel people.

Psi-Shields - The suit has a built in Anti-Illusion/Mind Infiltration facilities, This works by creating a complex series of "fake" brains that can trick foes who are trying to infiltrate his mind. This further helps with Horizon, Being an AI can temporarily control his mind, or tell him if somebody is attempting to make an illusion, or even control the suit while it sedates tony to prevent a disaster.

Override: When required, This new Suit can amplify, including strength amplification, durability amplification, and repulsor intensity can be greatly increased, by bypassing safety circuits and limiters. However, there is a chance that this can result in a complete system failure of the armor. The range of the Override can be controlled as only reaching his very limit and staying at it for a long time will cause a system failure.

Omnibeam: Only this suit has this function yet, It is an overcharged Unibeam - the Omnibeam can generate heats at 25232 degrees Fahrenheit, extremely powerful lights causing irreversible blindness in the enemy, and emit ultrasonic attacks capable of stunning even superhumanly durable foes and even causing disintegration.

Defensive modes: Camouflage mode allowed Peak to blend into his surroundings while a stealth mode rendered him invisible to others’ sensors.

Magnetism field - Able to cast 4 metal spheres into the air during a battle, and control the magnetic fields within.

Reaction filters -

Crypto-Artificer armor - Always ready to be used.

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Crypto-Artificer armor otherwise known by Anthony Stark as 'The Pill' advertised by Albert Donner as a revolutionary piece of weapons-grade biotech, which in reality hides more secrets. A form that will improve him in many ways that he had not felt before. Physical parameters that develop at a faster rate than most superhumans, it is a blessing. Side effects being an increased metabolism and hunger, a slight anomalous presence which may develop into ravenous cravings if left unchecked.

The pill when ingested dissolves into the body where it melds with the anatomy, drastically improving the structural integrity and making recoveries to damages. It also provides a link which can be monitored by Albert donner so that he can help stark at any given time. Now the subject can engage multiple hostiles without the presence of armor and come out victorious, the settings autocalibrate so that physical interactions with humans will not provide to be lethal.

In times of great danger, stress and/or emotional fluctuations a hidden form takes over. In a similar vein to the potion of Jekyl and Hyde it releases the inhibitions of Stark and lets him loose, it is perfect for fire and forget situations where everything within range must be destroyed. He will stand exposed within his own mind, watching his other side take over as his darker urges take over. It can be controlled but this takes time. Inner peace is important to maintain such a connection.

At dangerous settings sanity can be burned for exponential power. Used in non-lethal moderation partial components of the armor can be manifested to aid in combat or to act as adaptive shielding.

Presidential Assassination Suit - Mark Five - In Use

Upon his recent alliance with the Knightfalls, or more particularly Quintus and Morte, the two famed and astoundingly superior Brothers he was asked to lead an expedition to Antarctica bringing back a pure form of Vibranium, with eager anticipation Stark had agreed to this. He had been allowed use of the technology in this place in turn he set to work creating a new suit to hide his identify and allow him to get the Vibranium undetected or more bluntly - successfully.

This new suit would be made to do this mission, however it would also be the suit that will possibly be used to attempt an assassination against the president with Morte that had been agreed.

The suit was a complete and simple look remodel from the Mark Three simply changing its aesthetics, at first. The improvements and upgrades that had been made to this suit using the extensive and highly sought after technology of the Knigtfall base, had allowed Stark to create his best suit yet - The Mark Five suit was the pinnacle of his entire existence, Stark knew this however and would rarely be using this suit other-than in dire circumstances to not let this technology fall into the wrong hands.

The new upgrades onto the suit were ;

Source Particle beam generator - This was stored in both palms of his hands as a repulsion beam, upon firing it could instantly change the size of, alter the molecules or destroy nearly anything at a subatomic level, these particles had been used once to get the great Amaranth out of intangibility during a fight when they had attempted to assassinate Stark at Peak tower but failed. This also allowed Stark to change his own bodily size to make himself bigger or smaller, however that had not been tested even one. It would be done in the field and this may cause dangerous.

Denser-Underlying skin protector - The old skin-like metal that had protected stark was now highly improved in this suit, actually overlapping his standard Peak suit giving it a sandwich effect type thing or it could be described as a now highly resistant "paint" they overlapped his normal suit, giving him a high resistance to attack, this was further helped as he achieved a slight resistance to Chi-based attacks as he had studied them extensively using the resources he had been given. He was not planning to fight the Knightfall's but if any members of the world had Chi this suit would be-able to defend against it with more resistance than his usual suit. Chi-absorption would also be a factor in this suit, it could channel any magical based Chi attacks attempting to defend against them by discharging the energy as a converted form of electricity.

Chi-Based attacks and defenses - Under starks studying and being allowed to get access to the files about Chi energy, Stark had formulated a plan to utilize this energy, he had simply ( relatively to him ) created an emitter in his suit that attracted Chi energy that was "supposedly" all around us, meaning he could call upon this energy and give himself an unimaginable amplifications of power whenever the time arises. This also allowed him to defend himself with the energy creating a pocket or a forcefield around himself. This suit gave him a slight defense against precognition beacuse of the mystical elements, only strong enough to defend against an intermediate precog it gave a simple dampening effect meaning if the Precog was not looking for him they would possibly over-see Stark.

Stark can only use this Chi when inside of his suit beacuse he does not have the time to properly understand it and learn it like the old masters, instead he had locked onto the actual energy output this has, and created an emitter that brings it closer to him and his suit absorbs this and allows him to channel it through.

Mental powers - Beacuse of the Mystic energy that the suit is surrounded in it has given stark a small version of telepathy, he can only be agreement talk to people in their minds these days. He still needs to learn to control this power however and understand how to use it fully. Using the Ch-Based energy that he has tapped into, he can create a thick and highly dense shielding of Chi-Energy around his face attempting to defend against mental intrusions, this is not his own mental power more of a channeling of power creating such a dense shield of Chi ( can be like a wall in-front of gunshots ) it will take somebody with a lot of power and mental strength to break though this Chi-based mental "wall"

Peak Nano-Bot manipulation - Using more than his usual Nano-Bot technology, Stark has implanted a few million specialized N-Bots into his Right palm, allowing it to take on any form that is needed, for example he could create a simple gun or an energy absorption weapon if he has time to study the thing he is absorbing, These Nano-Bots can be configured to carry out commands and take over enemy electronics if needed.

Anti-Metal Vibranium Tipped Claws - For Quintus Knightfall, Stark was ordered to travel to the country of Antarctica and find a rare metal, this was a PURE form of Vibranium that gave out a certain wave-length that liquefied any metal upon contact if cut into, This would work against all forms of metal. He coated his hand claws in this for his Mark Five suit to give him an edge against enemies who may use metal.