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Favourite X-Men of all time

These are my favorite X-Men in order and i shall explain why i like these characters. It includes X-Men that may be dead or depowered or still alive. Over time there may be some changes :p

List items

  • I don't like this character only because of his awesome laser beams but also because he is one of the best leader figures in the whole of Marvel Universe. His leadership skills have allowed him to defeat many foes and unite most mutants on the island of Utopia after the devastating decimation of their kind. He is a man that will do what must be done in order to ensure the survival of his race.

  • He is a telepathic genius that likes to cause chaos! He is infamous for the riot he caused at Xavier's school. An unlikable person to most people because of his attitude but i know that despite that tough 'bad boy' exterior he wants to show he is still a hero at heart.

  • The moral linchpin of the X-Men was one of my favorites and it was sad for me to see him die. He died a hero's death while trying to protect Hope, the messiah of mutant kind. (AoA Nightcrawler is cool too but this is about the original one)

  • A terrorist and an enemy of X-Men in the beginning but now one of X-Men's strongest assets. His magnetic powers are overpowering and amazing. Also i like the fact that he is willing to do anything for mutants but sometimes he does go too far. Hopefully he will remain an X-Man for the years to come.

  • Rogue is one of the few female characters i like because even though her abilities where a danger to everyone she touched, she still chose the high path of being hero. Now she has gained control of her abilities and is one of X-Men's most formidable members and a teacher in Wolverine's new school.

  • Funny guy who leads his own team, the X-Factor. He is ability to produce clones of himself can offer some funny moments but also prove useful in a fight. I like that this character doesn't just fight like the X-Men but also does some investigation and solves cases.

  • Cool attitude and flashy powers. Enough said.

  • Iceman is just so cool! Literally! His abilities are freaking awesome and he is so likable.

  • Hot, telepathic, ninja assassin. What more could one ask for? The combination of her powers and skills make her an important addition in the team. Her adventures in the Uncanny X-force book and her contribution in the stories brought her in the top 10 of my favorite characters.

  • An angel caught between a battle of good and evil both outside and inside of him. Both sides of Warren are very appealing to me and i like watching both of them struggle for control over one another. During "The Dark Angel Saga" this character shined the most and I am interested to see how that event changed him.

  • This character used to be one of my top favorites but after he lost his hands he became angry and I didn't like the way they were writing him. But for old times sake i think he deserves a place here.

  • Though depowered he is another character i used to like but Marvel seems to have forgotten. He was a master strategist and tactician and i think his knowledge could prove useful for the X-Men in some cases. I hope he gets more spotlight in the future.

  • I added them as a team because individually there is not a member I especially like, but when they work together they are pretty amazing and i enjoy reading their stories because of the chemistry the characters have between them.

  • I like this character because even though in the beginning he was bad, now he is reformed and is trying to gain control over his hundreds of personalities and powers, and at the same time try to find a place he belongs in the world.

  • Her 'i know it all' attitude is too much to handle and the way she uses the fact that she knows how things will turn out is pretty cool too.