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Methos universe is growing...

ahhh, a full new look at the Methos character...

anyone who wants to have an appearance in the ever growing Methos Universe, PM me a pic with a quick character background, as detailed as you want... and i'll do you as a Jedi or Sith or any Star Wars type character you want :D



To Secure a Century

of, for the Fic "To Secure a Century", which you can find here...

a quick note for people who don't know the characters i'm playing with...

Methos - Adam Pierson = See my 'myvine' page...

Duncan Macleod.

Duncan is almost 400 years old and thus was born in 1592 during a battle in Glenfinnan, Scotland to a woman who had been part of an army engaged in attacking the Scottish Highlands. Duncan enjoys life. As Connor said, he has "all the fun and most of the good women".[1] Although he is a womanizer, he shares his life with a few women he grows to love. Those who are mortal, he remains loyal to their memories and cherishes the moments he had with them. He is perfectionist and keen to learn new things, be it reading, playing Shakespeare or fighting skills. He is cunning and very difficult to catch because he has experienced most of everything life has to offer. He has a very good memory and can remember things that happened centuries ago.

As an Immortal, Duncan takes The Game with a grain of salt. He fulfills his duty and defends his head when he is challenged but he is not bloodthirsty and occasionally spares his opponents, especially female Immortals. Indeed, he does not hunt other Immortals for their heads, but he fights evil ones if they attack people he cares about. As he tells Alexei Voshin, "if you harm people I care about, I'll send you to hell the hard way". Unlike Connor, for example, he does not consider The Game his primary purpose in life and sometimes retires from it.

Duncan is not prejudiced against mortals (Indeed, despising mortals is an attribute of most evil Immortals). Duncan is generally very generous to mortals, and almost always tries to avoid hurting them. Being four hundred years old, he has seen dozens of them age and die and thus accutely, and sometimes bitterly knows how fragile they are. "I have mourned more friends than I can count. Death is part of my life." For this reason, he protects them, especially from evil Immortals and from the dangerous consequences The Game can have for them. He feels they have nothing to do with it and should not suffer from it. He doesn't usually tell them about his immortality except when he trusts them with his life. He never gets used to death, especially the death of his lovers.

Richie Ryan

After the trauma of Darius' death in Paris, Duncan, Tessa and Richie returned to the States, where Duncan uncovered the secret of the Watchers. It was to be a traumatic discovery. Tessa was kidnapped by renegade Watcher Pallin Wolf, and although Duncan rescued her, she and Richie were gunned down and killed by a mugger on their way back to the store. Richie revived to find MacLeod cradling Tessa in his arms and himself immortal.

Later on, Richie, who was now immortal, ran into some trouble, as he and Duncan MacLeod ran into an Irish immortal named Annie Devlin. She was about to kill a British ambassador. She was stopped by Richie, who ended up killing Annie's husband. She swore revenge. Duncan knew her well and told Richie he needed to defend himself. So Duncan trained Richie to use a sword, initially a katana. He instructed him specifically in her favourite move, and the counter to it. Despite Duncan's attempts to talk Annie out of it, she would not be swayed from her desire for vengeance. Richie went to face Annie and they fought. The training worked, and Richie disarmed Annie, but found he could not kill her. Having spared her life, she was persuaded to let him live too, and gave up her quest for revenge.

Later that day at Duncan's loft, Duncan gave Richie his first sword, a Spanish Rapier. Duncan had trained Richie to fight with a katana, but probably decided a rapier would allow Richie to keep his distance in a fight, emphasizing his speed over his size.

Richie met an immortal named Mako, who was chasing a young woman, Laura Daniels. Richie intervened to save her, and took her back to Duncan to get help. Richie put her under his protection. But they discovered she was wanted for murder, and Mako was a bounty hunter, tracking down those on the run from the law. She claimed she killed her husband in self-defense, but the local law was corrupt and she would never get a fair trial. Mako was an immortal who lived by the letter of the law. Duncan met Mako a long time ago and he knew Mako won't give up. Richie and the girl made a run for it. They stop at a hotel and spent the night together. Then Mako found where they were staying. They ran again, but Richie realised that they couldn't keep running forever. Laura still wanted to run, and tried to pull away from Richie. Mako, driving his truck, ran into the girl and killed her. He claimed it was an accident, but Richie, enraged, attacked Mako. The fight went into an abandoned store and swords got involved. Duncan arrived and saw the girl was dead, then went inside and saw Richie fighting Mako. According to the rules, he could not intervene, but he tried to talk them both out of it. Richie and Mako end up in a room full of paint and tables. Mako gets up on a table and falls in, becoming trapped. He struck at Richie, cut him, and Richie struck back, taking his head. That was when Richie received his first Quickening.

Joe Dawson

Joe Dawson served in Vietnam under Immortal Andrew Cord. In 1968, after seeing Cord shot, Joe accidentally stepped on a landmine, blowing him up. He was saved by the resurrected Cord, who carried him in back and took him to the army medical center. There he tried to tell the psychiatrist that it had been Cord who had saved him, but was told that Cord was dead. Later, he was told that he had his legs amputated.

Not being able to cope with the loss of his legs, he tried to commit suicide by shooting himself. Before he was able to do that, he was visited by a Watcher named Ian Bancroft, who told him about immortality. Joe found a new meaning to his life and became a Watcher, owing it, in his perspective, to Andrew Cord. Bancroft would become Joe's mentor within the Watchers and a close friend. That year, he begun his Watcher career as an historian. He later became a field Watcher, observing Immortals like Roy Ferrer (1971-1974) and Liza Grant (1975-1978), later being assigned to Duncan MacLeod in 1979.

The Watcher oath states that they can only observe and record, but never interfere. Because of the developing friendship between Duncan MacLeod and Joe, he has been forced to break that oath, almost leading to his execution by his fellow Watchers.


Amanda was born in the Abbey of St. Anne in Normandy, France approximately in the year 820. She was a poor and uneducated thief during the plague era in Europe until her first death in 850, when she was beat in the head after stealing food from a plague-ridden house.

She was almost cast into the fire (supposedly to keep her from spreading the plague, having eaten contaminated food), but Immortal Rebecca Horne saved her from that fate just as Amanda breathed her last, and became her teacher and mentor. Rebecca taught Amanda the way of living, The Game, how to fight, and they became best friends. Amanda, however, could not let go of her stealing ways and, one day, tried to steal The Methuselah's Stone that belonged to Rebecca. She was caught but Rebecca forgave her. Amanda was very moved by this and started to learn how to become a proper lady and to have a proper life. Amanda then left Rebecca's abbey, a Holy Ground for Immortals, in 853. Rebecca gave one part of her crystal as a departure gift, like she had done with other pupils.

That same year, while traveling, she met Immortal Hengist the Saxon who challenged her to fight. Fearing for her life, she ran back to Rebecca's abbey because she knew that the Immortal could not fight her on Holy Ground. Rebecca said that she couldn't run forever and must face her demons. Amanda gathered her courage and faced the Immortal. She won and got her first Quickening. After the experience, she left the abbey again and faced an uncertain future. Amanda became one of the best thieves in the world, being able to surpass any obstacle and get anything she wanted.

She was known as one of the worlds most adventurous, and uncatchable thieves. She had stolen items thought unstealable. Jewels, paintings, money, just about anything she so wished, and she almost never got caught. She would later meet then young Immortal Duncan MacLeod, alongside Rebecca. Her relationship with Duncan became intimate and was on/off throughout the centuries. They would have many adventures together such as the robbery of the Stone of Scone with Hugh Fitzcairn and the bank robbery days ala Bonnie and Clyde with Cory Raines. Besides being an accomplished thief, she held many jobs such as an harem dancer, acrobat, tightwire artist, bank robber, teacher, antique dealer, nightclub singer and casino owner.

In 1993, in Paris, she was working as a circus acrobatic and trapeze performer "The Amazing Amanda", and sent tickets to Duncan MacLeod, Tessa Noël and Richie Ryan. Tessa realized that Amanda and Duncan had a long romantic history, but merely accepted it. Amanda knew that Tessa did not trust her, but dismissed her. She regretted her attitude later after she found out about her death. She was asked for Duncan's help to protect her from another Immortal, her former partner in crime Zachary Blaine, who supposedly was trying to kill her. She and Blaine were actually plotting a high-stakes burglary, to steal an ancient book in a museum. She played both Duncan and Blaine against each other, a common ploy of hers, but she only did with Duncan because she was confident he would win. Duncan and Blaine eventually battled, but when Duncan had Blaine in position for a kill, Amanda stepped in and beheaded Blaine. The next day, Amanda was gone - at least for a while.

After Tessa's death, Amanda would return several times to Duncan's life and have many adventures with him, such as avenging Rebecca's death by her pupil Luther, meet The Watchers, fight against Kalas or find the secrets of the Methuselah's Stone. It was her relationship with Duncan that led her to stop stealing and how to be compassionate in her life. Her old habits, however, would come back from time to time.

In some ways, she is pretty manipulative towards her friends and foes. She would do whatever necessary to achieve her goals. She lived for centuries without looking back, and hardly taking responsibility for her actions. But she was a good person; hardly stealing from good people, she only stole from banks, museums, rich people and anything that amused her. She was also a very confident woman and had so many tricks up her sleeve that Duncan once compared her to a shark, a term he also used to described the equally manipulative Methos. She could be bitchy towards those who scorned her as proved by her famous line after being provoked by novelist Carolyn Marsh, "She called me a cheap whore and a thief - I was never cheap!"

Given the choice of fight or flight, Amanda usually chose to run away. With no real interest in winning The Game, she instead focused on staying alive, and so minimized the number of duels she participated in. Because of this, despite her long life, it can be assumed she absorbed a relatively low number of Quickenings. When faced with another Immortal, she typically ran or conned her way out of battle, or had to be rescued by a friend like Duncan MacLeod. Her tendency to use others to fight for her is evident in the number of Immortal friends and partners-in-crime that she accumulated. On occasions where she sought out a battle, she almost always met with disaster. During the original series her swordsmanship appeared to be less-than exceptional, and in fact she was never actually shown fighting a winning battle, even against an unarmed Kalas.

that should help people with the characters :D


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Hulk obsession

ok, anyone that was on the boards for the last few weeks will have spotted that random hulk madness that was taking over the boards by one or two users.

this i say to everyone, i hate the hulk. i have no interest in seeing battle after battle with the hulk being posted if you're not going to listen to reason about the battle.

the hulk isn't god, he can be beaten as all superheroes and villians can be.

unfortunately a few of the hulk fans on this site don't seem to understand this... it's just a pity when people just take their own character obsession to such an extreme that they are driving other people away from the character.

rant over

Methos, the hulk hater