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Hell Followed W/ Him

" I heard as it were, the sound of thunder. One of the four beats saying ' Come and See' and I saw and behold a pale horse, and the name of whom that sat on him was death... and hell followed with him" He placed the bookmark in the book within the bible titled Book of Revelation.

Since the dawn of the virus, people had lost all sense of logic. Nothing made sense anymore, nothing was what is was suppose to be. The absence of faith leads to the abundance of fear. For fear comes in hand with the unanswered questions that now consumed life. People searched to the ends of the earth for answers to these questions. That’s how the town of Exodus came to be. Father John spread the word of god and his explanation for all this. People would congregate from all over looking for the answers. Father John provided the answers that people had sought out.

Ever since the beginning of time to the late 1900s, the church has had a strong power over the people, because they provided the answers to the unanswered questions that people sought out. What is the meaning of life? Who created us? Who are we? The church provided the answers to these questions and because they did people were free from fear. The fear that comes with the unanswered questions. The church's power was reduced ever since the Renaissance age. When scientists and philosophers provided logical answers to the unanswered questions. This hit the church hard as people began listening to the words of logic for their answers.

Father John creating this town with the faith of God. People would listen to anything he said because he provided those answers. The answers for the hell around them. He explained it as God's way of punishing the sinners, by releasing the demons from hell upon them. He also explained that the sins within people had turned them into these demons. The church predicted that the world was going to pay for their sins and so they did.
With the absent of logical answer for the hell around. Now the church has as much power as they did before the age of logic.

The power of the church was best exemplified when a survivor was talking about the Virus that created the hell outside. The church responded with torture and sometimes murder to keeps some disbeliever’s words from reaching the people. Like during the renaissance age, the church did whatever they could to stop the philosophers from having their voices heard, because it would hurt there power over the people.

Peaceful was a perfect description of the town of Exodus. There was a nice perimeter around the town to keep the demons from hell at bay. Jack was the chief of police of Exodus. He leads 30 officers to protect the people of the town from the demons outside.

Jack put down the bible and walked to the living room. He claimed the machete that hung from a rack on the wall. He brought the machete to the garage and sharpened the blade thoroughly. He left the house on foot and proceeded to the town's stable. He met the other 30 officers at the large stable. They all began saddling up their horses and got ready for their hunt. Jack put on his steel shin guard with the large combat boots with them. The stirrups of the saddle were modified to fit the large boots of the officers.

Once a month the officers would go out on a hunt. They would go out on horseback for many reasons. Fuel for automobiles was gone making them useless and the horses do not require fuel. The horses were trained to stay calm around the demons and to stick to their commands. The horses were also trained to kick on command. Jack could recall many seeing a horse kick a demon's head in. The sound of the horses' hooves against the ground of the barren landscape was like the sound of thunder. The thundering of the horse’s feet would attract the demons to their position. The horsemen would decapitate the demons as they rode by. By the end of the day, the officer's would claim the heads of about two hundred demons.

The officer's would bring the heads back to the town and throw them into the room.

The father would burn the skull in front of the people and holler about. " Do you see how they appear as us. They look just like us! The demons of hell look just like us because the sinners of the world are the demons! Once you sin you will become a demon like this one!" he says as he swings the head by the hair.

Later that night Jack and four other officers would patrol the town and ensure the safety of the people. Jack saw people running and screaming about and he looked for the cause. He gasped as he watched the demons chase the town’s people.

Jack thought over and over “How did they get through the gate! It’s impossible!" Jack could not find a logical explanation at the time.

The other four officers’ charged with machetes at the demons and were easily taken down. The officers were overwhelmed by the hordes of demons that ran rampant through the streets.

Jack saw many of the townsfolk run for the church. Instinctively Jack too ran for the Church. The remaining officers sealed the doors and barricaded the doors the best they could. The people ran to the church for two reasons. The first reason was because they were seeking shelter against the demons, and the second reason was that they were looking for answers. They wanted to know how the demons got in and they sought the answer from the church.

Father John explained " Satan let them in! Satan disguised himself as one of us and let them in!"

The people were now more frightened then ever. The perimeter was perfectly built and Jack saw no logical reason how the demons would get in.

Jack pondered some thoughts quickly as the demons banged viciously at the door. People were now scared because they had a logical plan for their protection against the demons. Like during the times of logic that hurt the church's power so much. People thought everything was answered by logic, but during the early days of Armageddon all logic was disproved by the church, and people were living under fear because logic had failed them. That was what is happening now with the failing of the logical setup of the perimeter, thus bringing fear back into the lives of the people. So like Jack they instinctively turned to the church to bring back their faith when logic fails them.

" The demons of hell are upon us! and that door will not last forever!" he preached as he waved his bible around.

" I would like to read to you from the book of revelation" he said as the demons pushed vigorously on the door. And Jack had just noticed that a large storm was present. The cracking of thunder would momentarily cover the sound of the demons thrusting themselves at the door.

" This is about the apocalypse that we have had to endure." he claimed as he opened the book

" I heard as It were the sound of thunder!" The preacher hollered as he tried to bellow his voice louder than the sound of the demons banging at the store. The lightning would crack again and the flash would blind everyone for a second.

" One of the four beasts saying ' Come and See'!" He yelled as the thunder cracked again and the door began to splinter.

The demons arms extruded from the splintered wood of the door and they were hacked off by the officer's machetes. People began crying as the door was nearly open. The officers threw their bodies against the door to try and hold it close.

" And I saw and behold a pale horse! and the name of whom that sat on him was death!" The preacher's voice boomed as he threw the bible in the air.

With an explosion from the thunder, the people let out a blood curdling scream as the demons broke through. The demons jumped onto the people and began tearing them apart. Jack jumped into the crowd of demons with his machete and hacked away.

The screams of the people were momentarily blanketed by the sound of thunder.

Demons sprinted towards Father John as he roared with his coarse voice " And Hell followed with him!"

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