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Super Durability Inspired By Videogames..

Durability is often the hardest thing to wrap your head around when it comes to supers, as it often is inconsistent..so I came up with this:

Hero name: Jumper. I like this because she is balanced and yet able to survive superhuman damage for a while.

Classic Videogame style Durability: If she is shot through, burned, or hit with enough force she will automatically flash transparently like in the old Super Mario Brothers. For a short time she won't be able to be hurt, as any damage will go though her. She has nanites in her blood that give her an inner HUD that shows her health bar. When the health bar is depleted she will take damage like a normal human. Strangely enough, landing on her feet does not hurt her no matter how high a distance she falls from LOL. Landing any other way would make her lose health if the fall was high.

Almost flight: When she jumps she can actually move forward or backwards as much as she wants until she falls back to Earth. She can jump ten feet high but can jump higher by charging her jumps. Every ten seconds she gains another ten feet while charging. So by waiting ten seconds before jumping she could jump 20 feet and so on. While charging her other powers won't work. Each jump would require a fresh charge if she wanted to go higher than 10 feet. She can move while charging BTW.

Power Mask: Wearing it gives her these optical powers:

X-ray vision: See through most solids except lead.

Thermal Vision: She can detect heat sources.

Telescopic vision: She can see stuff from far away.

Density beams (move like Omega beams): These require so much power that all her other powers won't work when using this. She cannot turn her head or else risk turning them off. Once fired they won't stop until they hit something. They can be dodged, but one must be swift. Not necessarily superhuman.

The effect: They can make hit objects less or more dense. It just depends on what she wants. The beams are orange and shoot from her eyes while she wears the mask.

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