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The Holy Harlots
The Holy Harlots

During the time of the "Old World Order" - when the material universe was definitively recognized by Africans as female - people would enter a temple to be worshiped, not to worship. She who is unnameable, that darkness primordial, from which all life (light) is born. She is the everything and the nothing - hole-y, wholly, holy - and the Sacred Whore at work was, in fact, the manifestation of this Great Goddess. Thus, it was necessary for man to go through woman in order to achieve immortal status.

The Hebrew folk dance, known as the "hora", was named after the circle (hole-y, wholly, holy) dances of the Great Goddess's Priestess Prostitutes. Priestess Prostitutes were often the "Brides of God", similar to nuns being the "Brides of Christ". They were set apart to perform sacred duties, the highest of which was to give birth to the "Suns" (sons) of "God". It was their sacred right and holy honor to change hu(man)-animal into hu(man)-god.

Male devotees of the Great Goddess would undergo painful or humiliating preparatory rituals, wait years, fast, and give just about anything for the opportunity to be initiated by a Sacred Whore. Once initiated, they attained the power of the Great Goddess as well as the opportunity to reunite with their true twin flame (higher self/spirit/soul) to obtain godhood.

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During the time of the "Old World Order," when the creator was recognized as female, people would enter a temple to be worshiped, not to worship. She who is unnameable, that darkness primordial, from which all life (light) is born. She is the everything and the nothing - hole-y, and wholly, holy - and the Sacred Whore at work was, in fact, the manifestation of this Great Goddess. Thus, it was necessary for man to go through woman in order to achieve immortal status.

Woman would serve the Divine Feminine by spending a day, a week, a month, a year, or even longer at a temple as a priestess where she was to be worshiped as the Great Goddess. Initiated men, too, would come to temples to represent the Divine Masculine and be worshiped as the "Horned One", the sacred bull, the man-god; they were eagerly welcomed by the priestesses. "Horned Ones" would give their love and passion to the Great Goddess through her Priestess Prostitutes, and in turn would receive the reciprocal from the Divine Feminine through the same Holy Harlots. Together, man and woman would forward the work (creation/evolution) of the Divine Creators, and the Intimacy between them remained sacred and divine as long as the goddess in every woman was honored.

The golden age of Goddess worship, in which priestess prostitution was widespread, came during the age of Taurus.

Ishtar of Babylon (Aset of Ta Meri) was sometimes called the goddess "Har" as she was the mother of all Holy (Har)lots. These harlots were not the "street walker" prostitutes as we know them today, but rather sorceressess, priestesses, prophets, and healers.

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Adorning a sacred beaded fishnet mesh, the Holy Harlot would paint her lips red and her sisters would tattoo or paint her breasts and thighs. The fishnet mesh represented the primordial waters of the "womb-iverse" from which all of the most ancient ancestors of man (Kemetic Ogdoads/Dogon Nomos) were born, while the tattoos and body paint would represent sacred spells, symbols, prayers and totems. These ancient priestesses were also masters of several cultural arts including dancing, singing and playing instruments. Carrying the sistrum and menat - instruments with sexual overtones - these travelling performers, these "geisha-like" prostitutes, were treated with the utmost courtesy and respect due to their well established link with fertility, child birth, and spiritual sciences.

The sacred traditions of honoring the Great Goddess were broken several millennia ago, however, when patriarchs refused the worship of the divine feminine, preferring instead to be diminished in body and spirit. The separation into priestess and prostitute, or sacred and profane polarities, occurred for western civilization when early Christianity claimed power and proceeded to abolish goddess worship along with all other (mother) nature based spiritual systems. They called her (Aset/Ishtar) "The Whore of Babylon, who leads men into fornication" and labled her sacred sexual science a "sin" then cast shame on her priestesses. They held up a virgin as the ideal that women should imitate, instead of the Holy Harlots who had always carried the sacred image of the Goddess in woman. Spiritual texts were corrupted by the Vatican who moved to have their twisted religious doctrines spread from nation to nation and people to people by early missionaries, many of whom did not even know they were part of such a diabolical scheme. Society no longer had a place of spiritual significance for woman after false claims were injected into the minds of the masses that it was she who was responsible for man's fall from grace. By the 20th century the entire culture of the Old World Order was turned on its head just in time to be distributed to the world through television (tell lies through vision). The once sacred fishnet mesh, the tattoos and the body paint, were all shown to be associated with deviant behavior; and woman, once highly regarded and respected as the sacred vessel of the Great Goddess, had been degraded to "Evil Temptress", an obstacle between man and a sexless "heaven".

But now, a secret sect of Holy Harlots has resurfaced and intends to resurrect the Old World Order, believing that humanity's evolution (survival) depends on the reclamation of the female aspect of deity. They work in conjunction with the Immortal Thugs of Kali to restore balance in the "womb-iverse" by reintroducing lost teachings to the people en masse. Once fully self-realized, woman will once again be the initiatrix into higher rights of passage. She will again be the teacher of the mysteries, of the healing and restorative powers of sexual (creative) energy. When woman changes the way she sees herself, and man changes the way he sees woman, they will evolve in the image of the Gods and Goddesses they create.

The word "Lust" is derived from the words luster and light, and originally meant "religious joy". Strength, lust, light, joy and holiness were all the same during the age of goddess worship. The term "Sacred Whore" is not oxymoronic. Exploring the etymology of the word "whore" or "harlot", we find that the split between "priestess" and "prostitute" is a relatively recent one. The Hebrew word, "zonah", means both prostitute and prophetess while another Hebrew word, "hor", means "cave", "pit", or "dark hole". The Spanish word for whore, "puta", is derived from the Latin term for "well", while the latin term for "grave", literally a hole in the earth, is "puticuli", meaning "womb of rebirth". All of these terms for "whore" were not derogatory. The Latin term had its root in Vedic, an early sanskrit language, wherein the word "puta" is defined as "pure and holy". Therefore, the "cave", the "pit", the "hole" and the "bottomless black lake" were all metaphors for the Great Goddess.

Ancient societies had a very different image of sexuality, the modern concept of both sexuality and prostitution do not fit the old world. Women operated under a totally different imperative than women today.

Kali's Thugs
Kali's Thugs

"Killer Cali". One of the most popular epithets used by California's gangs and rappers when referring to their home state. "Killer Kali". The goddess of destruction.

During the time of the "Old World Order", the land of Hindu-Kush was invaded by nomadic tribes and wars broke out between them and the indigenous people. The struggle to gain control over the land lasted for a millenia. The invaders were unable to defeat the originals, however, due to the latter's advanced military tactics, yet they had managed to gain control over the northern regions. In between the wars, the newly civilized nomads of the north had resorted to corrupting the ancient spiritual texts written by the original people. Taking several centuries to crystalize - the new devious & oppressive religion, was designed to control and enslave the mind, body and soul of the original people. The god Brahma was then worshiped as the supreme deity, as opposed to the great mother. This twisted religion of Brahmanism, better known as Hinduism, invented the racist "caste and class" system, and reduced the original people to an inferior slave position and mentality.

Among the oppressed were those known as the "untouchables" - less than human social outcast(e)s; the hated ones. These rebels refused to compromise or surrender to foreign dominance. They were kept segregated and forced into slums. Emerging from the bottom of society was a cult of bandits who served the Great Goddess, Kali. Consisting of a coalition of "gangs" of roving stranglers, these "thugs" of Kali robbed, killed and sacrificed many people in the name of their beloved mother. Official records claim they were responsible for more than two million murders across the sub-continent. The former nomads labeled them as "Evil Incarnate".

The thugs tell a different account of their history and function, however ...

In the earliest ages of the Old World Order, Kali fought with a powerful demon whom had infested the earth with an army of soul-less abominations. These abominations were all created from the body of the Demon himself, as the legend says:

"When Kali struck the demon, his blood created armies of evil spirits. The ancestors were formerly immortals, whom Kali called upon during the great war to assist her in banishing the hellish army into oblivion, bestowing upon them the sacred mission of eliminating the evil spirits from the earth. Each of the Immortals were given a kerchief (bandanna) and were shown how to kill the demon spirits without shedding blood (strangulation). These were the first thugs, from which all pure thugs descend. This holy duty was a noble profession kept within the family, passed down from father to son, and all thugs were bound by a strong code of silence (no snitching). To be initiated as a thug was held higher than any other earthly honor".

Kali's thugs have always considered the Brahmins to be descendants of the ancient demon spirits, and so, they organized a confederacy of "gangs" to assassinate the higher and wealthier classmen of society. As a type of "Mafia", their extreme secrecy, combined with their mastery of the profession, made the Immortal Thugs one of the deadliest secret societies in all of history. Gangs numbered anywhere from a few men to several hundred. On the job were equivalents to modern day figures like "Hitmen" and "Lookouts". Above these figures were the leaders in the shape of Jemadar. Due to the fact that they used strangulation as the method of assassination, the thugs were often called the "Noose Operators". The fraternity also possessed a jargon (slang/Ramasi) of their own, as well as certain signs adopted from mudras and sutras (hand signs & "glyphitti") by which its members recognized each other. The sons of thugs were initiated around their tenth birthday. Thugs were certainly not above robbing their victims, and booty distribution was on egalitarian lines or worked out in advance. The wide-scale robbery of the richer class was a way of bringing wealth into the slums. All thug activity was done according to sacred omens, and only after performing special spiritual rites in honor of Kali.

The supposed demise of the thug cult began with the entrance of the British empire into India during the early 19th century. The British army spent years documenting information about the thugs before launching an organized movement to disassemble the sacred sect. Among their strategies were many modern police tactics including: forcing captured thugs to become informants as well as terrorizing and interrogating thug families. The thugs resorted to guerrilla warfare, like highwaymen, waiting to take the enemy by surprise. It was all over by the mid 1800s, however, after the British had captured more than 3,000 thugs and utilized them as informants or assassins against their own brothers.

On speaking of the protection which Kali had once extended to the thugs in former times, one captive thug said:

"We had regard for spirituality then! We have lost it since ... All kinds of men have been made thugs, and all classes of people murdered, without distinction; and little attention has been paid to omens. How, after this, could we think to escape? Kali never forsook us until we neglected her!"

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100,000 B.C. - 13,000 B.C.
100,000 B.C. - 13,000 B.C.

Thousands and thousands of years ago, when the entire landmass of Africa was replete with lush green pastures and much of the interior of the continent was filled by a large and beautiful inland sea of fresh water, a mythical human empire stretched from Ethiopia to the coast of Morocco. This empire was home to several ascended tribes of humanity who lived alongside nature for more than one hundred thousand years, learning to exist in synchronicity with the earth and their animal neighbors. The relationship they shared with nature had opened them up to new levels of consciousness and through the Earth itself they were ordained into a special order of planet keepers, all members swearing a sacred oath not to contaminate their minds and temples or violate nature by consuming the flesh of animals.

The Nagini

Nagini Maiat
Nagini Maiat

A ruler was needed to lead the people and the first appointed by nature to preside over the paradise empire was a woman named Nagini Maiat whom was thought by the tribes to be originally a seed of the heavens whom had been planted on earth in order to blossom in a great age of right evolution. This star child possessed a deep consciousness, seemingly on the scale and magnitude of the universe itself and within Ether Utopia she was recognized as the preeminent mind of their time. It was she who laid the founding principles for societal structure, all of which were designed in accordance to living in balance with nature, and taught that the universe was feminine in principle and that the planets were her daughters. Through the star child the people of Ether Utopia came to the understanding that all life came from within the embryonic waters of the macro womb, or dark matter, which she called the dark mother, or universe. With her teachings human women were escalated to the highest status of society and were seen as representatives of creation as well as star gates for the soul to enter into the flesh. They were worshiped as the first gods, teachers and rulers.

Ether Utopian Pioneers

The Twa
The Twa

Although the star seed was immortal her stay on earth was only for a limited time. So to preserve her principles she formed several orders of wisdom keepers, the first of which was an exclusive branch of the Twa tribe. The Twa were small in stature but possessed the necessary mental capacity to maintain the vast knowledge of daughter earth and sister nature. They were charged with raising the future generations of Ether Utopia, teaching them to work with the energies of the planet and the elements. Under the direction of the great Nagini the Twa were to spread to various corners of Africa and established a network of lodges and initiate members of other African tribes into their secret society. Being the masters and bearers of nature's principles the Twa held the secrets of both inter-dimensional and intercontinental travel and became immortals themselves.

The Dogon
The Dogon

The second order of wisdom keepers were star reader shamans from west Africa known as the Dogon and it was their responsibility to preserve the knowledge of the heavens. These shaman priests and priestesses studied and plotted the paths of the stars and constellations then used their expansive consciousness to chart planets and star systems that were and are still not visible to the naked eye. Their extensive knowledge would be later used by the next generation of wisdom keepers to record the histories and metaphysical correlations between the heavens and the people.

The Baule
The Baule

The third order of wisdom keepers had been gathered from various clans within the Baule tribe. These tribesmen were transformed into artisans. They were originally charged with recording the histories of the empire, but as they accumulated knowledge from the teachings of the previous two orders these artisans moved on to invent various forms of art and crafts, most notably stone masonry. Baule artisans used their intellect and creativity to elevate Ether Utopia into a golden age by building great stone structures of architectural genius with unrivaled precision, all without the need for tools or even blueprints, while furthermore developing formulaic ways to express the universe. The Baule inspired growth and life to the empire just as the sun was known to inspire growth and life to the planet. They were hailed throughout the paradise empire as "suns" of the future.

The War of The World

After generations of peace and splendor within their tropical paradise, and even longer after the departure of their first ruler, the Ether Utopians had reached a plateau in their evolution. They had obtained a state of near-perfection and there was seemingly nowhere higher for them to go but the dark mother universe and her daughter earth had yet to present the ascended humans with evolutionary trials.

The Destroyers
The Destroyers

The Ether Utopians were finally faced with the necessary trials that would spark further evolution when an ancient race of planet-devouring giants arrived from the heavens and began ravaging earth. The Dogon mobilized against the invaders and engaged them in many bloody wars which took place all across the ancient tropical valleys of the Sahara, fighting bravely against the more ancient planet devourers, but their lifestyle of peace had put them at a severe disadvantage against the war-savvy planet destroyers. Emissaries from various corners of the empire were sent to the Twa with requests to have a new order formed, an order whose members would be charged with upholding and enforcing the principles of nature in the face of threats such as the destroyers. After consulting with mother earth and the dark mother universe for nine months the Twa finally received a revelation that would tip the scales in their favor.

Bapende Hunters
Bapende Hunters

Messengers were sent to the Congo region with a call to arms, hoping to recruit new blood from among the brave tribes dwelling within its unfriendly jungle but many returned to Ether Utopia without luck. An answer did come, albeit late, to the empire's call to arms from a fearless tribe of hunters well known for their ability to work together to bring down large mammoths and other prehistoric beasts. Before the hunters cold be assimilated into the empire, however, they were put through cleansing ceremonies in order to rid their bodies of all the genetic corruption and foreign pollution accumulated from generations of animal consumption.

Ascended Bapende Warrior
Ascended Bapende Warrior

As a result of the sacred cleansing ceremonies the physiology of the fearless Bapende hunters transcended beyond human bounds. The Twa then proceeded to train them in the art of war and combat before organizing them into ranks of chiefs, fighters, defenders and finishers. The warriors were deployed all across the Sahara valley to do battle with the destroyers but the war was far from over. The destroyers were closing in on Ether Utopia, looking to destroy

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