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My unofficial review: AoA Nightcrawler "betrays" Wolverine

So I heard how the X-termination ended, yeah yeah I know, pretty late. (and no I haven't read it yet but I heard about it over the geek wire) But I still can't think of why AoA Nightcrawler betraying the X-Force was such a big shock, and how did Wolverine not see it coming. I mean, Oh gee, i had no idea he was coming here to check off his hit list and not just to help us, he never said. Oh yeah, he did....

Yeah yeah yeah, I know still thinks its our loving, caring, Nightcrawler. Uh, yeah teleporting peoples head off (sorry, couldn't find the pic) and coming from a place called the Age of Apocalypse really is a mirror image of Kurt.

And what about all the other great, trustworthy people on your team. Deadpool's a great teammate to have, really want to put my life in his hands. Point being, you have a mercenary, a world- renown thief, and a chick, who has died and come back to life so many times you can't keep count, and your BFF from another dimension or whatever,wouldn't you kinda suspect maybe one of them is a loose cannon?

And what really got me thinking, is when they let him "interrogate" Mystique. Sorry, wasn't he raised by this one, called her mom a few times and whatever. If she told him something, or told him she could give him what he wanted, he would never do it. Right? Heck no!Let's face it, Kurt Darkholme is a mamma's boy.

Last thing, I promise, didn't Wolverine side with the Avengers in the whole Avengers vs X-men thing, Did Cyclops demand a man hunt for Wolverine or anything? No! I'm sorry, I think Wolverines gone a little soft in the head in his old age or something.

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