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Marvel Iron Age: Morbius chapter 3, caught

(Read Marvel Iron Age Death Squad part 5 before this)

The Rig, North Atlantic Ocean

Morbius stares at Cutthroat as his team along with dozens of Iron soldiers fill the hall in front of him. Cutthroat gives a grin,"End of the line boys, and don't think about doing that mind trick crap again Essex fixed that problem for me." Morbius nods to Thomas, "you heard the man." At that moment the sound of repulsers powering up could be heard, John looked back at the soldiers,"Oh crap." The death squad jumped out of the way as the soldiers fired and Cutthroat yelled for the second wave of soldiers to help fight off the first, and ordered Slaughter and Lash to hold them off.

Thomas formed a telekentic shield around himself and stood back focusing as much power as he could to keep the Iron soldiers fighting on their side, Sean started toward the door but John shot a snare at his feet bringing him down as the assassin came for him, Achos and Metus ran to protect him but stopped at John's scent as if afraid to go near him,Luckily Morbius made it in time and hurled John at the second wave of Iron soldiers. Cybertooth came forward and the dogs leapt on him, he tossed Metus but Achos tore a huge gash in his arm and refused to budge causing him to start bludgeoning the massive dog with his other fist. Becoming frustrated he converted it to a saw as Metus came back to stop him losing a horn in the process. They then tore the cyborgs arms off.

Cutthroat jumped on Morbius stabbing several of his spikes into him then electrifying them. The vampire hit his knees as Sean slammed into Cutthroat with enough force to send him crashing through the concrete wall.

For a moment the team thought they had won until they realized the repulser blasts had stopped. Slaughter and Lash had shredded the Iron soldiers and now turned their attention to the team. Sean delivered a super sonic punch to Slaughter and screamed as all the bones in his hand shattered. Slaughter swatted him down as the dogs leapt for him. Lash caught them by the throats with his tendrils and tossed them away.

Slaughter popped his claws as he ran toward Morbius but he was stopped mid charge and lifted off the ground, Lash attempted to help but was blasted down the hall. Thomas held Slaughter in a telekenetic grip and used his body to break down the doors that led to the center of the rig that held Dormammu and then used him to smash his massive shackles setting the former lord of the Dark Dimension free.

The team ran for their boat as Thomas recited the incantation that would send him back to the Hellscape as he went about destroying the Rig. They sped off as the place sank Morbius looked at Thomas,"What's the next target?"

In the freezing water where the Rig had stood moments ago John, Slaughter and Cutthroat emerged from the water looking at the wreckage, as Lash pulled up Cybertooth ,John shook his head, "Well boys, looks like we're f**ked."