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Marvel Iron Age: Hardy and Creed vol. 2 part 11

Continued from here Part 10

10 miles west of Murun, Mongolia

7 and his group arrived on a hill overlooking Zemo's base. 7 sat and began making adjustments to his equipment as Scalphunter sighed impatiently, "Why didn't we just drop inside?"

7 didn't look up, "He's not in there alone. Zemo has an army of Hydra agents, not to mention his primary crew which includes Callous and the Juggernaut. I'm not particularly suicidal, so I'd prefer to be prepared."

Scalphunter sighed, "Fine, but hurry it up. I don't want to miss Super Chef, Enid is probably getting eliminated tonight."

Walker glared at Scalphunter as she spoke to 7, "He's gonna turn on us the second we aren't useful."

7 kept doing what he was doing, "I know."

Scalphunter looked Walker over, "I know you from somewhere, just can't place it."

She turned sighed a bit and looked away as Scalphunter's eyes lit up, "Spark plug! You're Spark plug, that little girl who used to follow Sable and Ngumi around like a lost puppy. I think I offed your mom."

Walker lunged at the assassin but 7 caught her, "Kill him later, we have things to do."

He then looked down to Raven who had her hands and feet bound, "I still don't see why I needed to come."

Scalphunter hopped up, "He needs to look willing to make a deal."

She turned, "They're gonna kill me either way."

He chuckled, "Sounds more like a you problem. Besides, I'm probably gonna kill you all if you do survive anyway."

She turned to 7, "I really wish I hadn't met you."


7 marched toward the main entrance in full view as Scalphunter and Walker sat on a hill with rifles. Several Hydra agents surrounded them. As they went inside, Scalphunter and Walker made their way to the side. Scalphunter heard a beep as he approached the perimeter scanners. He pulled out a small device that cloaked the two from the sensors.

Walker turned on the goggles 7 had given her and saw an empty room on the other side of a wall. She then charged her knife and cut a hole in the wall and the two stepped in. Scalphunter patted her on the head, "Good girl."

She briefly considered cutting off his head but decided to hold off.


David sat in a room with blood dripping from his face as an annoyed Cutthroat looked on. Murmur entered, "Having trouble?"

She then looked in David's eyes, "Tell me everything you know about Spiders."

David gave a blank stare, "They are predatory arachnids, they have eight legs and most of them spin webs."

Murmur looked confused, "Tell me all you know about the Spider resistance."

David attempted to speak as instructed but his jaw locked. Murmur sighed, "Madam Web gave you a mental block, didn't she?"

He chuckled a bit, "Sorry lady."

She sighed, "Tell me about Shield."

His jaw locked again. She looked back to Cutthroat, "Fine old fashioned way it is."


7 and Raven were marched in front of Zemo and forced to kneel. 7 looked around, "I assumed the Juggernaut was going to crush my skull the second I arrived."

Zemo looked down, "I sent him and Callous to round up the other two you brought. I assume the Shield agent, but who is the other one?"

Claudia shrugged, "Probably another shield agent, or a spider. It shouldn't matter."

Scalphunter heard Zemo over the comm and grabbed Walker, "Oh, he's good."

The two then entered the control room.

As Zemo lifted his sword to behead Raven the place went dark. 7 cut the rope around Raven's wrists and swatted away the Hydra agents guarding them. As the lights returned they were gone.

Scalphunter and Walker looked down from the rafters as Juggernaut and Callous entered the hall. Callous sniffed the air. Scalphunter sighed, "Crap."

Callous leapt up and smashed the rafter they stood on. As they hit the floor Scalphunter grabbed something 7 had made just for the Juggernaut. He tossed the disc that attached to his chest accelerating his momentum taking him toward a wall that shattered as the Juggernaut bounced away through another wall. They turned to see an angry Callous who charged but Juggernaut tore threw a wall and slammed into the monstrous mutant launching them both away. Scalphunter looked stunned, "There's no starking way that should've worked."

Walker chuckled, "7 never fails to impress."

He looked down, "Oh my god, Spark plug has a thing for the cat guy."

She gave a hateful look and walked on, "Oh, come on. That's freaking adorable."

They ran along the hall but were slapped against a wall as Lash found them. His eyes seemed to light up at the sight of Scalphunter, "You're number 3 on my list."

"Is this about that thing in 97?"

Lash charged but Scalphunter jumped over him. He looked back to Walker, "Sorry Spark plug, got better things to do."

He then disappeared down the hall as Lash looked back to Walker, "You need to pick better friends."


As 7 and Raven Arson jumped out to attempt an ambush but 7 tossed a small sphere that exploded into a mass of fire suppressing foam that hardened around him. Shift emerged in a cloud of smoke in order to suffocate them but activated another sphere that sucked him in and trapped him.

As they approached the room where David was held Murmur and the Tinkerer stepped out. 7 shot Murmur in the mouth a hardening gel to keep her from speaking as Raven punched her hard in the face knocking her out. Tinkerer then tossed a small disc into the air. It shot a gust of wind that knocked 7 off his feet as Raven seemed to disappear.

As 7 pulled himself to his feet a suit of armor assembled around the Tinkerer, "You may be smart for an animal, but I'm out of your league."


Scalphunter followed his tracker but was distracted when Zemo and Claudia happened by. Zemo gave a wary look, "I wasn't expecting you."

Scalphunter drew his sword with a grin, "No one expects the Spanish Inquisition."

The two gave the assassin a blank look, "Nobody remembers the classics anymore."

Claudia drew her sword, "Let me dispatch this cretin, no need to sully your blade."

She charged at Scalphunter who knocked away her blade and tripped her. She gave an angry grunt as she hit the floor. He then swatted her on the ass with his sword, "Do you know how to use that thing?"

She jumped to her feet and tried to grab him with her clawed hand. He sidestepped and sliced down the claw. She was enraged as it fell to the floor, "That has been in my family for generations."

He raised his sword to finish her but was forced away as Zemo shot at him. He turned and threw a knife into the gun barrel causing a back fire. Zemo dropped the gun but drew his sword. Scalphunter looked the two of them swords ready, "Is this like a couple's thing? Kind of feel like a third wheel here."

He then took a sword hanging from the wall, "Come on, I got s**t to do."


Raven slipped in to where David was being held. She believed she'd gone unnoticed but Cutthroat looked her way, "Camo, isn't gonna work with me."

(To be continued)