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Gifted youngsters part 3

Continued from here part 2

(To curb any continuity complaints I want to be clear that from here on out I'll be doing my version of the X-men which will differ greatly from the 616 origin.)

Xavier's School for gifted youngsters, 1986

Most of the team stood near the front door as they awaited the arrival of three new students. Xavier had taken Scott off to the side to discuss one of them privately. When Xavier and Scott joined them Jean noted an almost nervous look on Scott's face.


A few minutes passed before Xavier reentered with the new students. He first introduced the original group then looked back to the new ones, "Allow me to introduce, Calvin Rankin, Lorna Dane and Alex Summers."

Scott walked up to Alex and began an awkward conversation, "Long time, no see."

Alex looked him over, "Look, you don't have to worry about playing big brother. Been a long time and we don't even know each other."

Scott was disappointed but hid it well, "Well, how about a tour?"

Jean walked passed them to Lorna, "Its about time we got another girl here."

Warren spoke up, "What do you mean? Bobby's been here all along."

Bobby glared, "Very funny. Who'd you pay to write that one?"

Beast extended a hand for Calvin to shake but he handed him his suit case, "Show me to my room."

Hank narrowed his eyes as he dropped the case, "Stairs are that way."

Calvin gave a condescending look, "Sorry, you have that Igor type servant look about you."

Hank slid his over sized hands in his pockets as he walked away.

Bobby looked to Warren, "Wow, the Professor found a bigger douche than you."

Warren narrowed his eyes at Calvin as he spoke to Bobby, "I assume, we're on the same page here?"

Bobby nodded.


Xavier came into Hank's lab as the new students took the tour. He looked over the various chemicals Hank was working with, "Bobby told me about earlier. Calvin does seem to have a bit of an attitude problem, but I'm sure once you two get to know each other..."

Hank cut him off, "I'm used to it Professor, he wasn't the first to make fun of how I look. Igor was new, usually its some type of ape."

Xavier sighed as he picked up a vial, "You don't need a cure Hank, you just need to accept who and what you are."

He went quiet as Xavier left the room.


Near midnight, the Boys' floor

Alex wandered out in his pajamas looking heading toward the kitchen when he noticed Warren and Bobby leaned over by Calvin's door. He leaned down behind them, "So, you hassling the new kids?"

Bobby turned, "Punishing a jerk."

Alex gave a nod, "Need help?"

Bobby looked to Warren, "Are we sure he's related to Scott?"

Warren handed Alex a box of plastic wrap with a shrug, " We have to be really quiet."

Before they could enter the door swung open and Calvin looked down on them smugly, "You should probably do some research before pranking someone with super powers."

Bobby got a bit of a grin, "Do your abilities include ironic punishment?"

Calvin seemed confused but was then horrified by the sight of his suddenly abnormally large hands and feet. As he backed away he noticed the wings sprouting from his back, "What the hell did you freaks do to me?"

Warren then noticed his eyes glowing red, "Oh crap."

He then let out an optic blast. Warren and Bobby moved just in time but Alex caught the blast head on. The hall around him was destroyed but Alex stood unharmed as the rest ran to see what had caused the commotion.


The Next day Calvin, Alex, Bobby and Warren sat in Xavier's office as he spoke, "The four of you will be sharing a room until the section of hall way you destroyed is repaired."

Calvin looked indignant, "That's not fair, they caused....."

Xavier gave him a look that silenced him, "As for you, I told your father that your abilities would require special attention. You will wear the ruby quartz glasses Scott lent you until further notice and you will be restricted to solo activity in the Danger Room until you can maintain control of the power you absorb."

He then looked to Bobby and Warren, "Hazing will not be tolerated and as for you Alex, perhaps your brother would make a better role model than these two."

As they walked out Alex asked Bobby, "So Scott is a teacher's pet?"

"Yeah, he's not so bad though."


After they left Xavier pulled out files and began looking over them to find new instructors.

(To be continued)