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The Path of the Bloodbender

"It Begins"

Obsessed with obtaining the highest forms of martial arts abilities, the apex of combat, Jean Luc LeBeau journeyed to South America to find a mythical bibliotheca said to contain the greatest literary works in existence. He spent countless hours examining ancient texts and scrolls deciphering the codes needed to unlock the darkest arts of the combat World, including the outlawed form of Bloodbending. An ability to control, distort, and manipulate the fluids inside the body. With deadly application one could boil, freeze, crush, pressurize, or even extract the blood of any opponent he or she faced. Long since forgotten, and even further sill un-mastered, Bloodbending was considered fantasy with only the oldest of clandestine martial artists retaining memory of the technique. One such Si-Fu was the Dark Arashikage, exiled member of the secretive ninja clan who had trained Jean Luc as a child. Sensing the boys great potential for evil the Arashikage hid their knowledge in the Shadow Fang catacombs beneath their Sand Temple. It was while researching the method in the Great Library that the Aristocratic Assassin not only discovered the location of the Dark Arashikage's prison, but that through his experimental abominations with the form, he had prolonged his life. Igniting a full scale archeological expedition funded by Jean Luc with reckless disregard for capital. However, although alive, the legendary Si-Fu had long since gone mad from centuries of unlit isolation, but not all was lost. Inside his putrefied antechamber the secrets of several Chi based techniques had been meticulously diagrammed along the walls. Over ten lifetimes worth of lost information decorated the fallen one's cell in analytical detail. A wellspring of dogmatic indoctrination had effortlessly fallen into the Cajun's lap. Establishing the his fallen League of Shadows directly over top of the Si-Fu's prison, Gambler had the means and resources to rebuild his empire passing down the base forms of the Arashikage to his assassins while concealing its darkest forms for himself. Destroying the prison as well as the crazed Si-Fu elevating himself through the use of forms only he knew existed. Before his death, Si-Fu, through a brief moment of clarity, revealed that although he was unable to personal pass down the art of Bloodbending, there was another who could from beyond the grave. Weaving a fantastic tale involving the Italian philosopher, Niccolo Machiavelli, and his lost tomb. Propertied to contain the missing documents required to master the Bloodbending technique.

Metaphysical Martial Arts:

Uncovering the exiled Arashikage has granted the self-proclaimed King of Kings a new wealth of devastating combat techniques which he has methodically incorporated into his already impressive combat arsenal with flawless ingenuity and finesse.

- Chi-Blocking -

This endowment allows Gambler the ability, through perfectly placed strikes along the body, to cut an opponents connection to his or her Chi by rendering specific muscles useless. In other examples it has the capacity to disrupt meta-human and super-human abilities. A master of this form is capable of going toe to toe with an opponent of far superior power. Light finger tipped strikes can penetrate dense metals, armor, skin, and even force-fields. (Classification: Un-mastered/Learned)

- Landscape Mapping -

With seismic vibrations carried through the ground Gambler is able to perceive his surroundings with echolocation visibility as long as the target is in contact with the Earth. (Classification: Unmastered/Studied)

- Airmanipulation -

Original utilized as an offensive weapon by the Arashiakge, the Living Legend has since modified this ability to elevate his elusiveness. Transitioning his mutant telekinesis through his body allowing him to evade attacks with unprecedented cinematic acrobatic prowess and theatrical agility. Transforming his movements into unpredictable classifications of innovation. (Classification: Mastered)

- Bloodbending -

The outlawed technique of the Arashikage and latest object of the Cajun's self-absorbed quest for dominance. The form and style used by a Bloodbenders mirrors the movements of a marinate who dictates his puppets maneuvers with choppy rigged hand gestures shaping his opponents body with violent contortions in which the opponents own body fluids are highlighted and manipulated against their host. Its teaching was forbidden due to its extensively evil foundation and focus on unmitigated lack of moral sensibility. With this abolished technique Gambler can cook, freeze, extract, or pressurize any and all liquids inside his opponent, even quelling ones internal organs. As a sub-catagory, Bloodbending does have applications in the field of healing as well. But that knowledge was lost along with its more sinister counterpart. (Classification: Unknown.....)