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The Age-Old Question

We've all heard this question as comic readers, "Marvel or DC?" I'm not here to throw more fuel on this never-ending fire but, much like Coke is better than Pepsi, I believe DC is the better of the "Big 2." This is definitely my opinion and I'm not here to tell you that if you like Marvel you are wrong, I'm only here to show why I enjoy DC and why they will be getting more of my very limited money. This shouldn't come as a surprise for anyone who knows me, but I am a big Batman fan. Huge, actually. Every single Bat-title, with the exception of Nightwing, is on my pull list. Even that Detective one that has been pretty bad and that Dark Knight one that has only recently gotten better. I am also a pretty big Green Lantern fan as I currently have all four Lantern books on my pull list. There are a few other DC titles on there too, such as Justice League, Earth 2, Phantom Stranger, etc.

I would consider myself heavily invested in the DC Universe and maybe that is why I don't view the Marvel books to be of equal quality. The DC books have felt more, for lack of a better term, mature than the Marvel books. The Marvel books I read are fun and enjoyable in their own way, but when I want a story that I feel is more down to Earth I lean back to DC. I know it may sound crazy that the same universe that has invincible-to-everything-but-green-rock heroes and ring-wielding emotional galaxy police in it is also the one I view as "down to Earth," but it's true. Marvel always seems like they want to do something that is crazy and out-there just for the sake of comics and epicness. I don't really feel that with DC. Now, I'm sure many of you will argue this with me in the comments, and I welcome that, but this is how I feel.

The New 52 may not be the best idea to some of you longtime fans, but it's clearly working for DC and it's working so well Marvel is now copying it. In fact, because of Marvel's relaunch, I am interested in a few titles from them that probably wouldn't have existed otherwise (Avengers Arena and All New X-Men.) I'm not anti-Marvel by any means. I love Marvel for a lot of things. I have a copy of the Avengers on blu-ray sitting right next to me and I've been tempted to watch it yet again all night. Their movies are undeniably better than DC's (with the exception of Nolan's Batman) and they clearly have a great plan laid out for that. The comics just feel to be a better read at DC than at Marvel. I would love to hear some of your opinions on this matter. This topic has been thrown out there too many times to count, but if we could get some interesting debate here and not just the typical "Batman is better than Iron Man" debate (I love both) than I would be willing to contribute to it.

This whole thing came back into my head because I am looking at titles I want to drop from my pull-list to save some much-needed money right now and I instantly looked at Marvel books without thinking. My mind immediately viewed Marvel books as expendable and the DC books as a necessity. Even Detective Comics! I think the biggest thing is I am more interested in the greater scheme of things at DC. Marvel will always be my "pick up every once in a while" company and maybe that's okay. Maybe that's how things should be for me. Let me know which team you guys play for and why, I truly am interested.



This Week's Comics:

-Adventure Time #8

-All-Star Western #0

-Amazing Spider-Man #694

-Batman, Incorporated #0

-Batman: The Dark Knight #0

-Red Lanterns #0

-Talon #0

-Wolverine & the X-Men #17