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Queen of all Fangirls Speaks- Spain's First Daughters are goths!

So it seems Spain has a secret.   
Its first daughters are Goths or Emo or whatever and they don't like anyone knowing it. 
Being a Gothn in my youth I have this to say...Get over yourself Spain. 
So your First daughters are Goths, a lot of kids are. 

I grew out of it (mostly) and they will too. 
And to the Right wing nuts blaming this on Obama..what the hell! 
Fox news makes it sounds like Obama either made the girls goth through 
Voodoo or is consorting with witches. 
Need I make a Point that Nancy Reagan had a staf astrologer, now you see Fox that's more like consorting with witches, lol 
Anyway I think its cool those girls are letting their FREAK FLAG FLY! 
Your Queen 