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Marvel Re-Imagined: Thor Agents of Asgard #17


Drirr stood on the edge of a rooftop looking down at the city of Kal-Shirok with 12 of his followers around him, as he watched the citizens below he could not help himself but feel disgust as they talked and smiled as if nothing was happening in complete denial, he closed his eyes and sighed waiting for the signal to arrive, as he opened them he noticed his archstone glowing, he took it off his belt and placed it near his lips.

"Thor, what news do you have on the Carta base? “

"According to our source, there are several entrances to the base hidden throughout the city however you can only open these doors with a special key handed to important lieutenants. “

"Understood, my men and I are in position and the attack will commence shortly, you two divert as many of them as you can, we will strike them from behind and trap the survivors in the middle of the base, then all of us will move in for Svortas head. "

"Very well, good luck my friend, may the Allfather watch over you. “

"And may the Ancestor watch over you Asgardian. “

And with that he lost connection with Thor, he pressed a small button on the side of the archstone that connected him with the various squadrons waiting for his signal to strike.

"Listen up all of you! The Asgardians have begun the assault, while the enemy is in disarray we are to cut down any of them left outside the base, show them no mercy for they will show you none! "

"Yes sir! “ Said the lieutenants in unison and with that the archstone stopped glowing, Drirr put his helmet on, drew his sword and with that, him and his men started descending down to the street level and onto their unsuspecting prey.


Thor and Brunnhilda stood before the entrance to the Carta base, Thor had kept his promise and promptly crushed the bastards skull with his bare hand, he knew they needed to be fast for even with all their centuries of skill, even they could not hope to battle an army of Dwarves and come out of it alive.

He started spinning Mjölnir in his hand and waited for the electricity in it to build up, Brunnhilda drew both of her broadswords, he placed the key into the door and titled it to the left, upon hearing a loud clicking noise he knew that his foe would be alerted to them, Brunnhilda looked at Thor and nodded at him, he responded with a nod of his own and with that kicked the door open.

An assassin standing before them turned around and drew his dual swords from the holster on his back and yelled. "Who the fuck are you?! “

Thor simply smirked as he threw his hammer at the assassin, it hit him chest and sent him flying across the air and in the middle of the room where dozens more Carta warriors were, as he landed on the floor Mjölnir released a massive stream of electricity that spread throughout the room killing several nearby Carta warriors.

The room was soon covered in smoke leaving the remaining assassins in disarray, they drew their weapons and tried to prepare for the next attack of the enemy, soon screams of terror and pain replaced the silence as Brunnhilda and Thor began cutting down their foes taking advantage of the smoke.

The pair of Asgardians cut, stabbed, slashed and decapitate the Carta warriors and upon the smoke clearing, leaving only a dozen mutilated corpses at their feet.

Brunnhilda looked around her and let out a long sigh as she placed her blades on her shoulders. "Well… That was easy enough. "

"I doubt we will have the element of surprise considering my first attack. “

"And whose fault is that? “ He gave her an annoyed look before turning his attention to a large pile of containers, he walked up to them and started examining their contents, his eyes widened in shock as he could see hundreds of piece of Dwarven weaponry and armor all of which were from the army.

Brunnhilda raised an eyebrow and walked up to him to see what he was staring at, she too was surprised to find all this in a place such as a Carta base.

"Do you think they stole this from the Dwarven military? “ He asked her.

"I don’t really see how could they smuggle all of this without anyone noticing, judging by the sheer number of these containers it would take them months or even years to steal all of this. “

"I will call Drirr, he needs to hear this. “ Thor placed Mjölnir in front if his face and whispered a command into it, a moment later it started glowing as it made contact with Drirr’s archstone.


On the mid level of Kal-Shirok, a group of about 8 Carta assassins ran frantically to one of the nearby entrances, a few minutes ago their commanding officers contacted them telling them the base was under attack and that all warriors must return to repel the enemy.

They were in such a hurry that they failed to notice Drirr and his soldiers, who had been tracking them for a good 10 minutes now, the assassins stopped in front of the entrance to the Carta base, Drirr paid close attention to the lieutenant who placed the key into the door, a loud clicking sound was heard and with that Drirr gave his men the signal to attack.

The assassins stood no chance as a volley of arrows attacked them from all sides, killing them swiftly and quietly, Drirr and his men ran to the corpses and slashed their throats to make sure there were no survivors, Drirr then took his archstone and got into contact with his lieutenants.

"One of the patrols has been dealt with what is the status of the remaining ones? “

The generals all gave them their status reports and from what he could gather, it was all going smoothly so far with no casualties on his side, he told his warriors to be prepare themselves as the true battle was about to begin.

Then he heard Thor calling out for him. "Drirr are you there? “

"Aye I am, me and my men are about to enter the base, what’s so urgent? “

"We took out a squadron of Carta warriors and searched some of their supplies…. We found thousands of Dwarven weapons and armor inside from the military. "

Instantly Drirrs blood started boiling in rage. "What?! How could these bastards steal that much?! Do they not know those are imperative to the war effort?! "

"It appears though they were no stolen, they are still inside the containers from the Dwarven base from which they came. “

"Then that means some one gave it to them, and I have a pretty good idea who. “

Suddenly the archstones light faded, severing the link between Drirr and Thor.


Down in the Carta base, Mjölnir felt the same effect as it to lost connection with Drirr. "What sorcery is this?! “

"It could be that the Carta placed a barrier severing our link with our allies above, at least that means that all of them are down here with us, we should continue the assault and make our way to Svorta.“

Thor nodded in agreement and the two of them ran to the door leading to the rest of the base, upon opening it they were meet with close to 500 Carta assassins clad in the stolen armor and equipped with the various stolen weaponry.

The front rows were stationed in a phalanx like position; the mid rows were equipped with massive swords, axes and shields, with the last row armed with crossbows already aimed at their targets.

"Well…. I certainly wasn’t expecting this….."

To be continued………….