
I got a starting point I can use it's actually in my bio, I just need to finish part 3. What the shit, Obi's back?!

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Comic Script help.

I need help man. I'm trying to create a Marvel style Comic script but to be perfectly honest i don't know if i'm doing it right. It seems like every source I go to tells me to do it one way; then another tells me it needs to be otherwise. I know there are supposed to be some sort of rules for writing a script can someone tell me what they are or atleast point me in the right direction for some solid information.  Here's one I just tried solely for this blog.



Political Decay, Financial Ruin, and lack of spirit have all but consumed Indigo City; kids were forbid from playing outside, people went to work with fear in their hearts; but just recently the sun finally began rising on this once chaos torn city and now NEXUS governs this city with his life; the question is can he do it alone?

PAGE ONE:  Terry Hanson and his Girlfriend, Nicole Stevenson is half naked lying in bed together.  The sun is slowly creeping through their room and the two are entangled within each other; looking at one another. Nicole offers Terry breakfasts he decline’s and suggest he needs to go.  At that point Nicole looks a bit disgruntled, but Terry Kisses her on the cheek and insist that he’ll still keep their date to the Aquarium with that he put on his T-Shirt and Jacket and exited the apartment. Nicole turns over on her side in the bed, beginning to doubt, the relationship she shares with Terry. As she is moving towards the bathroom; she says to her “I have to do it”

PAGE TWO: Terry is walking down the busy street during morning work traffic; there are hundreds of people walking on both sides of the street; many dressed in business suits, others casual.  The Sun brought the city to life, casting its majestic rays across the once dark areas of Indigo City.  There were public Vendors on the sidewalks selling things ranging from hot dogs to breakfast sandwiches. The streets are packed and there a multiple people walking across the streets or running for the bus. The city seemed to be coming alive right around Terry, whom’s mind was still stuck on how he could better his relationship with Nicole.

PAGE THREE: Terry walks down an alleyway looking down, trying to think of something to do for Nicole’s birthday; when he comes upon a litter of Kittens. Bending down he uses his fingers to attract the kitten’s attention, they began to playfully swat at the finger. Looking around he begins to look for the Kitten’s mother. There are multiple homeless people sitting in the same alleyway, there are huge blue trash cans on both sides of the alley. Terry looks closely and he can see what appears to be a dead cat next to the right Trash Can. “I guess that mean’s your coming with me” He said picking the three Kittens up. He came to the end of the Alley and turned the corner, his apartment was to the right of that.

PAGE FOUR: He enters his apartment lobby with the kittens in his jacket, secluded from sight; there is a woman in the front whom is using the telephone and not paying attention. There is a couch and table right to the left of her window; Terry walks in flashes his pass and then starts upstairs, until she calls him reminding him of his date with Nicole later. She notices something moving around in his jacket and tells him to not get caught. Terry smiles and then continues up to his apartment with the kittens in hand.

This is a project i was working on that i put off until I get some free time, Also short. 

Hall Monitors

COVER PAGE: There is a group of Kids all standing in a circular formation, there is a girl to the right wearing a Blue Uniform with a red armband on and a huge “11” on it, there is a boy to the right of her wearing a blue uniform with a Yellow armband with a big “10” on it. There is a blonde girl to the left, she is rather curvy and is wearing a modified uniform, which is a skirt with heels. Her uniform is Blue and she is wearing a green armband with a huge 12 on it. In the middle is our main character Thomas; he is in his blue uniform holding his white armband into the air with a huge “9” on it. He has a real cheesy smile; he has black hair and huge brown eyes.

PAGE ONE: Thomas is sitting in his regular clothes in the principal’s office; to him she looks like a mighty judge high in his chair ready to cast down judgment on him. Though she and him share a few words about the importance of the HALL MONITOR TITLE.

MS. PATRICK:  Being a Hall Monitor is a big responsibility Thomas, you do know that don’t you?

CAPTION: Ms. Patrick: Union City High Principal. Codename Supreme Monitor

THOMAS:  I DO MS.PATRICK; I just want to know why I was chosen?

MS.PATRICK:  The choosing of the monitors are kept secret THOMAS; either you want the job or not?

PAGE TWO: THOMAS and MS. PATRICK continue their conversation, only this time MS.Patrick is pacing around the room with her hands folded; she eventually gets in THOMAS face and flashes a gold ring that has the initials HMA, she then invites THOMAS to take a trip with her

THOMAS: I’ll take it, but only because I get discounted lunches, and I can use the good bathrooms.

MS.PATRICK: That’s not all; you also get your hands on one of these…

THOMAS:  What’s HMA?

MS.PATRICK: The Legendary Hall Monitors association, come on take a walk with me THOMAS.

THOMAS: We’re we going.

MS.PATRICK: Too, educate you rookie.

PAGE THREE: MS.PATRICK and THOMAS  began walking down the hall she has her hands placed behind her back just glancing ahead; THOMAS walked with his head focused on her.

MS.PATRICK: To understand while you so important THOMAS you must understand Union High’s history.

THOMAS: I’m already failing history….

MS.PATRICK: A Long time ago, we didn’t have this separation between the classifications. There was a great tragedy that made it happen.

THOMAS: I think I heard about it.

MS.PATRICK: The halls were so packed that we could barley navigate, then a student set a trash can on fire. The school went up in a matter of seconds; no one was injured; but we strived for better.

As you can see i like the Marvel Style, but i'm not sure if I'm even doing it MARVEL STYLE. I need some help. Don't worry I'm not on the verge of cutting my wrist yet feel free to trash this as much as you like!