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Attilan King Black Bolt, Emperor of the Kree Empire, inhuman. Along with members of the royal family (Medusa, Gorgon, Karnak, Triton, Crystal, Maximus Lockjaw and the crazy) form the powerful and strange inhuman.

Black Bolt - King of The Inhumans

The Power of Black Bolt

Real Name: Blackagar Boltagon - Black Bolt

Alias: None


6 '2 "


210 lbs





25,000 years ago the warrior alien race the Kree , genetically manipulate a group of humans (for use as allies in their wars) giving them superhuman powers, leaving them to their fate evolved faster than the other races, in isolation from the others call themselves Inhuman .

Son of Agon and Rynda , belonging wing inhuman royal family, King of Attilan, Blackagar Boltagonknown as Black Lightning is one of the most powerful beings in the universe.

Superhuman Powers

Exposed born even before the Mists terrigenous (all inhuman are exposed to these mists that release their latent powers), while still an embryo, the child would be called Blackagar Boltagon (in inhumanely) and known to us as Black Bolt born with enormous and destructive powers. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [Imagen3 ].

The powers and abilities of Black Bolt derived from electron manipulation , Black Bolt's brain can generate an unknown type of particle that interacts with the electrons of the environment, creating phenomena controlled by the mind of Black Bolt.

Electron control over environmental particles.

The fork that takes

Black Bolt

on his forehead allows channel their powers more effectively and controlled through this manipulation and assembly of electrons Black Bolt

can increase all physical abilities

to great levels,

increasing their strength, speed and endurance

as well as other skills such as creating force beams, or a series of consecutive explosions, barriers or force fields, manipulate matter and many other skills:

Physical powers - superhuman strength

Black Bolt possesses superhuman strength and endurance at the level of the strongest characters in Marvel, using your antenna and your ability to channel energy from the environment can increase the strength and speed to extraordinary levels.

Black Bolt has usually proven to be at the same level of force that La Mole of the Fantastic 4 . [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

It has also been physically confront Hulk and on more than one occasion has managed to put it out of action temporarily. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ].

Also faced the Mighty Thor and Gladiator Praetor of the Imperial Guard Shi'ar . [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [Imagen3 ].

The explosion of electrons similar to the thunderclap from Hulk . [ Image ].

Black Bolt can react and move at superhuman dodging the powerful shock waves produced by Gorgon .[ Image ].

Black Bolt struggling with a super warrior Kree on the blue area of the moon has shown his speed to combat and defeating his master stroke in an explosion so strong that he was on earth from Nairobi (Africa) to Sydney (Australia ) and the shock waves shook Attilan to its foundations. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ] [ Imagen6 ].

The Master Stroke , Black Bolt could concentrate all its power of control of electrons in an extraordinary The Anderson who is able to break and destroy anything that even temporarily weakens such wear.

The powerful Ikaris of the Eternals has been defeated by the coup of Black Bolt. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2].

These particles generated Black Bolt brain can be directed in different ways as powerful electron beams through members ( Electron Blast ). [ Image ].

His Electron Blast can also be directed through your antenna controlled by your brain in ways indescribably powerful Black Bolt actually do not need your voice to beat the more powerful enemies.Black Bolt using their skills has defeated the mighty Sphinx handedly, The Sphinx had the Ka stonethat gave him powers cosmic levels, so much so that the Fantastic 4 needed the help of Galactus to beat. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ].

The powerful Graviton had become a living black hole due to the intense gravitational pull of his body and creating mini black holes threaten to destroy Ben Grimm , but Black Bolt using his unique ability to manipulate electrons, created an immaterial force and through a glowing magnetic bottleneck mortals drain and encapsulated mini black holes. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ].

His extraordinary control electron has allowed defenses also disable building all Baxter headquarters of the Fantastic 4 . [ Image ].

Resistor superhuman

Black Bolt is also very resistant to physical damage and can withstand powerful attacks and could survive the vacuum of space.

Bolt Black is also capable of creating powerful force fields using ambient electrons. [ Image ].

Control over matter and energy.

Using its control of electrons to convert solid granite statue in a different form, that of Ben Grimm , a perfect sculpture I might add. [ Image ].

Transmuting concrete into antimatter . [ Image ].

Restructuring the electrons and uniting them in new patterns to create a new gown to The Mole . [Image ].

Melting metal in a spaceship to cellar an opening and maintaining the atmosphere turn inside. [ Image].

Or doing the opposite by decreasing the air through its control of electron cone did against Falcona . [Image ].

Black Bolt has destroyed a solar flare with enough power to destroy the earth. [ Image ].

His control over the electrons of the environment also lets you create anti-gravitons , which give you the ability to fly at extraordinary speeds, its maximum speed is unknown but easily exceeds the escape velocity . Being able to travel from the earth to the moon in seconds.

Equating the speed of a missile launched by Maelstrom to The Great Refuge , using his perfect control of the electrons altering its course through its control of electrons and redirecting it to the escape velocity space. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ].

Black Bolt's voice

The most powerful weapon of Black Bolt is definitely his voice, since childhood he was trained to suppress even the slightest sound for the safety of all. Black Bolt's voice is one of the most powerful and destructive weapons in the universe. This cry "quasi-sonic" is powered by the electrons of the environment and may reach nuclear proportions.

The powerful voice of Black Bolt was able to open a hole in reality itself. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ].

From the strength of the voice of Black Bolt says he can destroy planets mountains and even , during his captivity and used by Ronan The Accuser as one of his warriors an aching Black Bolt would not scream, pushed to the limit of their endurance and avoiding kill all, turned his agony on the ground of the planet, enabling distant volcanoes and starting a continent on the other side of the planet (Medusa also mentions that having muttered a word had erased half the planet). [ Image ].

Only the sound of a single syllable has had enough power to loosen the foundations of the entire city ofAttilan . [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ].

The slightest sound of the voice of Black Bolt can devastate an entire city.

On several occasions during or mistakenly Black Bolt has devastated their city-state of Attilan . To free his people from the negative barrier impenetrable with which Maximus (the crazy brother of Black Bolt) had surrounded the city, Black Bolt had to sacrifice for the good of the inhuman, destroying the indestructible barrier and the city itself while . [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ].

If you have super-hearing better not mess with Black Bolt =). [ Image ].

Black Bolt also has complete control over his voice, which can lead to extraordinary precision. [ Image ].

After Secret Invasion , Black Bolt would be launched to avenge the Skrull , using a cannon voice channeled destroying entire fleets with his power. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

Black Bolt would deliver one of his fiercest battles against Vulcan (Gabriel Summers), in which both employ all his skills as handlers electrons and sources of energy, strength and endurance, only to end his voice employ Black Bolt to defeat him. Vulcan is mutant omega level , he can absorb and manipulate energy, can create powerful telekinetic force fields, absorb the powers of his opponents, throw powerful rays, temporarily suppress the powers of others, is capable of reforming itself, etc. (such Once all this explain why not was completely disintegrated by the voice of Black Bolt). [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ] [ Imagen6 ] [ Image7 ] [ Imagen8 ].

Intelligence, ability to combat and other skills.

Black Bolt is extremely intelligent, as king leads his people according to their customs (do not forget that the Inhumans are a society very different from ours, one Genetocracia far from a Utopia), as king of education in the arts and science more advanced than ours in their heritage Kree is an excellent strategist in the military and martial arts expert of their race.

He is an excellent fighter with or without weapons experts has defeated fighters like Ronan . [ Image 1 ] [Image 2 ].

By Black Bolt skills has special training in the art of meditation and control over their emotions, including pain and suffering, purging each day thinking so that you never even while asleep may cast the slightest sound . [ Image ].

Black Bolt has been shown to control also the will , even as it does is a mystery, but it has some control by the flow of electrons on the will of the people ignored the scope of this skill. [ Image ].

Black Bolt in turn has great resistance to mind control. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ].

Cain Marko found in the ruins of a temple Cittorak the Crimson Ruby, making him a powerful mystical entity avatar of Cyttorak, a human Juggernaut! Holder since an indescribable strength and invulnerability. Cain would become one of the most powerful beings on Earth.

The Unstoppable Juggernaut

The Power of the Juggernaut

Cain Marko - The Juggernaut

Height : 6'10 "to 9'5"

Weight 900 a 1900 lbs

Eyes : Blue

Hair : Red

Known Relatives : Kurt Marko (father deceased), Marko Marjory (mother deceased), Sharon Xavier Marko (stepmother deceased), Charles Xavier (brother), Cassandra Nova (sister).

Group Affiliation : Thunderbolts, X-Men, Excalibur, Exemplars, Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Black Tom Cassidy partner.

Occupation : Professional Criminal, soldier and mercenary.

Cain Marko , is the brother of Charles Xavier the founder of the group of mutants known as the X-Men . When he found the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak , he won an unlimited strength and durability known since then as the Juggernaut , thus becoming a terrible enemy for young mutants.

Cain Marko - The Juggernaut

Cain Marko's mother died when he was young, raised since then only by his father

Kurt Marko

. With the death (arguably) of

Dr. Brian Xavier

colleague of his father, Kurt married Xavier's widow,


. It then would move to


Xavier's mansion in

New York

. Sufio Cain abuse by his father both physically and psychologically, Cain also feel great hatred for his

brother Charles

, due to the fact that his father favored him more than him. Once Cain discovered that Charles was making use of its capacity


to read minds to succeed, hate Cain would be even greater. During an argument with his father, Cain caused a fire accident in the laboratory of his father, the fire quickly grew out of control and Kart once again showed their preference for Xavier when saved him first, after returning by Cain, died smoke inhalation.

Cain and Charles were drafted into

the U.S. Army

. and were in the same unit during

the Korean War

.On a mission, were in a shooting and left the unit Cain, Charles went after him in the hope of bringing him back before he got into trouble. Cain fell into a cave that actually serious inside the

Temple of Cyttorak lost

. Cain then discovered the

Crimson Gem of Cyttorak

on a pedestal and when he touched her, appeared an inscription that read:

"Whosoever touches this gem is granted the power of the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak! Now onwards, you read these words, forever ... It will convert a human juggernaut!"

Cain mystically transformed into the avatar of Cyttorak destruction .

Superhuman mystical powers

As Avatar of Cyttorak, the Crimson Ruby of Cyttorak gave the Juggernaut him superhuman abilities such as super strength, endurance, invulnerability and other skills that Cain is used mostly in increasing his incredible physical power.

Superhuman Strength Class 100 +

The power of the Juggernaut is powered by the

Crimson Gem of Cyttorak

, which is the tube that


uses to channel his magical energies in his avatar. The Gem gives incredible strength to unknown levels and that make it an irresistible and unstoppable being. Once he starts moving in one direction, no obstacle or force on Earth can stop him.

Due to the mystical nature of his powers granted by an external source of limitless magic as the Gem of Cyttorak, Juggernaut can increase your strength immeasurable physical levels with a simple thought when needed. In this sense,

Juggernaut has a virtually limitless superhuman strength

and is what makes him truly unstoppable. The Juggernaut is one of the most powerful physical beings in the universe, able to go hand in hand with strong and powerful heroes.

As soon as Cain was transformed into the Juggernut conduct its first feat of strength, durability and unlimited, being buried alive under the gigantic mountain that covered the Temple of Cyttorak , not breathing or eating the Juggernaut would moving the incredible amount of tons of rocks and debristhat covered him for years (Xavier estimate what a trillion tonnes). [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ].

In his first meeting with Xavier and his X-Men , Juggernaut would again unstoppable , overcoming the defenses of the mansion (pumps, gas, high voltage discharges, armored doors 50 times stronger than a battleship armor) with great ease . [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

The prodigious force completely destroyed Juggernaut solid steel block in which was contained by Thorand the New Warriors . [ Image ].

The incredible strength of Juggernaut has allowed defeat Colossus in combat, even without taking the game very seriously. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ] [ Imagen6 ].

Prime the most powerful hero Ultraverso measured closely with the Juggernaut : irresistible force against an immovable object. Juggy achieve even surpass it. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ].

Juggernaut has even beat the Hulk-Professor in physical combat advantage that Professor did not know who was fighting. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ] [ Imagen6 ].

Juggernaut even been able to challenge the incarnation most powerful Hulk , coming to establish some equality before Hulk resign to continue combat. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ].

Juggernaut possessed by the entity known as the Trion (Trion-Juggernaut) has been even able to hit physically through dimensions , making his way pure stroke. The Trion just use the incredible power that provides Cyttorak ! [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ].

While Storm fought against Trion , Wolverine and Xavier had reached Juggernaut's mind and convince him to fight Trion mental possession. When Cain Marko overcame possession and regain control of their unlimited powers, the release of highly destructive energies of Cyttorak cause a tear in their own time / space continuum! Opening a huge gap in the reality!. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ] [ Imagen6 ] [ Image7 ].

Despite having markedly diminished powers and having lost its powerful forcefield proving extremely vulnerable to physical attacks, he was able to give battle none other than King Hyperion . [ Image 1 ] [Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ] [ Imagen6 ] [ Image7 ] [ Imagen8 ] [ Image9 ].

* Juggernaut lost their links with the energies of Cyttorak, these were interrupted after Marko had contact with the Uni-Power, when he became host of Captain Universe.

Superhuman Strength and Invulnerability and force field

The gem also gives physical resistance to fatigue for all purposes unlimited . Cain is also virtuallyimpregnable and invulnerable to conventional physical injury, although Cain is capable of being affected by high levels of mental or mystical attacks, such attacks rarely have shown that cause permanent damage.

Juggy is also immune to extreme temperatures of heat or cold . Spider-Man launch a fuel truck against Juggy. The powerful explosion and fire would not stop the unstoppable Juggernaut. [ Image 1 ] [Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

Firestar unleash their burning microwave power and heating both Juggy which would put the white fire, Juggy did not even acknowledge the incredible heat that was being attacked. [ Image ].

The molten steel either have no effect on him. [ Image ] ..

A million volts is also nothing to the power of the Juggernaut. [ Image ].

Juggernaut has also received the powerful lightning Thor without being affected at all. [ Image ].

Juggernaut also resist the lightning storm and even redirect achieved against itself. [ Image ].

Cyclops unleash a powerful attack on Juggy that as Cyclops had left a small planet in half. Juggy just laughed at the attack. [ Image ].


The Juggernaut is capable of generating a personal force field around them, which extends about 1 foot in diameter from his body. He uses this force field to increase his already amazing if damage resistance. In his first appearances, he that can use this ability to generate a force that allowed him to throw people and objects around him, but now seems to work only on the defensive. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2].

The field is so strong that it has withstood the blows of Mjolnir as usual. [ Image ].

When the force field was temporarily blocked by Mjolnir , natural durability proved to be enough to exchange blows with Thor . [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ].

Healing and Regeneration Factor

Although it is usually almost impossible to damage, it can be damaged usually by mystical forces powerful enough. If it is damaged or injured Cain has regenerative healing factor that allows you to completely regenerate at superhuman speed.

For example, has been wounded by the sword of Shatterstar , which is forged from a mixture of technology and magic and instantly healed. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ].

The demon D'Spayre once flayed the Juggernaut to the bone, leaving skeletal state after absorbing most of the power of the Juggernaut and yet the juggernaut could not be stopped and was able to regenerate all the damage done once recovered its full power. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ].


Cain is functionally immortal . The aging process is completely halted and is immune to all toxins, poisons and diseases. It is also supported by the mystical energies flowing through your body and has no need to eat, drink, or breathe.

Unstoppable, Unstoppable one Irresistible Force

Once Juggy starts to move in a certain direction, it is virtually impossible to stop. The only known examples that have managed to stop involving the participation of some mystical power, which is the only weakness of Juggernaut.

This feat has only been achieved by Thor and his incredibly powerful God-Force (Thor despite being weakened by disease and use their God-Force with a lot less power than you can reach).

Even the all-powerful entity known as Onslaught was able to perform this feat.

Inconceivable strength Hulk has also managed to stop him, but at that time their power had increased levels of technology Celestial which enabled actual release hidden power of Hulk, usually restricted byBanner .

Mental Skills

Cain Marko has average intelligence, but also a strong will, which do not allow to give up and turn it into a formidable opponent for anyone.

The iron will of Juggernaut has allowed him to overcome even the same Cyttorak in a battle of wills for control of his soul on the astral plane. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ].

As Avatar of Destruction Juggernaut powers may be limited subconsciously Cain , whenever he denies his true nature, to face Hulk Cain had to embrace his royal power as the avatar of Cyttorak . [Image ]. .

Combat Skill

As a result of his days in the military and his experience as a villain and hero the Juggernaut is a formidable melee fighter, using his style seems more like street fighting and but has great technique, allowing you to make the most of their great strength .

Team: Your Helmet and Armor mystics

The Juggernaut wears a helmet made ​​of an unknown mystical metal found in the Crimson Dimension Cyttorak . The Juggernaut later formed a cap of metal debris used to build the hull. This cap provides complete protection against telepathic attacks, even when it comes to the likes of telepath ProfessorXavier .

The helmet not only prevents mental attacks, but also allows Cain to know who is trying to attack him psychically. [ Image ].

Juggy can also rebuild or recreate your helmet using their mystical powers. [ Image ].

The Juggernaut usually wore armor could invoke mystique around at will. When he was stripped of his powers, the Juggernaut armor that took looked like his original but made ​​of unstable molecules.However, when you access their full powers, he is able to invoke his mystical helmet and armor. [ Image 1] [ Image 2 ].

Other attributes provided by the Ruby of Cyttorak

Potentially the Cyttorak Gem Ruby or have provided and may provide certain capabilities that are unknown by the Juggernaut , it usually only exploits its virtually limitless energies on raising her incredible physical power, but also the gem gives magical abilities as: change the size of the area, increasing its size, tracking, levitation, energy absorption, energy projection, and creating portals. Cain accidentally and in some cases unable to make use of some of these skills.

Juggernaut show in his fight with Nightmare various magical abilities, such as throwing energy beams and invoke powerful spells that allowed him to confront the powerful entity. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ] [ Imagen6 ].

Juggernaut Avatar, one of the Exemplar

Millennia ago eight entities of great mystical power , known as the Octessence , agreeing not one of them was the most powerful entity decided to fight through Avatars , each depositary of a fraction of his power, that would be an incarnation and living representative of its enormous power. Farallah ,Cyttorak , Balthakk , Ikonn , Raggadorr , Watoomb , Valtorr and Krakkan each created an avataran Exemplar (copy). Once a mortal would become an exemplar, a spell trigger each temple leading to the creation of the following exemplar. Juggernaut was the first, but the spell was interrupted when theTemple Cyttorak was buried under the rubble.

Each Exemplar had comparable levels of power Juggernaut himself, embodying extreme special abilities, depending on the institution they represented, possessing the power of gods!.


: Avatar Balthakk (He had the ability to fly and project bursts of heat, and combat skills above average) unleashed a beam of pure energy capable of vaporisar countless tons of Titanium in half a second. Stonecutter : Avatar Raggadorr (possessed strength superhuman fighting skills, and the ability to design and build the "God Machine") would cause an explosion of unimaginable scale kinetic, causing twisting his armor, but the armor is part of their power and only lost his helmet. Bedlam : Avatar Ikonn (He had powerful telepathic and mind control) attacked him with a mental storm of pure physical pain that Juggernaut could not resist having lost his helmet. [ Image ].

Juggernaut would also face the rest of the


in single combat: [

Image 1

] [

Image 2

]. Decay : Avatar Valtorr (He had a "touch of death" that caused organic objects disintegrate). [ Image ]. Conquest: Avatar Krakkan (He had incredible fighting skills and a variety of weapons attached to his suit) She like a living machine of war, attack the Juggernaut with superior combat skills, but the strength and endurance Juggy would prevail in the end. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ]. Carnivore : Avatar Farallah (Owned speed, agility, coordination and superhuman fighting ability, and terrible claws) fiercely attacked slashing and tearing Juggy armor like never before anybody had, despite its Juggy speed was able to beat him. [Image ]. Bedlam initiate a mental attack against Juggy too, but this time Juggy enough to resist attack Stonecutter. Stonecutter and Juggernaut would combat power against power, combating these demi-gods, would cause great destruction, causing earthquakes and all of collapse around the punching power. In this war of avatars Juggy use all his power to save the human race, making an extraordinary effort to destroy the God-machine (the machine of God), sweeping every essence of exemplar! [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ].

Kuurth: Breaker of Stone - One Worthy of God of Terror.

When the

Asgardian God of Terror

was released from prison for his daughter




the daughter of

Red Skull

), call seven powerful

magical hammer

, to fight against




. Each hammer was designed for a chosen, the


of the God of Fear.

One of these hammers was destined for the


. The Juggernaut weakened by the loss of his link with


because of the


, was now a member of the


and was then in prison


(for supercriminals), the magic hammer would fall within the prison, calling the Juggernaut for possession, called to respond Cain taking the hammer and becoming

Kuurth: Breaker of Stone

(Kuurth: Destroyer Rocks), one of the



God of Terror

!. [

Image 1

] [

Image 2

] [


] [



Nourished now Asgardian magic , Kuurth: Breaker of Stone , prove to be more powerful than it was.Apparently the hammer gives the possessor of an incredible increase in its powers, and the Juggernaut increased strength, endurance, speed and power to be amazing and unstoppable, Hammer also has a huge hitting power and the power to issue powerful downloads energy. Where once there was no power normally that would be able to stop it, now the Juggernaut would be totally and absolutely unstoppable . [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

Juggernaut has always been amazingly fast when loaded question, but it would be even Kuurth superspeed to rival a speedster like Nonstop . [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

Kuurth also been shown to use his hammer as transportation, perhaps similar to how Thor uses Mjolnirto fly. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ].

Now under the control of the God of Terror, Kuurth would go to San Francisco , where man who carefully choose a station to serve as his interpreter, a single tap of the hammer of Kuurth endow man with the ability to understand and comprehend the language runic the Juggernaut and the wishes of the Snake (The God of Terror). [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ].

The strength and power Kuurth irrepressible easily exceed Optic Blast of Cyclops , the strength ofColossus and freezing the absolute zero of Ice-Man . [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ].

Magneto one of the most powerful mutants in existence also fail to stop Kuurht . Magneto try to start the town mystic, mystic destabilizing metal molecularly but Kuurth launch his magical hammer would prove to be unstoppable even for the master of magnetism, Magneto even had to be saved by Kitty Pryde . [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ].

Hope Summers is a mutant Omega Level , born with the power of empathic mimic the powers of any mutant, she uses the power of all the X-Men and other mutants many more, and is a potential avatar of the Phoenix Force . Using the powers of Magneto , Pixie , Transonic , Gentle and Rockslide , face to Kuurth , she achieved the feat of stripping him of his helmet, but even she would fall to the effort and the power of the Juggernaut / Kuurth . [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ].

If previously the Juggernaut had been susceptible to mental attacks without his helmet, Kuurth theavatar of the Serpent would not. Kuurth not only resist the power of Emma Frost , one of the most powerful telepath on the planet, but even manifest his interpreter within Emma's psychic projection, and then he crushed the projection and incapacitate Frost. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ].

Kuurth once again prove to be unstoppable for any attempt of the X-Men . Cyclops would askavalanche that created a gulf to stop Kuurth, but the avatar of fear simply create your own path. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ].

Face guided by Karma killer unleashed a deadly lightning, but would be completely ineffective against Kuurth. Pixie Kuurth attempt teletrasportar to another place (the bottom of the ocean near Earth orbit, the heart of the sun), all infective and would be back Kuurth before the next step is taken. Rogue try to absorb the powers of Kuurth but will cause much damage would only herself to the first contact with Kuurth. [ Image ].

Mercury Kuurth incapacitate try filling your lungs, but would have to escape when the mighty Juggernaut system begin to dissolve. Psylocke and Boom Boom also fail. Any attempt would prove to be useless against Kuurth, even when their blood was set ablaze by Adam-X the Juggernaut would become more dangerous, for 15 minutes Kuurth set fire to everything it touched. Kuurth prove to be completely unstoppable and invulnerable. [ Image ].

Neither powerful combo attacks such as Syren and Dazzler or Rockslide as a living bomb loaded with enormous energy by Gambit , or attempts to Magneto could stop Kuurth. [ Image ].

Juggernaut / Colossus: Juggerlossus - The New Avatar Cyttotak.

As Kuurth was completely unstoppable Cyclops ordered Magik go looking for the original master ofCain Marko , Cyttorak . Coloso (Colossus - Peter Rasputin) and Kitty to accompany Magik ownCrimson Cosmos where Cyttorak rules. Cyttorak was finally pleased Juggernaut had become an anthem to destruction, discovered that Cain now cover the power of another god besides his own, decided to take his power furious to see that now was avatar of another god (of God of Terror ). But if he lost to Cain, Cyttorak need another avatar ... Magik would offer to be the new bearer of the power of Cyttorak and nearly had it not been for Colossus, which would play first Crimson Gem , thus becomingthe new avatar of Cyttorak , taking the destructive power of the Juggernaut . [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ] [ Imagen6 ].

Experienced all desire for destruction and power of Cyttorak an unleashed Juggernaut / Colossussavagely attack Kuurth (now deprived of the power of Cyttorak). But Kuurth avatar Asgardian God of Terror would be even more powerful than Juggerlossus. Kuurth be able to hurt him despite being Juggyvirtually invulnerable. Although surpassed by the power of Kuurth, Juggernaut prove to be superior in one thing: that when you put up no power on Earth can stop it ! Juggernaut would drag the fantastic speed of 600 mph on the road to Kuurth runic he had drawn, causing a retro magical power might have been fatal for both, but Kuurth be convened at that moment by the God of Terror to rid your last battle against the heroes of Earth and continue his relentless advance Juggernaut momentarily. [ Image 1 ] [Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ] [ Imagen6 ] [ Image7 ] [ Imagen8 ] [ Image9 ] [ Image10 ].

Colossus reveal the fact that he keeps his organic steel form is due to the fact that this can somehow keep a check on the power and urgency of destruction of Juggernaut . During Avengers vs. X-Men ,Red-Hulk and Colossus would fight on the Helicarrier destroying windows miles away and even the San Andreas Fault would shudder with each blow even though the Titans fought on earth!. Faced with such powerful adversary Colossus momentarily "disappear" unleashing the awesome power of Cyttorak!. Each stroke, each shock wave would destroy life around two powerful fighters, but despite that Red-Hulk has proven to be one of the strongest and most powerful beings, would be terribly affected by the overwhelming strength of the Juggernaut! . In this lust for destruction Colossus would take control momentarily, allowing Red-Hulk fight back and thus difficult to claim victory. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ] [ Imagen6 ] [ Image7 ] [ Imagen8 ] [ Image9 ] [ Image10 ].

Power unstoppable unstoppable against a will. Other Avenger would experience the power of the new Juggernaut would be Spider-Man . Spider-Man is by far one of the most versatile heroes, speed, reflexes, strength and endurance have been shown to be a headache for enemies far more powerful than he. But the powerful Thunderclap and the overwhelming strength of Juggerlossus he would pause to Spider-Man. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ] [ Imagen6 ] [ Image7 ] [Imagen8 ] [ Image9 ].

Juggernaut and Red-Hulk would meet in the Blue Area of the Moon (the only place on the moon where there is oxygen breathing and also is home to the Watcher ), but the rapid action of Red-Hulk interrupt the fight, sending Juggernaut fly only to measure forces with one of the strongest beings on the planet, the mighty Ben Grimm ! An Avenger and also a 4 Fantastic , Ben Grimm facing the most powerful opponents, but the experience and the powerful blows of The Thing (La Mole) and its rival would not be fantastic force against the new Juggernaut!. Juggerlossus not only would stop Dry the onslaught of Ben and remained immovable, but again show that he advances is unstoppable . Taking Ben Blue Area, eventually impose the strength and power of leveraging Juggerlosssus lack of air out of the Blue Area. Ben needs to breathe, the Juggernaut can survive in any environment! He does not need anything to survive!. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ] [ Imagen6 ] [ Image7 ] [Imagen8 ] [ Image9 ].

When the Phoenix Force return to Earth would start a war between the Avengers and X-Men . When the entity Phoenix was injured and forced to split into 5 parts, she adopted as guests to Cyclops , Emma Frost , Namor , Magik and Colossus (Juggerlossus). These five mutants would thus become the new avatars of the Phoenix . Currently Colossus Avatar Cyttorak , now would be imbued with new and unlimited powers, possessing a fifth of the almighty power of the Phoenix . Peter and Magik go to the Crimson Cosmos Cyttorak , to ask him to leave, as he was now avatar of another entity. Cittorak would refuse because Colossus is has become his favorite avatar, due to the fact that beingJuggerlossus a hero spends his time in constant fighting, destroying constantly while avatars as Cain Marko spend most of your life " hiding "of these same heroes. Colossus has pleased more than any other. The Phoenix Force is an entity primordial cosmic incarnation of life and death, is the spirit of rebirth and destruction, and as such is not incompatible with Cyttorak, so do not judge it necessary to leave Peter. Peter tried to use his new power and force against Cyttorak has quit, but Cyttorak is demon lord and his domain is outside the natural law , even the great power that has now combinedColossus (of Cyttorak and Phoenix) can not affect it in its kingdom. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

When the young Robbie Reynolds drank a secret formula he found in the laboratory of one of his teachers, a miraculous transformation took place. Robbie began to glow with an unknown energy and the power of a million exploding stars, Robert Reynolds was transformed into The Guardian Dorado: The Sentry - The Watcher

The Sentry - The Watcher

The Sentry Power

Robert Reynolds

Alias ​​: The Guardian Dorado, the Gilded Man, The Void, Bob, John Victor Williams, Death (Death).

Height : 6'2 ".

Weight : 200 lbs.

Eyes : Blue.

Hair : Blond.

Known Relatives : Lindy Reynolds (wife), Mrs Reynolds (mother).

Group Affiliation : Mighty Avengers (Mighty Avengers), former member of the New Avengers, Horsemen of Death.

Base of Operations : La Atalaya (The Watchtower, On Top of Stark Tower), Manhattan.

Bob Reynolds, alcoholic, married, psychotic, schizophrenic, agoraphobic and owner of the power of a million exploding suns . The Sentry - The Watcher.

The Sentry or The Watcher (as they see sound) is one of several Marvel characters that are in some way emulate Superman (which I never liked, you do not need for anything Marvel Superman), but Unlike Superman the Watcher is a character with the special flavor of the other Marvel heroes, and that make it a different and more interesting character, full of errors and contradictions, and complex psychological problems and may be the greatest hero or more fearsome threat. The Sentry lives intimidated by his own power.

The Sentry is the product of an experimental serum, created by the government of the




, in the "

Weapon - X

"with a special ingredient serum

Super Soldier

, the same formula that I think the

Captain America

, but the resulting serum was hundreds of thousands of times more powerful than the original. Serum moves each of his molecules an instant ahead in time and absorbs their energy directly from the sun.

Superhuman Physical Powers

Literally, you can read all the stories of Sentry has the power of a million exploding suns ... the truth is that I can not even imagine that power: p.

If our Sun exploded, it would destroy our entire solar system ... imagine that but a million of times more powerful .... Sorry but that say their stories ....

Sentry has shown superhuman strength, heightened senses, super speed, strength and durability, energy projection, force fields and flying at speeds far greater than the Light, also psychic abilities in any case the limits of the powers of the Sentry are unknown as well as all of them.

How powerful is the Sentry?

As I said, has the power of

a million exploding suns


Had a world populated by supermen Sentry would your superhero no mistake ;).

It is difficult to say how powerful is the Sentry really, but if you have feats that put it at the height of the superheavy Marvel.

Superhuman Strength

Physically belongs to Class 100 of Marvel , is this in line with the most powerful characters in the Marvel Universe and strong, able to exceed and reach weights incalculable and immeasurable energy.

He can lift objects whose weight are easily hundreds, thousands or hundreds of thousands of tons. [Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

The Sentry has received a direct hit from Ben Grimm - the Mole or the Thing - without showing discomfort has its strength. [ Image ].

During " Silent War "at a stroke the Sentry has been able to open a huge fissure [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ]

He beat other heroes enemies easily. The sentry has been able to halve Carnage (Spider-Man's enemy), has beheaded Attuma (Namor foe), has over loaded with power to Absorbing Man (Thor foe).[ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ] [ Imagen6 ].

A furious attack Sentry -Female Ultron after he killed his wife. This Sentry apparently now owned by the void, show be able to almost eliminate this version of Ultron, if not intervened Wonder-Man and Ms.Marvel , who tried to save as this occupied Ultron then modified and altered body of Tony Stark .

Sentry has managed to temporarily hold the awesome power of a Cosmic Cube , Cosmic Cubes are actually able to alter the space / time has universal scale. [ Image ].

Strength and durability

The Sentry is for all purposes virtually invulnerable , he can withstand extreme heat and cold, can survive vacuum of space and will withstand powerful impacts.

Having been shot multiple thermonuclear missiles to different targets, the Sentry was not only able to disable each in just seconds, but it came out unscathed from last missile explosion, proving not only his strength but his extraordinary speed . [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

It has withstood the power of Iron Man and combat against the most powerful version of Hulk so far. [Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ].

He has also resisted a bath of acid strong enough to melt steel. [ Image ].

Sentry was apparently immune to the power of Rogue, and apparently had some kind of relationship, though this was revealed after his death. [ Image ].

It was Sentry dangers, Nick Fury and Dr. Strange , Sentry try to deceive with a false reality, into believing he possessed no power, that all he had lived as Sentry was a product of his imagination, he was mentally ill. And although it was all very well armed and Strange used his magic , Bob would realize the deception and no magic and devices kept Sentry's mind in this false reality, would be able to contain the power of the Sentry. Strange recognize that Sentry was too powerful for the kind of magic I use.

Energy Projection

He can project energy fields and control light, The Sentry has been able to defeat Terrax (Herald of Galactus) with only one hand and destroy his cosmic ax with ease, considering that the level TerraxSilver Surfer and can destroy entire planets just one blow, this is perhaps the best track to see how powerful it can be the Sentry. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ].

* In case you do not know what he is capable Terrax give him a look at this. [ Image 1 ] [Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] .

The Sentry has been shown to emit rays through their eyes. [ Image ].

The whole body can radiate Sentry. Sentry can release this energy in the form of powerful destructive explosions. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ].

The Sentry body also emits an energy, a wave of radiation, in the form of that Golden Aura covering the Sentry, this energy has shown a curious reaction Hulk , which somehow reassures Hulk, making it smooth and manageable , and much more childish than it is. For a while this "Hulk" and he Sentry were teammates. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

During his fight with WW-Hulk , both issued massive amounts of energy really, even these energies were directed upon themselves, were able to destroy huge areas of the city of New York . [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ] [ Imagen6 ] [ Image7 ].

During his fight with Photon has though both contained the respective power, the power released by them was enough to destroy entire planets. [ Image ].

The incredible energy that projects have enabled Sentry also recharge the armor of Tony Stark (Iron Man). [ Image ].

Super Senses - Superhuman Senses

The Sentry senses are also increased, to levels well above other superhumans as Daredevil or Wolverine would.

The Sentry mentioned that I could see the nervous and you can hear a butterfly sneeze in Central Africa.[ Image ].

Sentry would be found at that time in the Philippines (practically across the planet) hear the call ofNorman Osborn and superspeed would attend almost instantly!. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

Sentry's senses beyond normal (sight, smell, touch, taste, hearing), Sentry can perceive energy in multiple ways, so he could feel the energy particles around Red Ronin before it faded. [ Image ].

Sentry also been shown to feel / perceive auras , through this sense Sentry was able to track Noh-Varr. [ Image ].

Superhuman Speed

Serum Reynolds also endowed with the ability of flight and superhuman speed and can react to supervelocidades and flight can exceed the speed of light. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ].

The Sentry has proven to be able to react in just milliseconds and move at superhuman speeds, when the Void tried to kill an almost-blank shot to Dr. Cornelius Worth the Sentry was able to stop the bullet before this hit in the skull psychiatrist. [ Image ].

Sentry also has prevented the Punisher has killed Norman Osborn , stopping the bullet easily. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

The Sentry is capable of flying has supervelocidades, flew from earth to sun in just seconds, considering that the sun is at an equivalent of 8.6 minutes traveling at the speed of light ... the Sentry must've traveled approximately 17 or 18 times the speed of light. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ].

During the " Secret Invasion "travel from Earth to Saturn in just moments.

Mental Skills and energy control.

The Sentry possesses psychic abilities mostly used to maintain the unity of his physical powers, still undetermined whether the Sentry is able to use these skills as would the Professor X (X-Men) or other psychics.

He has also proven able to implant his memories inside another person's mind.

Apparently the Sentry is able to handle light as you would the mutant Dazzler as the Void his nemesis is a manifestation of his own dark side.

The Sentry has always radiated one soothing aura about Hulk , giving it a more childish personality, innocent and harmless from Himself and certainly less powerful.

Sentry's powers are truly unlimited, and rival the most powerful characters in the Marvel universe.


Robert is very intelligent, classified within the range of geniuses. He has proven to be able to use his powers to detect all substances on an object, so you can determine how much component substances.He is skilled in mechanics, architecture, cybernetics, robotics and computer science, he can find sources of energy. He used his intelligence to build your tower, and everything within it, probably all the material you need to build it came from different parts of the Earth and even other planets and collected once the molding substances , shapes and technology needed.

Because the Sentry mental instability is likely to be manipulated.

Raise Dead

Sentry has been shown to possess the ability to raise the dead under extreme emotional stress. This was manifested first when Ultron-Female murderer of his wife. Sentry show be able to revive it by touching it. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ].

Immortality and manipulation of matter at the molecular level

Sentry has already demonstrated repeatedly the ability to recreate itself and possess the ability to manipulate the molecules of the atmosphere at the subatomic level . Hinting that the real origin of the Sentry's powers are still a mystery but that rival those of almost omnipotent Molecule Man , which also expire incredibly, after this it completely disintegrated twice!!. Molecule Man's powers come from aCosmic Cube and its effects are virtually unlimited, giving almost omnipotence. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ] [ Imagen6 ] [ Image7 ] [ Imagen8 ] [ Image9 ] [ Image10 ].

* For those who know Owen Reece (Molecule Man) and we know how immensely powerful it is (he has been able to face the Beyonder at his best) this would be the biggest win of the Sentry and makes it clear that one of the most powerful beings that have been created and may be what the power of a million exploding suns fits shortie ...

The Void and the Void

The Void and the Void is the living embodiment of the fears and emotions of the Sentry. He is the counterweight and the negative aspect of the Sentry (Robert Reynolds). The Void is more a force than a person, but can take any form you want. By interacting with the Sentry is usually manifested in human form. It is capable of destroying the Earth and perhaps the entire universe. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ].

Robert constant inside a battle to keep the Void at bay. The Void is evident first few years after the Sentry became the center of attention. He killed more than a million people in



Discovering that the

Void was the dark side of his own powers

, the Sentry was associated with

Reed Richards


Dr. Strange

to create a system that made ​​the whole population of the


, including themselves, they should forget it. With the Sentry inactive and forgotten, the Void vanished, but the Sentry back to back today.

The Void has been shown to change shape. He has been seen as a fiery beast, a monster with multiple eyes and demonic creatures. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ].

He has massive control over the weather and darkness and can create massive storms. The Void also has tentacles used to insert fear and make your opponent relive traumatic moments of his life both past, present or future.

He used that tentacles Hulk leaving him helpless. As opposed to the Sentry gets more power of darkness that light at night so his powers increase, also increase in the Negative Zone dramatically can reach at maximum power.

When Sentry and Hulk invaded the Negative Zone , would face unexpectedly the Void . Here where the Void is poderos, their fearsome tentacles and powers would be able to break every bone in Hulk. [Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ] [ Imagen6 ] [ Image7 ] [ Imagen8 ].

* On this Void feat I have to say that while it is a great feat, very few beings in the universe are able to do so ... But nevertheless, we must recognize that this Hulk because Sentry soothing aura is much more docile and child of what is normally hulk. Hulk's power is based on their emotions, especially anger is what motivates the increase of his power, this timid Hulk defeated by the Void in this state is much weaker and tough it really is.

Dark Sentry

The actual dark origins of


still remain a mystery, during the events of

Dark Avenger



, the Sentry has been acting as the bodyguard of

Norman Osborn


Iron Patriot

). While it is certainly Sentry personality which is acting, behind it lies a power ... the power of the


, which seems to control the Sentry subtly.

3 Sentry basically manifested personalities of

Bod Reynolds

, of the


and of the


.Reynolds is a person full of complexes and insecurities, but own incredible power. The Sentry is the manifestation heroic of Reynolds, guardian gold, one that I distort easily Terrax , who release all their power, free inhibitions, that mighty superhero who played God when facing the most powerful incarnation of the Hulk . 's Void on the other side is the dark side of Reynolds, the downside of having so much power ... well here is the official we knew so now ... obviously things are changing. The Void usually always said outside the person's Sentry, and with different powers to the Sentry , because manipulations Osborn Sentry reveals a new face ... Dark Sentry , the Sentry dark, the Sentry / Void Void where is the controller of the body and the powers of the Sentry, the Dark-Sentry is an amalgam of the powers of both, and looks like one of the greatest threats to the Earth and the universe has ever faced.

Dark-Sentry has already defeated Owen Reece , but recently where the scope is showing its true power.

In Dark Avengers , was the Sentry as the biblical angel of death , who extended his mighty hand, and slew all the firstborn in every house that was not marked with the blood of the lamb, adding a new element to the actual identity the Sentry. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ].

* This is one of the 10 plagues that struck Egypt during the Biblical Exodus

Exodus 12:12-13.

12. I will pass tonight for the land of Egypt and strike down every firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast, and I'll take justice for all the gods of Egypt. I, Yahweh.

13. The blood shall be a token upon the houses where you are. When I see the blood I will pass over you, and no plague shall fall upon you destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.

* Actually biblical interpretation of this event is that the author was really Yahweh (Hebrew Yahweh or Jehovah in Latin , not the angel of death, as commonly thought).

? How to kill a immortal ? Easy if you possess the powers of Dark Sentry . During the events of Siege(Siege) convinced by Heimdall and Balder manipulations of Loki and Osborn , now seeing the injustice of their cause, the war god Ares go by Osborn, but first have to spend on your guard theSentry . Ares warrior skills polished over millennia not be enough to overcome the power of the Sentry, Sentry Dark ... then perform the unthinkable halving an immortal with only her bare hands! [ Image 1 ] [Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ] [ Imagen6 ] [ Image7 ].

Even without fully disclosed Dark-Sentry would be able to withstand a battle with Thor , not only resisting the powerful blows of Mjolnir , if not immediately reconstructed at the molecular level to the powerful lightning unleashed by Thor. Sentry / Void would also be able to bring down entire gigantic city-kingdom of Asgard despite magically Asgard was sustained by the remnants of the Odin-Power of Thor. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ].

The all powerful Dark-Sentry prove to be one of the greatest threats to the heroes of Earth have faced, he would be so powerful that easily dominated all the other heroes present at the Siege of Asgard , who had killed even if not for the intervention of evil Asgardian god Loki . Loki would use the magic of the Norn Stones to give extra power to the heroes and attack the Sentry. Although Loki combat achievement Sentry balance would show once again as a destroyer of gods . [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ].

Sentry, Horseman of Death.

Sentry was brought back to life by the Twins Apocalypse , using the Seed of Life (Life Seed) and theSeed of Death (Death Seed), in order to serve as one of their riders , next to Banshee , Grim Reaper and Daken . Sentry now would be the Death Knight . [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].


Apocalypse Twins

have been collecting these seeds with the help of


, the ax he used


in his youth and has proven capable of killing the entities known as the




The Life Seeds

are used to plant new life in the heavenly worlds.


the Death Seeds

were designed to create new servers for Apocalypse and take care of their evolution.

The arrival of the Uncanny Avengers in search of the Twins would give Sentry-Horseman of Deaththe opportunity to demonstrate your awesome power!. Although the senses of Wolverine I detected the terrible power of raw strength more poderos be that he has found quick hit, focusing on Thor , the god who killed him, the strength and speed of Sentry was such that would bend time and space , throwing her tied to many times the speed of light !. So fast that mislead Thor and would lead to a world known as Tyconria many light years away in just a moment, burying potently rivers Thor gamma washes that flow through this world!!. Thor for a moment try to reason with Sentry asked who made ​​theVoid of him but Sentry will comment that there is no Void, now there is only death , again demonstrating Sentry massive strength would give Thor a blow so powerful that the impact would be felt around the world , announced that the gods of war have come to your planet!!. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ] [ Imagen6 ].

-Death Sentry has demonstrated strength and speed amazing, and apparently the Void is not over in his mind, and in its place now just this present Death . Still unknown levels of power and Sentry possess skills in return.

A transfusion of his cousin, the Incredible Hulk, transformed the little lawyer Jennifer Walters in an emerald amazon! Now she fights for truth, justice and the demands of their customers personal.

The Sensational She-Hulk

The Power of She-Hulk

Jennifer Susan Walters

Place of Birth : Los Angeles, California - USA

Height : As Jennifer 5'10 "and 6'7 She-Hulk"

Weight : As Jennifer 150 pounds (68 kilos) and She-Hulk 700 pounds (295 Kilos).

Eyes : Brown as Jennifer and green as She-Hulk.

Hair : As Jennifer Brown and She-Hulk as green.

Profession : Lawyer and adventurous.

Known Relatives : William Morris Walters (father), Elaine Walters (mother, deceased), Robert Bruce Banner (cousin), Betty Ross Banner (Premium for Marriage), Rebecca Roberts (aunt, deceased), Brian Banner (uncle, deceased), Mrs. Drake (aunt, presumed deceased), Cassandra Walters Pike (aka Brain, aunt), David Pike (Alias ​​Muscle, cousin).

Group Affiliation : She has been part of several groups of heroes like the Fantastic 4, Fantastic Force, Heroes for Hire and the Avengers.

Jen Walters is the cousin of Bruce Banner, the Incredible Hulk , she received her skills through a blood transfusion from her cousin. Bruce's blood transformed it into the emerald warrior known as She-Hulk , she usually keeps his intellect after transformation and tries to balance his life as a lawyer and asAvenger and adventurous.

Jennifer Walters - She-Hulk

Jennifer is the daughter of



Morris Walters

, the


of the County of

Los Angeles

. As a child he often spent the summer holidays with his uncles, despite the age difference she and her cousin

Bruce Banner

were like brothers.

Jennifer would go to

California Law School

in Los Angeles in which it would license with maximum honors.

As a brilliant lawyer Jennifer defend a criminal named

Lou Monklon

whom gangster

Nicholas Trask

wanted removed after killing his bodyguard. By then his cousin Bruce would visit after a few years without seeing and then Banner had the ability to turn into



Jen and Bruce have a happy reunion and while Jennifer took Bruce to his house suffered an attack by a thug named


which seriously injured Jennifer, Bruce had to improvise a blood transfusion to save the life of his cousin while waiting for doctors. The effects of gamma radiation present in the blood of Bruce in Jen become

a female version of Hulk


Unlike Bruce, Jennifer retain his personality during the change. Jen also enjoy more of the change, preferring to remain as She-Hulk. Her beauty, intelligence and Jennifer to return to one of the main heroines of the community of




, beginning a life of adventure that led her to join the


and the

Fantastic 4


Superhuman Physical Powers

Physical transformation


is able to voluntarily alter their physical form in a female version of


. By transforming it gains more muscle mass and size (9 inches of height) but most of muscle and bone mass is condensed, so that she looks much lighter than it really is, also unlike Hulk or more While some incarnations of the Hulk, she retains her own intelligence and personality (with some exceptions).

Exposure to certain wavelengths of radiation only in very high doses can sometimes temporarily inhibit or cancel your ability to transform. Usually this only happens if exposed during his original way of Jennifer.She-Hulk has a version gray like his own cousin (equivalent to Mr. Fixit ). In this state, Jennifer lost complete control of herself. It is much bigger and stronger. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ].

Sometimes when Jen exposed to an excess of gamma radiation. Your body goes into an overload condition she has control over her body and can talk. However, acts more emotionally. His strength and abilities are greater equivalents at Wild Hulk .

Superhuman Strength

She-Hulk like Hulk can increase their physical strength depending on their emotional state while they experience increased less than its cousin.

The She-Hulk strength is related to the physical condition of his human form so that while most physical strength and power purchase as Jennifer , and She-Hulk will be exponentially more powerful . [Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ].

She-Hulk in his early start as Class 50 , then 75 or so, but now as a result of intense training of Jennifer, the She-Hulk strength today is at a Class 100 , matching base levels of Professor and other Hulk incarnations, the upper limit of its potential remains unknown.

Since its first appearance She-Hulk showed a high level of physical strength. She was able to create gigantic waves strength or support the thousands of tons of weight of a suspension bridge. [ Image 1 ] [Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

Or enduring the countless tons of rock in a cave or heavy armor tearing like paper. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2] [ Imagen3 ].

She-Hulk would also be able to break the armor of Nebula designed to resist the power cosmic storms. [Image ].

She-Hulk is the most powerful woman in the universe physically , she even come to defeat theChampion of the Universe one of the Elders and holder of Primordial Power . She would be considered to perform this feat after the most powerful beings in the universe had been physically overcome by the Champion. Although Jennifer lost the first encounter. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ].

To defeat the Champion in a rematch She-Hulk thoroughly trained in human form to gain greater strength exponentially as She-Hulk, and although the champion had to shed the Power Gem before the fight, he still possessed the Primordial Power is a remnant of the same Big Bang , just by its natural power Champion easily rivals the power of a herald of Galactus as well as being an expert fighter and master of all fighting arts of the known universe. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Image7 ].

* In the history was presented to the Power Gem as linked to the Primordial Power, which is a misunderstanding, the Infinity Gems predate the universe and the Power Primordial is the remnant of the Big Bang and is the force that nurtures Elders and become what they are.However, if you must have some sort of affinity between some Elders with the Infinity Gems, apparently due to his obsessions and power gem can attract necessary for your benefit. The Champion to be stripped of the Power Gem could not lose the Primordial Power.

Force levels of She-Hulk have increased so that it easily rivals his cousin Hulk in normal conditions. She has shown to be able to handle the training equipment the Mole (The Thing) with one hand and rivalHercules doing their best, even if he could not control either their new level of strength. [ Image 1 ] [Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

She-Hulk also show powerful enough to withstand a battle against Titania which now possessed thePower Gem (one of the Infinity Gems) that would even defeat. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ] [ Imagen6 ] [ Image7 ] [ Imagen8 ] [ Image9 ] [ Image10 ].

Speed ​​and Reflexes

Because of his great muscular strength and power developed in their muscles, she's capable of running and moving at speeds much greater and far beyond the natural physical limits of humans. [ Image 1 ] [Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

The She-Hulk agility, balance and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. She can dodge attacks high speed, even dodging bullets or weapons murderers released by experts as the Boomerang . [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

Superhuman Strength and Durability

She-Hulk produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity, allowing it to withstand a prolonged physical activity without showing tiredness or fatigue. She can exercise its full capacity either struggling or exerting great physical activity for days before fatigue begins to affect performance.

She-Hulk is also very resistant to any kind of conventional injury. Your skin is able to withstand extreme heat and cold and extreme pressures. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

She-Hulk can also withstand falls from great heights, impacts of projectiles, artillery, war and powerful energy without suffering any injury or damage. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

She-Hulk is also can withstand powerful electric shocks and withstand high impact powerful blows. [Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ] [ Imagen6 ] [ Image7 ].

Regeneration and Healing Factor

Despite possess extremely high strength and durability possible harm. However, she is able to quickly regenerate his injuries, tissue damage and blood loss within minutes. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

Similar to its cousin the mighty She-Hulk agency has been able to combat the effects of transforming power of the Grey Gargoyle . [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

She-Hulk also has a metabolism immune to all drugs and toxins, as well as total immunity to all diseases of the Earth .


His extraordinary legs also allow for powerful jumps and cover large distances but are less potent than his cousin Hulk. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ].

Their jumps can cover several kilometers and reach high speeds and certainly her shapely legs can download powerful kicks, ask StarFox : p. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

Combat Skill

She-Hulk has been trained by the best fighters in the world and the universe, such as the Captain America and Gamora the most dangerous woman in the universe. She-Hulk is a formidable hand to hand combatant, even in the form of Jen she is able to apply their knowledge using techniques such as nerve points , techniques that are even unknown in this world. She is also highly skilled in the use of weapons, combat tactics and strategies. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

She-Hulk has proven to be able to face it alone superbeings entire team even as are the members ofFantastic Force . [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ] [ Imagen6 ] [ Image7 ].

Jennifer Walters is also an expert pilot, as demonstrated in multiple uses and management of ships and vehicles of the Avengers and the Fantastic Four .

Intelligence and other skills

Tax Expert:

Jennifer is extremely intelligent, She-Hulk is a skilled and experienced lawyer. She has won many cases, protecting civilians, superheroes and even innocent villains.

Gifted Intellect:

Although the character image Party-girl , Jen is an intellectual, she is one of the few superhero or superheroes who have attained an advanced degree graduate. Jennifer attended the Law School ofUCLA , where he was a member of the Order of the Coif , a national society of superior merit jurist. It is known that she has also attended Harvard Law School , although exact details are unknown, it is likely to obtain a degree of Master of Laws (LL.M.) from Harvard to complete his title " Juris Doctor "( JD).She has shown great versatility in her legal practice, representing the defendants, corporations, and even domestic violence.


Physically She-Hulk is one of the most beautiful women and the planet better equipped physically, her figure and beauty are considered the level of a Centerfold very voluptuous, sexy Jen can be used very effectively in some circumstances against their enemies.

Body Swap:

She-Hulk was trained in this skill by alien race ovoid (The same technique used by Dr. Doom but with different results.) Jennifer can exchange their physical characteristics and attributes to the physical characteristics and powers of another being by simply concentrating on a mental picture of the person and willing the transfer to take place. The real purpose of the ability ovoid is the exchange of minds, but theoretically any factor gamma-mutated physiology of She-Hulk makes this talent is manifested differently, Jen can effect change physically. She rarely uses this power. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3] [ Imagen4 ] ..

Protection Spell (above):

For his work She-Hulk was forced to spend long periods of time as Jennifer Walters. To protect Scarlet Witch cast a spell that made ​​that any person intending to harm She-Hulk was unable to recognize her as Jennifer Walters. However, the spell actually rendered Jennifer Walters completely undetectable to these people. While this has its advantages, it also caused that Jennifer can not communicate with certain people whose knowledge or information was vital that she acquires. The spell was finally dismissed byDr. Strange the Sorcerer Supreme of the Marvel Universe. [ Image ] ..

Consciousness metafictional

She-Hulk is one of the few characters that has this ability, able to break the dimensional barrier calledthe Fourth Wall . She is aware of being a cartoon character, she can "break the page" or "walking through an advertising page" to get to the control center of an enemy. Sometimes participate in discussions with your writer, as John Byrne , or appeals to his comic editor but agree with his adventures. Half seriously, half in jest has been a feature of the She-Hulk series for years. This is a skill in comics confirmed official and OHOTMU , although currently it just downplays this skill but always present in their series. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

Once he was a man like others - a worldly man, seduced and jaded by material things. But then he discovered independent reality where magic and soul of men shape the forces that shape our lives. At that moment, reborn, to become a man like no other - a man who left us behind, as he struggled to fight the dark, subtle and invisible dangers around our fragile existence.

Dr. Strange, Master of the Mystic Arts.

The Power of Dr. Strange

Stephen Vincent Strange

Occupation : Expert in occultism, Sorcerer Supreme of this dimension, former surgeon (Doctor of Medicine).

Place of Birth : Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - USA.

Height : 6'2 ½ "

Weight : 180 lbs

Eyes : gray

Hair : black with gray on the sides.

Alias ​​: Master of the Mystic Arts, Stephen Sanders, Vincent Stevens, Sorcerer Supreme.

Known Relatives : Victor Strange (brother, deceased), Donna Strange (sister, deceased), Eugene Strange (father, deceased), Beverly Strange (mother, deceased), Clea (wife), Umar (mother), Orini (father).

Group Affiliation : The Defenders, The Illuminati, New Avengers, the Sons of Midnight and the Secret Defenders.

Base of Operations : Sancta Sanctorum (177A Bleecker Street, Greenwich Village, New York after the destruction of his mansion moved to another house in the same street), formerly the Old Castle, Himalayas, Tibet, China.

Stephen Strange was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, eldest son of Eugene and Beverly Strange(be born after his brother Victor and sister Donna ). Being from Stephen ambitious child would become a renowned neurosurgeon in adulthood. Away from his family for his arrogance and immersed in their success, Stephen would face tragedy that would change his life forever.

Magic and Supernatural Powers.

The death of his father, and his brother fill of anger and guilt, Stephen freeze her brother's body in the hope that one day medical science him back to life.

Not long after Stephen suffered a car accident that nervous system damage that would render exercising his career. Trying to heal would waste his fortune, and already broke and become a vagabond listen to a mystic in the


could cure him.

Strange traveled to


where to find this teacher known as

the Elder

, Stephen doubt even that magic, stayed as a guest, having discovered that a disciple of Elder known as


try to kill the old master, Strange had contact with the magic of Mordo.

Having avoided the betrayal and a better understanding about magic, Strange became the disciple of Elder, who saw the good in his soul, and Stephen Strange (Strange) come into the knowledge of magic to become

the greatest sorcerer who ever lived

Expert in the use of magic, Dr. Strange ( Dr. Strange in English and on this side also known as Dr. Centella ) can manipulate mystical energy from various sources. His magic (like most wizards) derived from three main sources: the powers derived from the soul, mind and body (mesmerism, astral projection, telepathy, etc.).

It is very difficult to describe the strange powers that are varied in some cases totally extreme.

Powers derived from ambient magical energy of this universe (Teleportation, creating illusions, energy projection).

Strange is able to connect with the mystical energy stored in the universe and manipulate it at will in a virtually unlimited number of ways.

Dr. Strange can project mystical energy beams with a high degree of power and control, powerful enough to destroy a planet .

Invoking its strange power has been able to destroy an entire island. [ Image ].

These rays were comparable to the power generated by a supernova . [ Image ].

Strange can project energy shields with a high degree of resistance to both physical damage and magical means.

Having vanquished in battle Kathulos (servant of the omnipotent Shuma-Gorath ), an entity containing magic power and was itself an entire living planet, Strange destroy the entire planet, protecting human body after a shield capable of withstanding such explosion. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

Dr. Strange protected by his magic resists thousands of tons of pressure. [ Image ].

Strange could create illusions at will. [ Image ].

Escaping the Skrull , using the mind of Xavier Strange conjures an illusion of Galactus . [ Image 1 ] [Image 2 ].

Strange can use existing local magical energy to teleport himself or through any other planet or between dimensions.

Strange with little effort has teleports to Dr. Doom and him the very kingdom of Mephisto . [ Image 1 ] [Image 2 ].

Conjuring a portal to send a Jet fighter to another dimension. [ Image ].

Strange has complete control over time or can travel the stop at will. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ].

Powers derived from extradimensional or divine origin

Powers obtained by invoking entities or objects of great power that dwell in mystical dimensions . By Strange enchantments (like all mages) invoke the help of these beings virtually omnipotent , either by performing rituals or by spells and invocations pronouncement drawing power of these beings or objects for various purposes, adding them and enhancing their own skills and spells.

Normally Strange powers divine comes from three sources: The Vishanti (one trinity of Hoggoth, Oshtur, and Agamotto) the Octessence (a group of 8 entities, specifically including Cyttorak and Watoomb) and other beings of one or another form are indebted to him as Satannish and even Dormammu .

His full repertoire of these is unknown, but among them are: Flames of Faltine, the Shield of Seraphin, 7 Raggadorr rings, the vapors Valtorr, the Eternal Host of Hoggoth, Scarlet Bands of Cyttorak, The 7 soles of Cinnibus (a beam of energy that is as hot as 7 soles).

All these invocations unlimited enhance their own skills.

His coat of Seraphin has been able to withstand even a ray of Galactus . [ Image ].

Protected by indestructible Cittorak bands survived the explosion of a supernova , an explosion caused by his astral form to beat Stygyro and not only that but it uses his powers to take control of it and cellar the black hole formed by collapsing the living star. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ].

Using the hidden power of the Eye of Agamotto to transform itself into one with Eternity . [ Image ].

The Eye of Agamotto also provides Dr. Strange automatic defense , reacting to the speed of light. [Image ].

Astral Projection and mental abilities

Dr. Strange has the mental ability to separate his astral self (the essence of the soul or life force) of your physical self and thus travel through space without being limited by physical laws. In its ethereal, invisible, intangible and incapable of being damaged if not for the most elaborate mystical means.

Strange under his astral form can make powerful attacks and defenses. [ Image ].

Doctor Strange is shown to be able to even realize their body while in his astral form. [ Image ].

Strange has the ability to hypnotize both in person and remotely (rarely uses this ability) and to exercise dominion over the wills of others.

Strange can project their thoughts to short or long distance in a way very similar to telepathy.

I miss proved his mastery of telepathy even that there is some difference between telepathy that handles odd with that handle most telepaths telepathy being strange energy source powered by mystical, even this difference is not clear.

Strange has defeating Moondragon telepathic combat and she is one of the most powerful telepath in the universe. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

Maintaining a telepathic battle against Umar the mighty sister Dormammu . [ Image ].

Intelligence and combat skill

Strange was refuted neurosurgeon doctor before his accident that led to the knowledge of the mystic arts dominating them so that today is the Sorcerer Supreme.

As part of his training as Strange mystic arts is an excellent martial artist , at the height of the best, also has a high degree of knowledge and skill to the strategy that made ​​him leader of the Defenders . [Image ].

Immortal Elder has Strange explained the true nature of his being, to be protected by Eternity , Strange is truly immortal , Strange reborn again, he could live 600 years as Elder or even longer, possibly forever. [ Image ].

The Sorcerer Supreme

Dr. Strange is one of the most powerful sorcerers in existence , is a human physically normal despite having no physical superhuman powers Stephen Strange is one of the most powerful beings in the universe. A God human born. [ Image ].

Strange is the first line of defense in case of attack universe of mystical beings from other realities, gods of their own dimensions, beings omnipotent found in humans Stephen Strange the most powerful mortal existence.

As protector of this dimension, the mystic Dr. Strange senses allow him to feel the presence ofSatannish in the shadow of Mephista (daughter of Mephisto). [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

When mystical beings from another dimension planning to invade ours, Dr. Strange immediately attentive appear to feel the threat, dissuading his superior power to invade Earth , distorting the very fabric of reality to travel between dimensions. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

As Sorcerer Supreme is very difficult to measure the extent of the powers of Dr. Strange, he is as powerful as magic or divinity to which invokes and which goes.

The power of Dr. Strange mentioned that is able to shape or shake the universe. [ Image ].

Dr. Strange manages several entities omnipotent powers, allowing you to confront the most powerful beings in the universe. Dormammu is an entity composed of pure mystical energy , capable of devouring whole dimensions and cause universal destruction, and has fought directly with the cosmic entity Eternity (manifestation of the entire universe), Strange has proved able to confront and defeat him on occasion. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

During his conflict with Sise Neg , Strange and Mordo travel to the past where Sise-Neg would witness and absorb the powers of the omnipotent Shuma Gorath , which would allow him to destroy and recreate the universe. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ]

Dr. Strange has defeated the powerful In-betweener , a being from another dimension incarnation of cosmic balance, whose power is the level of Galactus (and certainly above Thanos) using the powers of the same cosmic entities who created, The Master Order and Lord Chaos . [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [Imagen3 ].

After defeating the In-betweener Doctor Strange channeled all his mystic power in the Cosmic Wheel , alternating rotation and restoring the cosmos to normal. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ].

Strange has been able to go hand in hand with Warlock which then possessed the power of the Infinity Gauntlet , but not win, held up quite the omnipotent power of the gauntlet. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ] [ Imagen6 ].

Dr. Strange was able to contain the consciousness of the all-powerful cosmic entity Eternity , within the body of the mutant Storm (that only he or she had the strength of mind to survive the experience), as he had to direct the operation Storm use, then use the powers of Gravity as a scalpel to cut the space / time and cure the "cancer" Cosmic Eternity, creating a pocket universe where the parasites disappeared saving the universe. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

Having been struggling for about 48 hours straight with Lucifer (the devil Bible) Strange still has enough power to lift a average sized moon and destroy it!!. [ Image ].

Dr. Strange has managed to bring down even Galactus on two separate occasions. The first when Galactus was to Earth very weak, and the second when Galactus thought it strange to use as a guide to save her comatose state to Eternity . Given that Galactus has no particular weakness to magic, this is proof of the power that Dr. Strange can reach without even required the most. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [Imagen3 ].

Dr. Strange was able to defeat in combat Wanda the Scarlet Witch when it had reached the highest degree of power, able to create or convert any of your wishes come true. Wanda is a powerful mutant who can alter reality itself unimaginable levels and also is enhanced by the magic of the Old GodChthon . [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ].

Strange can you use his magic for many purposes, during combat with Shuma Gorath Strange was reduced to microscopic level. [ Image ].

Strange can even temporarily add new skills to other beings, as here superspeed equipping the Mole . [Image ].

Or absorbing the supernatural powers of Ghost Rider to add to theirs. [ Image ].

Dr. Strange has been able to absorb all the magic in the world. [ Image ].

In an alien environment, Dr. Strange begins the process to control all the mystical energy from that dimension. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [ Imagen3 ].

Dr. Strange has proven to transmute matter . He has become the Sai of Elektra in a type of bread, it has also become his studio in living flesh and a gun in a swarm of insects. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [Imagen3 ].

Strange can travel light years in a short time with his powers even space for him time is very relative. Strange traveled through space for four days covering light years in that time. [ Image ].

Dr. Strange created for the Silver Surfer a flame mystical containing all knowledge of our world, all the hidden secrets, all forgotten truths, all the music, history, all our greatness and nonsense, divided into two parts (before and after the arrival of the Silver Surfer). [ Image ].

The Beyonder (the most powerful character ever created) after his encounter with Strange says: He is much, much bigger than anyone in your multiverse suspicion. At first, for a moment I was at a disadvantage, drugged, disoriented ... indifferent, he may be able to throw in some pocket dimension, keep constantly drunk and therefore eliminate me from his multiverse forever. Instead he chose to show me the path of enlightenment that he has continued and become like him a champion of life . [ Image ].

Dr. Strange powers have allowed him to give to Peter Parker 5 minutes with the soul of his late uncleBen . [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ].

When Death itself tried to kill Dr. Strange, he began to grow massively, shaking the universe around him, causing the planets around it came out fired into the personification of defeating death. [ Image ].

Attack of Magus would be so powerful that instantly disintegrate Dr. Strange , the Silver Surfer , Novaand even powerful Galactus . Of these only the power and the desire of Dr. Strange would be able to face the cosmic entity Death !. It would be Dr. Strange power which maintain and rebuild achieved essences bodily forms Galactus and his heralds, the good Doctor even Galactus would take all the credit, but show that he really is immortal and can not die if do not want. [ Image 1 ] [ Image 2 ] [Imagen3 ] [ Imagen4 ] [ Imagen5 ] [ Imagen6 ] [ Image7 ] [ Imagen8 ] [ Image9 ] [ Image10 ].

Strange even has faced Eternity and the Living Tribunal .

Although human nature in its own right and reaches Strange powers of a god and exceeds .

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