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Einstein FTL Conclusion: The Fallacy of Einstein's Theory of Relativity and Proof of Faster Than Ligth Speed Travel

Einstein theory is based on assertions that are unsupported and illogical.

#1. "The energy,energy density,density and speed of light speed and strong gravitional forces are the same and are infinite."

If the force of light and gravity was infinite then the universe would shake with destruction and we'd all be dead. No one in their right mind would claim every burst of luminous electromagnetic radaition is infinte.

Light has been measured on the clock so we know its not infinite in speed. The fact that it moves in a wave is another clue that its not infinitely fast since one particle has to transfer its energy to another in a wave. Traveling faster than light does not equate to breaking the barriers of the universe because light speed is not someting instant and ever-present due to its finite speed.

Black holes don't have infinite energy/power/energy density/density/speed. People saying they have infinite force because they think the space at the center of a black hole has zero volume are wrong. No matter how greatly compressed, you never have matter take up zero amount of space. Black holes put out energy akin to stars but their energy, energy density, density and speed is not infinite. You do not need infinite energy to escape the pull of a black hole.


#2. "Gravity is curved space."

Gravity is a force.

#3. "Space and Time are the same".

They aren't. Space is the measure of emptyness between masses.

Time is the measure of an action's duration, which is totally dependent from the objects strength level which determines the time of its breaking point when under a certain amount of force.

#4 "Energy and Time are the same".

Energy is the accelartion of mass.

Time is the measure of an action's duration, which is totally dependent from the objects strength level which determines the time of its breaking point when under a certain amount of force.

#5. "What actually happens in the world is dependent upon the sight and feelings of the observers, no matter how limited the sight of the observer is or how much the observers feelings have been sheilded off from directly experiencing the referenced force".

"Time stops or speeds up, mass changes and space shortens when traveling at the speed of light".

Trains move faster than human being ever could but we don't feel the affects of moving at high speeds on atrain becasue the trains protects us, unless we make abrupt stops, which would slam us into the inside walls of the train and kill us possilbly.

Moving at the speed of light doe not stop time. Time is a measurement of reality. It does not dependent on the limits of the human brain perception. Our brain's lack of processing power does not change the reality of time. Every action occurs over a time period, no matter how long or short that time is, and there is no limit to how long or short an action can last. Intervals of an action's duration never cease.

Time measurements don't change. a second is still a second, a millisecond is still a millisecond, a nanosecond is still and nanosecond, and so on and so forth. Nothing can be kept track of without time and if you believe time is subject o to change then you believe in an illogical world.

Space can't be added to or taken away, only filled or vacated.

#6. "Nothing can move faster than the speed of light".

Strong Gravitional forces from stars, neutron stars and black holes gravitional forces that are faster than light. Neutron stars have gravity 200 billion times that of earth. The strong Gravitatioanal force from our sun also reaches earth faster than light. light takes eight minutes to reach earth from the sun of our solar system.

The exapansion of the universe is faster than light since the farther away galaxies are apart from each other, the faster they move away from each other, and there is no end to distance that one galaxy could be from another.

Space does not bend. Would you say speed is the bending of space or an object moving through it at a certain rate? The second answer is the obvious and logical one. Space can't be bent to take shortcuts. Space does not bend because it is the empty room in between objects. Space is not mass. Space is always there and can not be added or taken away from, only filled or vacated. If you want to get somewhere fast then find the shortest route relative to you and then move through that path as fast as you can.

#7. "Anything that looks as though its moving faster than light is really just bending space and time, because space and time is limited to the speed of light".

Space and time is not limited by lightspeed. Some people will say that it is the movement of space itslelf but that is wrong since space can't move, only mass moves. Without mass there is no motion. Where there is motion, there is mass. There are no shortcuts from one space to another so moving an object from point A to point B in less time than light travels, no matter the reason why, is moving faster than lightspeed.

Einstein even tries to say that when you travel at fster than lht speeds, space shortens or time speeds decreases, so that you are actually altering time itlself or bending space instead of simply moving across a distance in less time than light does. Distance per unit of time is the definfiton of speed. the definition of speed is not decrease space or time and there is no way to prove something so ridiculous in the first place. Time can't to added to or taken away, only allowed to keep going. Space can not be added or taken away from, only filled or vacated.

Einsteins theory of General and Special Realativity is full of Contradictions:

#1. "Nothing can move faster than light, even though light moving at a finite speed, but there is no limit to the forces of gravity. Grvaity is the accelaration between two objects to due to mass differences".

He's saying that nothing moves faster than light yet he goes against that statment by saying Gravity has no limits. Grvaity is the accelaration between two objects to due to mass differences.

A. I know for a fact that the speed of light and gravity is not and can not be inifite.

B. I can list things that move move faster than light and show there is no universal speed limit at all.

C. I can list the Contradictions of Einsteins theory.

D.I can disprove the nonsensical language and logic the theory uses by properly defining energy, power,energy density, density, speed, space , and time. The theory is illogical from the start because of how it defines these things.

Space is not time. Mass is not time. Energy is not time. Space is not mass.

Time can not be changed. Space not not be changed.

time and space should not be equated to mass or energy and they don't change each other, they simply interact. They are measured in ratios to one another.

Energy per time. Energy per space. Mass per space. Space traveled per time.

Know what you know and don't contradict.

The Theory of relativty is nothing but a contrdictory irrational illogical mumbo jumbo bullcrap theory that people blindly believe in order to compensate for their lack of real knowledge.

And no, Einstein did not create the atomic bomb. And no, he created no formulas. He merely publicized and tried to take credit for the past work of other scinentists and then put his own stupid, illogical twist on those theories. Heused nothing but circular reasonaing. He stated the workings of his theory as proof of his theory.

Questioner: Why can nothing move beyond light speed?

Einsteins reply: Because of what my theory says about nothing moving beyond light speed.

Questioner: Why?

Einstein: Because my theory says so.

Questioner: But don't you need to actually show your theory in action?

Einstein: it is in action.

Questioner: How do we know?

Einstein: Because me and my theory said so.

Questioner: You want us to believe your theory says merely based on the words of your theory?

Einstein: Yes.

There you have it. Circular logic in action. If someone asks why you think a certain way about something, tell them that your belief is the proof.

How to Split an atom to make a atomic explosion

Basically, to make an atomic bomb, all you have to is get a unstable atom, an atom whose outer most electrons barriers are filled much at all, so when it takes a beating it will pop like a balloon easier than other atoms, and having a massive atom to split open adds to the power released as well.

Add this to the pile of mind-bending atom qualities: an atomic nucleus has less mass as a whole than its protons and neutrons would have separately. How is this possible? Well, when the nucleus is formed, some of the mass of its constituent parts changes into energy that binds the protons and neutrons together. In other words, there’s high potential energy locked up in the nucleus.

It’s possible to release this energy, and actually harness it, by splitting specific types of atoms apart into multiple fragments – a process known as nuclear fission. All you need to break apart a uranium-235 atom is a slow-moving free neutron. The uranium atom will absorb the free neutron, the extra energy makes the uranium nucleus highly unstable, and the atom splits into two smaller atoms and two or three free neutrons. The potential energy in the nucleus is released as kinetic energy, in the form of these particles moving at great speed. The resulting free neutrons, in turn, can break apart other uranium-235 atoms, leading to a chain reaction.

“All you need to break apart a uranium-235 atom is a slow-moving free neutron”

A powerplant controls the reaction and harnesses the heat of this kinetic energy in order to generate steam that turns turbines. In contrast, in an atomic bomb the reaction is allowed to go unchecked, in order to generate a massive explosion.

You can also tap into this energy through nuclear fusion – the combining of two nuclei into a new nucleus. Nuclear fusion generates the energy of stars and hydrogen bombs. However, nobody has been able to harness it effectively as a power source yet.

Battle with high Evolutionary. This is the guys who had a good fight with Galactus! Hulk beats him down.

Or abomination. these guys wreck entire bases in their fights.


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Savage Hulk vs Xenmu, from Marvel Feature #3:




Savage Hulk vs Xenmu rematch, from Defenders #12:





Savage Hulk (weakened) vs Xenmu again, from Incredible Hulk Annual #5:





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Problem is that while einstein claims lightspeed can't surpassed based on no empircal evidence of any kind, there are a bunch of things that are faster than light.

The "Nothing is faster than light/relativity" theory is imposed as if its a law is beacsue using light speed as a limit works for some calculartions for great gravity formations throughout the universe, but it has a limit and stops being right upon a certian point.

There's No such thing as an object acquiring infinite mass. That statement is based on the saying that nothing moves faster than light. According to the relativity theory, since nothing moves faster than light, the only way to maximize energy is to increase your mass since lightspeed ls your speed limit for any energy produced.

Einstein saying space-time of the universe bend(even though neither things can bend since they are not mass) if light were ever broken? A bunch a nonsensical jibber jaber. At best its a poor attempt at philosophy and at worst its an insult to people's intelligence.

Einstein even tries to say that when you travel at fster than lht speeds, space shortens or time speeds decreases, so that you are actually altering time itlself or bending space instead of simply moving across a distance in less time than light does. Distance per unit of time is the definfiton of speed. the definition of speed is not decrease space or time and there is no way to prove something so ridiculous in the first place. Time can't to added to or taken away, only allowed to keep going. Space can not be added or taken away from, only filled or vacated.

And a single black hole is not infinite in speed/energy/density:

Why? You can’t have mass, no matter how much compressed, take up zero amount of space.

The energy of a black hole is not infinite because it doesn't consume the entire universe. You can't have all the energy of the universe in one place. The universe is endless, like a never-ending line of dominos. Black holes put out very high levels of energy akin to stars but their energy is not infinite.

Here's some things that are faster than light:

#1. Black holes and neutron star have gravity 200 billion times the gravity of earth. That is faster than light. And of course, that's why their escape velocity is faster than light speeds.

#2. The speed at which electromagnetic waves go in the horizontal direction isn't what gives them their great power. The mass of the wave is so tiny that the speed means nothing, even going at lightspeed.

Gamma waves are transverse waves, like all other elecetromagnetic raditaion. Their maximum power is not determined by how fast they move in the horizontal direction, but on how fast they shake up and down. The true power of the wave does not move in the same direction that it makes its long distance travels.

Gamma rays are an electromagnetic field that vibrates incredibly fast. So fast do these waves vibrate that they give off energy that is equaivalent to a great many tiny masses each individually moving at light-speed. Combine those masses and speeds and see what you get. The perdpendicular oscsillation of a gamma ray is so fast that an electromagnetic wave travels no more than picometer in its horizontal motion within the same moment one oscillation has been completed in the perpendicular direction.

An electrvolt is 1 undecillionth of kilogram that moves at light speed. F= 1.782662×10−36) kg X (300,000,000)^2

There's a quadrillion electon volts in 1 joules of energy.

("Work" is force moving over a certain amount of distance. W= F x d. # of Newtons X 1 meter= # of Joules)

Imagine how many the electron volts the sun puts out every second knowing that the sun produces 300 septillion joules per second. That's a lot of electron volts and definitely faster than light motion.

#3. The big bang is faster than light. Its known that the farther a galxy is away form another, the faster its moving away. I easily could pick two galaxies of pretty much any distnat and the speed they were traveling away would have to come out as faster than light.

#4. Spining stars have been found to send out radio six times faster than light for a moment. That's faster than light.

Hulk vs Diablo, the alien from the fifth dimension:

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