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Dreadfire Comics - Birmingham, England's Own Superhero

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Hi everyone I recently started up a comic book with a few people and Issue one is nearing its release date. I have been asking around for someone to do a blog on the Comic online here at Comic Vine but people seem reluctant (understandably) and it was suggested to me that I write my own. This was ofcourse something I did not want to do as I didnt want to just be going on and on about how great I think my comic is and end up looking a bit silly. Nevertheless I have decided to do a Blog about the Comic book but instead of talking about how great I think it is or doing anykind of review like talk etc, I figured it would be best to just talk about the comic, what it is, what were about and what we've been upto. So here goes! Let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy the read!  
 Issue One - A Hero Rises
 Issue One - A Hero Rises
First things first I guess, time for an overview of our comic; Dreadfire is a brand new up and coming comic book series set in Birmingham, England. The protagonist , Isaac, is frustrated with the criminal society around him, and more frustrated with his inability to do anything about it. When Superhero powers are given to him, Isaac finds that he finally has a means to clean up the city he swore to protect. However, Isaac, and his alter ego 'Dreadfire', soon finds out that the criminals on the street are not all he has to fight... a life long struggle with crime has left him struggling with the morality of vengeance. The memories of his past cloud his vision of justice, causing him to take actions of revenge.

As an interactive comic book series Dreadfire offers it's fans a chance to change the story, the characters, the costumes and many other aspects of it's existence . Many competitions also allow for its users to create villains and heroes, and even to appear in the comic book themselves alongside the hero. It is very much an interactive project and hopes to involve its readers as much as possible.
Now the introductions are done let me update people on where exactly we stand right now and what we plan to do in the future:

The major news of course is that we have added the pre-order button to the shop and people have been pre-ordering their copy and getting involved in shaping their Hero, we have a vote on the Facebook page so that people can vote on which martial art they want Dreadfire to learn first and as it stands Ninjitsu seems to be winning the race with Tai Chi and Krav Maga close at its heels!  Still though it is early days and the vote difference is not so much that there is a definite winner. 

We have put up sections on the facebook page for the readers to share ideas and also locations which the readers think will go well with the Dreadfire story and also a list of the competitions currently being held. The Myspace page is going strong and a lot of interest has been shown in the page.

We are also delighted to say that we have included a 'Comic Demo' Section to our Artwork section of the website and that is a demo of the comic itself! The first few pages of the first issue has been uploaded directly onto the site to give you an idea of what the comic will look like! So please check it out and let us know your thoughts! 

This is what we've been up to over the last few days:

  • Attempting to spread the word via our Facebook/Myspace and the Website.
  • Launched our first Podcast in the iTunes store answering questions from emails and also discussing up and coming events.
  • Answering questions for an interview from a Comic Book reviewer/blogger. 
  • Talking with the Birmingham Mail (newspaper)
  • Working on Issue 3 
A few plans we have for the near future :


  • Share link to the Blog Interview when It's posted online
  • Continue Promotion and Attempting to spread the word of the UK's New Hero
  • Announce the Superhero Suit competition (Readers will be able to design Dreadfires suit)
  • Announce launch Event 
  • Announce Issue One Release Date

Well that's what we've been doing and that's some of our plans for the near future! For a more in depth idea of what we’ve been up to and what’s coming, make sure to listen to our podcast! I’ve added all our contact details to the bottom of the Blog but I’ve put it as a spoiler in the hope that people won’t be angry at me 'plugging' but anyone interested can still take a look and get involved. Let me know what you think, I'm on here almost every day reading reviews/blogs etc and I'm interested to hear what people think.

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