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I Can Relate: The Promiscuous Girlfriend (World's Finest #3)

World's Finest #3
World's Finest #3

This one is more so for the ladies, and it’s rather strange saying that considering that I’m a man. It also pertains to a rather sensitive subject within a woman’s circle of friends. Within every group though, both male and female there is one with more loose morals than the rest of their friends. Stereotypes would tell you that males encourage such behavior, while females discourage. Granted this is most definitely not always true. Yet it still does happen. For the sake of this blog though, we’re going to be looking at the ladies this time around.


World’s Finest has been following Power Girl and Huntress since they first arrived from Earth 2. Through a series of flashbacks we see the early hours of Power Girl and Huntress stay on Earth Prime. In the third issue we see a flashback of Helena and Kara hanging out in London where Helena is trying to discuss information she has discovered about Earth prime’s heroes, but Kara has no interest in learning and only wishes to return home. At one point in the conversation Helena makes the comment: “You see Parademons under every bed.” At this point Kara puts on a small smile and twirls a strand of her hair around her finger while replying: “Well…not under every bed”. At that point understand what Kara’s implying Helena swipes at her with the folder she’s carrying while exclaiming her name, while Kara so innocently replies, “what? Just checking comparative anatomy…” Also during this point we can see that Helena’s attire is more business appropriated while Kara’s is more advertising. Before their departure, Helena asserts her authority in telling her friend where to meet next and not to get distracted, while Kara nonchalantly replies: “Don’t worry Hel,… I know my priorities.” While eyeing the two men behind her that are checking her out.

You know I'm responsible.
You know I'm responsible.

Now being a guy I haven’t had anything like this happen to me directly, but I have seen something like this go on between the women I have been around. Two girlfriends are hanging out when one of them spots something they like, and makes a comment that makes their friend turn red in the face. Sometimes the one that is embarrassed by her friend’s nature will act like Helena and sort of swat at their friend to snap them out of their intrigued state. Others will turn and walk away while saying, “I’m not with them.” To any that pass by. Sometimes won’t be entirely embarrassed by their friend’s nature, and just roll their eyes and continue about their own business, preferring to meddle in their friend’s promiscuous approach to others.

The goal in dealing with these situations though is not to stop this, except when it is causing harm to the promiscuous one, or to others involved, but other than to realize that it does happen and except a person’s nature for what it is. Every person in different in their approach to life whether they be more business oriented in their endeavors like Helena or more free spirited like Kara. Either way people will do what comes instinctive to them.

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