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Deadly Fighters #4

After we defeated Blink and Juggernaut the team had a lot of applicants.

Nothing major just some fans who wanted to be on the team. The team decided to give them a chance so we interviewed them one by one.
The day was sadly disappointing cause no one really had any powers.
This guy copied me and the Pool.
Then this ninja came in with one sword then boldly said" Fire Ninjas attack!" he said.
Then suddenly a lot of ninjas came in and started attacking us all.
Forge turned on the security system for our guests.
The rest of us fought them.
The ninjas were good fighters almost as good as the team.
Then their leader was the most deadly.
He Dodged Wolverines attacks, Also NightCrawler.
I fought him so that he couldn't surprise attack anyone at the team.
He was very skillful also a weapons master.
I asked him who he was,also why did he attacks us.
He said"I wanted to test you and your teammates."he said.
What did he mean by that?
Too be continued...
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Deadly Fighters #3

So I am down on the the ground and soon to be crushed by the juggernaut.

Then suddenly NightCrawler teleports then gets me out of their. Wolverine received a message from Forge saying that the bank alarm was staged but wolverine bluntly said"Little too late." Said him.
Deadpool distracts Juggernaut with an electromagnet bomb.
Sadly Blink teleported Juggernaut right next to Siryn but Deadpool couldn't stand seeing his loved one be killed so he took the juggernauts hit.
The pool was badly injured from that hit and was left knocked out.
So I call in reinforcements but sadly T-Ray came.
You see T-Ray hates me as much as he hates the Pool.
Forge suddenly appeared then a blue flash of light next thing we knew we were at this huge command center.
We all are wondering what this place is but then Forge said"this is our new command center."He said.
This is the Deadly Command Post.
With our new security system juggernaut and Blink cant get in here without us knowing.
You see we have a device that blocks Teleporting power accept if you wear this belt which NightCrawler will wear.
Also Juggernaut cannot break in here with his muscle.
If someone tries to break in here they will be badly burned.
Soon enough Juggernaut and Blink attacked...
Juggernaut said"Blink where are they?" he said.
Blink replied" I don't know." said Blink. Suddenly lights went on in their eyes once they were shut down we attacked them fearlessly.
We defeated them many times finally they retreated.
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Deadly Fighters #2

So after we defeated Dark Void more super villains heard that we formed a team.

Once they found out they decided to attack us with everything they got.
Blink and the Juggernaut decided to attack me and Deadpool.
NightCrawler knew about this plot so he told us about their evil plan.
We do have another advantage we don't have a command center yet. So they cannot attack us if they don't know where we are.
Since we know that their plot is a complete dump we decided to just continue crime fighting.
Then suddenly Forge enters the room sweating then said"Their is a robbery at west 4th street bank." said Forge.
Then Wolverine said" here we go again!"he said. The Deadly Fighters got to the bank but they didn't notice anything being robbed then suddenly a flash of light then the scream of juggernaut.
The next thing I knew Juggernaut was about to crush me with his fists.
Too be continued...

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The Deadly Fighter

So we are tracking Dark Void down when suddenly.

He attacks us from behind. We were all so surprised.
Wolverine said"How come I cant smell his dark scent?" he said.
Then when it looked like they were defeated another superhero appeared named NightCrawler.
NightCrawler fought of the Dark Void while we regained our strength.
NightCrawler is a mutant who can teleport also with a good fighting skill.
Once we all teamed up again the Deadly Fighters and NightCrawler defeated Dark Void.
After NightCrawler helped us defeat Dark Void we made him an official member of the Deadly Fighters.
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Side by side with the Pool

I changed my name into Deadly Fighter though.

So after we defeated the dreadful AJAX me and the Pool formed a new team.
We called it the Deadly Fighters.
WE recruited Siryn,Daredevil,Gambit,Dr. Killebrew,Wolverine,Weasel and Forge.
So as the 1st mission of the Deadly Fighters they tracked down a new criminal called Dark Void.
Dark Void has this powerful laser ability. The reason The Deadly Fighters are tracking him down because he has attempted to free all of the prisoners at the local prison.
So me and the Pool sent Daredevil and Gambit too track one lead.
The Deadly Fighters believed that the Dark Void will attempt on attacking Deadly Fighters now that he knows that we are tracking him.
Weasel,Forge and Dr. Killebrew are in charge of weapons and security.
Too be continued...
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I fought Cable with DEADPOOL by my side.

Then suddenly deadpool gets knocked out! I was left alone to fight Cable.
Me deadpoolteleporter is about to get really soar.
I ran to deadpool then i woke him up then we both cried out" We Rock!" as we jumped too cable.
Then we both kicked him in his face i cut of one of his cables then deadpool finished the fight.
Then AJAX jumps on deadpool i was left alone then i saw that the bridge that we were on was bout to burst so i grabbed deadpool then i teleported both of us to the Hell House then cable and AJAX fell to the depths of the cold sea.
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