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Spirit Of The Jewel

in the old thor series when took over the world loki imprisoned thor girl due to the fact that she was starting to evolve into something that was beyond asguardian she was turning into the Spirit Of The Jewel.

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even though she changed into this during a different time line... she can still evolve into this as a matter of fact on a new part of fear itself...

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shes becoming something shes evolving again i think shes evolving into the spirit of the the jewel

if she does what does this mean for the pantheons? such as Zeus , odin osiris? the spirts power far exceeds those of a sky father how do i know this? because in the older series the spirt of the jewel created a servent named desak. Desak was immune to ALL god like powers thats why hes known as a god slayer odin force thor using his full power couldn't damage using his power.

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NOW if she can created such a powerful God killing subordinate what power does she wield herself? shes turning into that spirit again so what does those mean for the various pantheons?