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Avatar Legend of Korra: My thoughts

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Seeing how the last episode aired on December 19, 2014 this review is long overdue..but with no further delayed this is my take on Avatar Legend of Korra:

Ok when I first got wind that there was going to be a new Avatar show I was beyond excited! I wanted to see what exactly happen after the fall of the Fire Nation as a tyrannical power, what was Team Avatar up to,what happened to Zuko's mother,what became of Azula,what was to become of Sokka and Suki,and what would the future hold for Aang and Katara?..Yeah I was severly disappointed to find that this new Avatar was a completely new iteration of the Avatar show I knew and loved, I wanted a new adventure of the old Team Avatar but I told myself well I'll give it a chance this is coming of off what I considered the best darn American anime(don't even start about this being just a cartoon not anime) I ever seen so it has to be well legendary.I don't even remember watching any trailers I probably watched one but I can't really recalled anyway I remember watching the very first episode:Welcome to Republic City and I was again disappointed. I just wasn't ready to move on I had to face it, I was still stuck in the Last Airbender and it wasn't just the fact that this wasn't the original Team Avatar the entire world was different it lost that 'ancient feudal eastern martial art' feel that defined the Avatar world.But it was very clear that Mike and Bryan wanted us to move on, *sigh* so I tried my best to move on too.

"After Aang and his friends brought the Hundred Year War to an end, the Avatar and Fire Lord Zuko transformed the Fire Nation colonies into the United Republic of Nations, a society where benders and nonbenders from all over the world would live together in peace and harmony, Republic City being its capital city. Avatar Aang accomplished many remarkable things in his life, but his time in this world came to an end, and thus the Avatar Cycle began anew."-Introduction

This new Avatar show takes place 70 years after the original timeline of the first Avatar,so I guess it was clear things were going to be radically different in terms of society and the world the Avatar inhabits. Indeed this world reeks of Steampunk-ish influence which I would normally love-but in the Avatar world? Would it work-could it work? If someone told me while the Last Airbender was running that in the future we would see a new Avatar show in a Steampunk world, I don't think I could ever picture it;it would be like seeing Naruto jump from their 'Feudal Ninja' age to a Steampunk age-could you picture it? Not me.Like the title suggest "Welcome to Republic City" introduce us to this new giant apparently "Republic city" founded by Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Zuko as a city where anybody could live:Firebenders,Waterbenders,Earthbenders, and non-benders all living in the same city with no favoritism placed on nationality or a certain group of Benders(I.g Firebenders etc.) This was a city with no specific allegiance to the Fire Nation,Water Tribes,Earth Kingdom or any other nation thus this was a city without prejudice..Well not quite, ironically the premise of this new villain is based around how Republic City is not free from prejudice and that in all actuality benders discriminate against non-benders this somebody is Amon.Back lets back up abit lets talk about the new Avatar. So were introduce to Avatar Korra .

"In the Southern Water Tribe, the leader of the Order of the White Lotus and two other members walk in the snow toward one of the houses. A man greets them at the entrance, saying that it is an honor they have come and thanks them. He opens the door, letting them inside to see his wife, who is sweeping the floor and welcomes them as well. The leader of the Order informs them about their failed searches in both the Northern and Southern Tribes, to which she answers that they should be happy to know their search has come to an end. The leader, incredulous, asks her what makes her so sure her daughter is the one. The woman calls Korra, who enters the room,earthbending a hole in the wall and demonstrating, to the surprise and amazement of the White Lotus, that she can control water, earth, and fire."-Welcome to Republic City.Avatar Wiki.It's clear from the get go that Korra is an advance semi-fully realise Avatar or is she? Thirteen years later Korra moves with Tenzin and his family to Air Temple Island(off of Republic City) where it's plain to see she struggles with disciple and Airbending eludes her.She meets two pro-benders:Bolin and Mako,Bolin befriends her quickly Mako not so much.After some events Korra finds herself on the Fire Ferrets pro-bending team.

This is when stuff gets real:" Mako and Bolin look for ways to attain the thirty thousand yuans they need in order to be eligible to compete in the Pro-bending Tournament. Bolin accepts work from the Triple Threat Triad and subsequently disappears. Korra and Mako go looking for Bolin and encounter the group of chi blockers who had kidnapped him, but the Equalists flee. Korra and Mako later find out about an Equalist rally and decide to attend it. There, they learn many secrets about the Equalists and their leader, Amon, and rescue Bolin from his otherwise doomed fate."-"The Revelation"

Korra and Mako runs into the 'Equalist'-remember the whole "Republic City is free from prejudice"? Well guess what there's people calling themselves Equalist and exclaiming that there's no real equality in Republic City(we some of this in the first Episode). This leads us back to Amon


Amon is the leader of the Equalist and thus strives for equality among benders and non-benders,though it seems he just wants to eradicate bending altogether."Claiming to be an innocent nonbender to whom the spirits granted the ability to remove a person's bending permanently, a power previously demonstrated only by the Avatar, Amon gained the confidence and support of many people with the same ideals." As I adjusted to this new Avatar world I like Amon's dreams an dedications of revolutionising the world and removing bending once and for all.After all it was the Fire Nation that threaten the known world with conquest and dominations-and still 70 years later the fear of benders haven't been totally erase look at the Triple Threat Triad.So Amon seems to have a case,I must admit he was a pretty cool villain with good motivations for his radical actions,and like it's precursor it wasn't afraid to touch upon mature themes such as personal prejudice and political reform. .Korra is scare out of her wits when she witnesses Amon's ability to take away bending a dangerous skill previously thought to be known by the Avatar exclusively."To garner sympathy and hide that he was a bender himself, Amon claimed that he was born on a small farm to a poor family of nonbenders who were being extorted by a firebender. When his father supposedly confronted the bender, he and the rest of his family were murdered and Amon's face was left scarred, forcing him to hide behind a mask ever since. He also claimed that he had been granted the power to remove bending by the spirits because they believed the Avatar had failed the world and wanted him to usher in an era of equality."Korra and Mako finds out his deception through his brother Tarrlok,however Amon manages to take Korra's bending away and capture Tenzin and his family-but it's all in vain as Amon is blasted out of a window and into the harbor below which reveals to all his deception.Amon escapes with his brother Tarrlok via a speedboat attempting to start life anew.Tarrlok ignites the fuel tank and they go kaboom.

I must say I was surprise they were able to get away with suicide on Nickelodeon but they pulled it off.While I was some what underwhelm with Amon's end-fight with Korra(and that she regained her bending kinda fast) I liked the mature nature of their suicide which felt realistic.Personally I would have like to have seen Amon team up with another villain LOK villain down the road more on that later...

Book 2 was okay not necessarily great though I did enjoy Avatar Wan's story(some people believe that Wan's story contradicts lore from Avatar The Last Airbender,I'll touch on that too.)I didn't like the villain of book 2, and many people didn't particularly like the "Dark Avatar" I like the concept just not the way it was executed.In Book 2 Beginnings, Part 1 we're introduced to Avatar Wan the first Avatar-this is where the apparent contradiction comes in.during Avatar Wans days before he becomes the Avatar there's no benders,and the only way to 'bend' is to ask a Lion Turtle(who are a lot more plentiful during this time) to bequeath it to you-but only for a limited amount of time;this directly contradicts the origin of bending as explained in The Last Airbender:where bending is said to have been learned from mythic animals\beast and nature:Firebending is said to have been learned from dragons,while Waterbending was learned from watching the first Waterbender the moon.So why the difference? The answer to the contradiction is simple:People receive the element of Fire from the Fire Lion Turtle the source of this power was the Sun and they enhance their Firebending by imitating\learning from dragons.It's apparent the Lion Turtles disappeared and left humans to their devices since they weren't needed anymore.

My thoughts on Book 3 and 4 coming soon...

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