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My Havorites Heros/Villains OF All Time!!

My Favorites of all time! And thats no lie

List items

  • No one else can do what he does and thats why he is my top

  • Out of all the robins He has something he loves the most,and he'll stop at nothing to find his "Father" and bring him back home.Give Tim a blue lantern ring cause he is full of so much Hope.

  • The greatest detective in the DC universe.Bruce is the only man for the job,when investigating any type of job,weather it is mortal or immortal relevents.

  • The man known as Hawkeye,and for good reasons.Now he's called Ronin,but this guy can kill you in a heart beat.He is #4 in my list.

  • the A-lister with so much problems,yet still doing his job as a hero.Spidey is the true deffinition of "Hero".

  • yes he is a newcomer,but anyone that can put a sword in Tim Wayne chest deserves to be in my list.

  • What kind of person would I be if i didn't talk about an X-men,an omega at that.Bobby is one of my fav X-men and one of the most powerful.He can't be killed in hisice form,and even if he is he can just recofigurate himself.Indeed a powerful Mutant.

  • the clone of both Lex and Clark,and with the heart of a hero.As powerful as superman,and the intelect of Lex (which he rarely shows).

  • "He's the best at what he dose,and what he dose isn't very nice" #9

  • Some times people say "save the best for last" well there right.Stewart (in my opinion) is the greatest Green Lantern out there.Tell who else can take on an entire planet full of Black lanterns...and survive?... no one? okay then my point taken LOL XD. You go Stewart!!