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Fan-Fic Disclaimer for cbishop

The disclaimer had to be broken up into categories:

.DC..Image..Marvel..Public Domain.

This page is for the disclaimer's introduction, and for items belonging to Comic Vine members that I have used in fics.

Introduction: Main disclaimer.

This is a blanket disclaimer for any fan-fiction I might write:

I don't own the characters I write in fan-fic, unless I specifically state that a particular character is an "OC Name" (original character name). I usually list those in the first comment box after my stories. OC Names are owned by me, and I reserve the right to reuse the OC Names in an original capacity, unconnected to any of the universes I may have connected them to in the fan-fic forum.

Licensed properties change hands, so are listed under "Licensed," rather than trying to keep up with who has the license at the current time. Except for Star Wars, which is listed under Marvel, because they are both owned by Disney, and the Star Wars license has moved to Marvel permanently.

For full picture credits, see the individual stories. If I have obtained specific permission for a picture, it may be listed under "Art." All images (whether the original image or an altered version of it) are credited in the first comment box after my stories. I have no claim on them, make no money off of them, and they are used solely to help the stories. If I have made an original image in MS Paint, that will be noted as well, but I own the original image.

For the fan-fic I have written so far, the characters, and whatever else used, will be listed in this disclaimer under the appropriate company or individual, and I have no claim to them. These are listed alphabetically on each page.

COMIC VINE: (CV) - CV members whose OC's I have used in stories.

For CV members, I have usually asked permission before using their characters, but I like to note them just to make it clear that I have no claim on them. Except for some of ImpurestCheese's characters, which I will explain in her tab.

Categories for CV:

  • batkevin74
  • ImpurestCheese
  • ithinkitwasyou
  • mikomontgomery
  • mrmonster
  • payno
  • Time_Phantom
  • Doyle
  • Doyle's great grand uncle
  • Jimmy Hunter Brown (Jimmy; Crossbow Man)
  • Jimmy's mom
  • unnamed "old man" that owned the bar
  • Doyle's great grand uncle's rifle
ImpurestCheese: aka Elouise Clayton (R.I.P.)

When Elouise Clayton, aka ImpurestCheese, passed away, her fiance informed a group of us that she had left me her character the Patron Saint of Crime (PSOC). She later let me know that it wasn't just PSOC, but all of the characters of the Patronverse which is what Imp' called her original fiction universe that PSOC existed in.

The list here is characters that I used before they were passed on to me.

Note: Most of the following were used in The Heroine Revealed.


  • Ai Apaec
  • Clarissa
  • Dragon Eel of Macau (person)
  • Eloise Clayton/ Impurest Cheese/ steampunk Valkyrie of the BMV
  • Fea
  • Jena Johansson (Black Box)
  • Joanne
  • Katya
  • Lugh the Wanderer
  • Ragnar/ eel form
  • Siwang (Patron Saint of Crime)


  • BMV
  • Book of Secrets.
  • golden mask (of Ai Apaec)


  • clutch of snakes
  • Orumcek, The

ImpurestCheese quote used in my story:

Copy/pasted from IC's own words:
...As for the Centipedes...on my gap year (in Indonesia) I woke up in my tent to find a massive centipede crawling on my arm. That freaked me out but waht was worse was when the guide told us that each of it's 40 feet has a venomous spur on. I was unwell for the next three days actually screw that it felt as if someone had lathered up my skin with acid it was that painful
  • Picture of "Ryan" in .Fan fiction character creation. I used it (and messed with it in MS Paint) to represent my character The Dragon Eel. I didn't ask, because I this person hasn't been here in 9 years as of 2022, but I've acknowledged the use everywhere I've posted it.
mikomontgomery: aka Miko Montgomery

Miko Montgomery is a personal friend in real life. I used his characters in a fan-fic capacity for CCC 25, to help promote his book Raven Diablo: Agent of Kali. I reposted my own story from that contest as Raven Diablo vs. Phansigar.


  • Milwaukee Torso Killer
  • Raven Diablo: Agent of Kali
  • Sholeh Kaviani
  • Simon Janus
  • Xandra


  • Vegas Vibe, The


  • Sanctum Tartarus


  • Agent Jennifer Bryan, CIA
  • Time Phantom (used his CV name for a character, with permission). He has allowed me to own my version of the character.

Thank you kindly,
