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Patriotism or Unpatriotic

I have come to realize that world in which i live in more precisely the nation i call home is not what i believed it to be, its history is tainted and hidden from us while we are taught lies in school of who we are as a nation. I learned to stand up and ask the hard questions because i want to  know truth and yet all i ever seen is someone ready to accuse me of being unamerican for asking said questions or to leave and go back to whatever country they believe i should belong in.

I know now that this country that i call home is not the country i want to live in and the ideals of apple pie, baseball, Freedom and Happiness is just a dream. The things i cling to about dying free rather than live on my knees is not shared by the average American as i see them waste away their freedom and ask others to give up theirs so that they can feel more comfortable in this nation build by both criminals and heroes of the past.

I see politicians sign away our personal rights as they scratch it out of the Bill of Rights or add a "but or only ifs". I see great quotes uttered by men like Bejamin Franklin about personal rights and freedom being scuffed at and made fun of while we lose our rights to privacy, government adding cameras on the streets or arresting men or women of suspicion and search them simply for their color of their skin while violating their rights the excuse being well they are criminals cause if they werent they would have allowed themselves to be searched or it criminals dont have rights.

Protection was given to all to prevent the government from abusing their authority and power regardless if you were a criminal or an upstanding citizen because at the end it is a slippery slope. now men and women have phones tapped regardless of race simply because your name sounds funny or b/c a computer program chose your name for whatever reason. now wire taps are done under the guise of patriotism same as when the Japanese Americans were placed in interment camps, Mexican Americans beaten and deported to Mexico and had their land and property ceased, a family murdered by the F.B.I at bloody ridge without anyone being held accountable, this isnt centuries ago but only 70 years ago and less.

yet we see the same pattern repeated blind bigotry run rampant under the guise of being patriotic, the law no longer holds those responsible accountable it is now criminal to defend yourself from those who are suppose to defend and protect you. you have government suspending your rights to bare arms without any government authority nor signature or votes when it suits them b/c someone in Washington says so and people at the City level following orders.

When i was in the military i swore an oath to defend this country from foreign and domestic enemies yet these enemies to me appear to be the american people in power in congress, in office, in the supreme court who stand by and do nothing while they treat what i hold dear as toilet paper. There was a time when i would die to defend this nation but no more, i would die to defend an individual but no longer can i do it for a nation that no longer is what it supposedly said it was or inspired to be.

Now there are men in uniform who are too afraid to disobey orders and uphold their oath because they are afraid of punishment or losing their job. An Airforce Captain a few months ago told me he has followed illegal orders that he knew was wrong b/c he had a family to support and would willingly violent others rights to maintain his position. while another Army cat willingly disobeyed his orders under his military oath and refused to confiscate any weapons and informed his troops who in turn refused to comply with Washington command. Yet we dont hear about this man for his bravery and sense of honor.

We dont hear anyone getting mad anymore when they see military out post being stationed 30, 50 miles from american boarders designed to stop "certain" people and ask for citizenship which every person has the right to refuse to answer. Everyone things it is okay to have a police state b/c they are not targeting you but other less fortunate americans. No one bats an eye when the military is building detention camps on american soil in case it is ever needed. I am horrified when i ask military men and women if they would ever raise their weapons on american civilians if they were given an order to for whatever reason whether revolutionary or  natural disaster to impose order, Their answer i dont know, or i would just be following orders let them up top figure it out and take the blame.

Men and Women today just dont want to take responsibility and use the old tired line of i was just following orders, they dont want to think of the moral, ethical position they are placed in and forget what they swore to uphold. I think Benjamin Franklin was right that we the people deserve the government we get, Government is no longer afraid of the people while the people are afraid of their governments.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

I have heard people say that i am self righteous or should be ignored. I might be but that is because i know what it is to give up my rights, liberty and safety to serve this nation and protect its people. i have seen what abuse of government power can lead to in 3rd world nation, i have known 1st hand to be arrested and harassed for the color of my skin or attire. and i tell you all that i will never again allow someone to treat me less of a person whether they are police or anyone else and if i  end up dead or in prison so be it.

it is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself, when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks.

You may all choice to live in safety so long as you are "allowed" to own a home and two cars and live in relative comfort, my freedoms cannot be bought for such a meager price. My people roamed this land from Alaska down to  Tierra de Fuego nor was i or my people ever an immigrant to these lands that i should be treated as a second  class citizen.  I do not like nor accept being classified as a hispanic, latino, mexican or illegal or any name that is meant to separate me from my land and my brothers and sisters. I will not allow others to define me as what kind of person i should be, i will define myself and take the name that was my people a child of this land without boarders or walls that were designed to keep back "undesirables" b/c of their skin tone while others are allowed to roam free.

I will die before i allow myself to be treated like those before me who were black, brown, asian and  were victimized, i refuse to be called less american or unpatriotic b/c i know who i am and where i came from and refuse to bow down and allow myself to be victimized by any one group. I served this nation once before as a man of honor and principles just to see others piss away what me and others have provided, now out of uniform i would rather die as a man of principle and honor for refusing to allow my rights violated.

This country and its media would rather hide what it is to be a good unwavering americans who stand up to the corrupt and broken system yet their news is never covered or shown, statements of why they did what they did  never read. one instead has to read them online or on foreign news media to see why a man killed a judge or police or blew up a building. News medias rather simply say he was crazy angry and ignore the passionate speech or plead prior to said event which gave him the justification to say, no, i will not sit down. i will not take it, i refuse to have my land ceased by our government so it can be sold to some corporation. People who have their  surrounding land bought off where it is criminal for one to drive off from their home without trespassing.....

instead americans laugh and do nothing.. there was a time when men and women did more than laugh, they  marched for their rights but instead people rather sit down and watch american idol........... the only time people organize is for improp flash mob dance.

perhaps i am not patriotic because i refuse to follow blindly, refuse to comprise my rights and freedoms, or be treated like a criminal in the land of my ancestors. But, what i am is a human being of principles of integrity who asks that i and other be treated the same whether born here or not and be given the same rights afforded to others whether rich or poor, white, black, asian or brown.