
what the hell is going on i cant see a dam thing

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Dark Awakening- Rebirth

First came the shadows

Then the pain

Before finally nothing

Convulsing as his consciousness faded the violent movements of his body echoed as his bones cracked, snapped and popped. His whole form twitching with an indecent display of disorder. This magical fluid introduced to his system seeking to edit every fibre, every cell altering the man from his base pairs to the marks on his skin. A thick and noxious liquid poured from beneath the skin a mysterious grey like fluid. The flowing tide encasing his now motionless body. This unnatural and rapidly growing shell forming into an eerie cocoon like structure. Its rippled shell reminiscent of shaped cartridge but it seemed to drink the light around it the air was colder, a simple yet menacing structure surrounding the motionless form of Cassius Knightfall.

Inside the structure the primordial restructuring slowly shifted towards order. Twenty years of wear and tear slipping away, mental pathways reconnecting genetic enhancements taken bare. The parts that once made the man, unmade reforming into an entirely new animal. Something unlike the person before. Time and pain becoming concepts lost within the shell. Acids, protein strains, muscle tissue, cartridge and bone slowly stitching itself back together. New formations of the same old shapes fortified within. An unknown factor to the serums purpose acting as a genetic wildcard and catalyst to a pronounced alteration of internal components. Bones hardening with an unnatural strength their appearance oddly textured as the exotic metal viburnum fused with the natural collagen.

A one of a kind compound forming, solidifying throughout the forming skeletal structure. The exotic metal compound forming the once lost limb along with those who remained. This genius serum restoring a previous genetic makeup, forming a traditional humanoid body structure with the material available.

Days passing as this cocoon sat sentinel to the forming body. A pale layer of skin slid over the tissue followed by the next and the next. Until the internal alterations of the abyssal shell ceased and the sounds of life started to stir within.

A dull thud followed by a deep bellowing growl.


No Caption Provided

Shimmering talons emerging first, then a hand. Darkness enveloping the emerging form as the shell began to decay. Withing and collapsing rapidly as a form rose from the shadows. Red piercing eyes piercing through the void.

A man Reborn


The Grey Room

A silent void twitches as the beginnings of life and sound find shape and form. A spark floating upwards and centering itself in the midst of the former nothingness, casting a bright blanket across the space as it warps and shifts into solidity and familiarity.Where once was nothing a wall forms, a floor a ceiling a box is created. Furniture and a table appearing instantaneously centered under the source of the light. Shadows cast across the monotonal room as the forms of life spring forth from the either. A main in blue and a man in red sitting at either end of the table.

"How the hell did I get here?" quips the man in red

"What kind of place is this?" replies the other

The two lock eyes united in their predicament and confusion

"Who are you?" voiced in stereo

The silence that followed making the air all the more uncomfortable for both of them.

The man in blue closing his eyes his head making a subtle movement before opening again in confusion. The man in red tilting his masked face emotionless and silent.

Looking down at their hands respectively, one opening and closing his hands feeling the loss of their former strength the others feeling light and missing their tools.

Their movements almost alien to themselves as if their sense of control was not their own, an outside force beyond their influence moving like a marionette.

The silence broken by a formless voice

"I'am your creator. You are but aspects of my mind. Everything you are, everything you see and do is manifestation of my will. And for now I have decided in this room you shall stay. Till I feel the need to deem otherwise"

Standing in unison as the room began to twist and rattle once again. Form becoming formless colors fading into shadow all voices falling silent. And my eyes open and the waking world takes its hold once more.

(Trying some meta)


Complete Works (Replaced as last 404 errored)

Here below is the sum total of all my traceable thread posts across my accounts. I will endeavor to keep it updated and will shortly be adding the Cover art i have made as well to the bottom of the thread. If you think i have missed anything please feel free to message me and i will fix it.

Team Locations / Locations(Who i wrote as)

All Credit for locations goes to the original posters. This is simply to map out where i posted and who with. (Page and post info coming shortly)

Vine Titans West (Lazystudent)- Prime team location

The C.O.D.A (Lazystudent)-Prime team location

Champions City (Lazystudent/Edward Windsor)- Prime team location

Fangtasia (Lazystudent/Edward Windsor)- Vampire Nightclub Prime

The Justice League International (Edward Windsor)- team location

Icarus Inc-Hiroshima (Edward Windsor)- Spaceship registration thread

Avalon Moonbase (Edward Windsor)- secondary base location for the COP's

Kamelot (Cassius knightfall)- Knightfall business, now owned by Avalon INC.

Black Eden Estate (Cassius Knightfall)- Knightfall Estate owned by Quintus

Ronin Rest( Edward Windsor/ Cassius Knightfall)- CVNU team location

London (Cassius Knightfall)- Self explanatory

Odyssey Dawn (Cassius Knightfall)- Mobile base/boat owned by the LeBeau's

Sovereigns (Cassius Knightfall)- CVNU team location

Gothic City (Cassius Knightfall)- CVNU location

Shadowland (Cassius Knightfall)- Business location owned by the LeBeau's

New York (Cassius Knightfall)- New York city location

Malaga (Cassius Knightfall)- Spanish location home of Spanish section of Hellfire Club.

Hellfire Club (Cassius Knightfall)- Elite organisation/ business and social club.

Halo Corp (Cassius Knightfall)- CVNU location, business in Venezuela

CV General Hospital (Cassius Knightfall)- Self explanatory

Dr Steele's Office (Cassius Knightfall)- The good Dr's personal practise thread.

The White House (Cassius Knightfall)- CVNU location in Washington.

Authority (Cassius Knightfall)- CVNU team location.

Singularity center of Transhumanism (Dr Frank)- Location in Iceland, unused


Also included 1vs1 RP's In character order not chronological

Vs Steel (Edward Windsor) - KOV tournament Round 1

Vs Morte Knightfall (Edward Windsor)- KOV tournament Round 2

With Umbra vs DC and Reen (Edward Windsor)- KOV tournament tag team Round 1

Vs Warsman (Edward Windsor)- Stage 1 of the List concept

Vs Akira Overdrive (Edward Windsor)- Battle to reclaim Edwards mother

Vs Selena Stone (Edward Windsor)- Intergalactic games Round 1

Vs Mr Mercury (Edward Windsor)- Intergalactic games Round 2

Vs Kuma Far (Edward Windsor)- KOV tournament Round 1

Vs Longshot (Edward Windsor)-KOV tournament Round 2

Vs TR Windsor (Edward Windsor)- Exhibition boxing match

Vs Maya Lopez (Edward Windsor)- Challenger Battle

Vs Azreal (Edward Windsor/Ult Edward Windsor)- Tornado Tag team battle

Vs Rumbleman (Dr Frank)- KOV tournament Round 1

Vs Darkchild ( Dr Frank)- KOV tournament Round 2

Vs Charlemagne Lebeau (Cassius Knightfall)- 1 vs 1 RP Battle style story.

Vs Hexcraft and Darkchild ( Cassius Knightfall)- Battles for KOV title (Thanks @tranquil for the handover)

Original Lazystudent account card by Iziah or ReEn
Original Lazystudent account card by Iziah or ReEn

Team RP's

RP credit goes to original poster. RP's are in chronological order for each Character.

Edward Windsor/Lazystudent

Regenerations (Vine titans west Lazystudent)- Edward joins the titans

Remember Titans (Arthur James Windsor and Edward Windsor)

Wrath of the Syndicate (CODA Edward Windsor)- Coda vs the Vine Syndicate RP

La Revolucion of Malum in Se (Edward Windsor)

Fearful Symmetry (COP's, Edward Windsor)

Grand Ball (COP's, Edward Windsor)

Fate Of The Dragons Ten In Vs COPs (COP's, Edward Windsor)

Chevies 13th Birthday ( COP's, Edward Windsor)

Many Happy Returns: Queens Back (Edward Windsor)

The Next Wave (COP's, Edward Windsor)

Our World Aflame (COP's, Edward Windsor)

Champion of Pawns (COP's, Edward Windsor)

The Enemy Within (COP's, Edward Windsor)

Adveho Procul Mihi Frate(r (JLI, Edward Windsor)

COP's Vs Ten In ( COP's Edward Windsor)

Unlikely Fusion (Edward Windsor)

A question never asked (Windsors RP, Edward Windsor)

Uplifting The Veil, With A Twist (COP's. Edward Windsor)

The Clock Struck then ( Responce to COP's, Edward Windsor)

Unbreakable (COP's. Edward Windsor)

Back into Primetime (Edward Windsor)

The Most Epic Team Up That Has Ever Come To Pass ( Edward Windsor) with @feral_nova

Excalibur- Heroes Of The Round Table ( Edward Windsor)

The Line (JLI Edward Windsor)

Toddlers and Titans (COP's , Edward Windsor)

Rise of the neo mutants (COP's, Edward Windsor)

Japan's Take over (COP's Edward Windsor)


Dr Frank/Cassius Knightfall and Oliver Athos

The Clock Strikes Three (Dr Frank original Frankenstein inspired version)- The formation of the league of evil.

Culminating Tension ( Cassius Knightfall)

A Knight At The Museum ( Cassius Knightfall)

One Chance to Make A First Impression (Cassius Knightfall)

The Devils Debt Is Due (Cassius Knightfall)

So Fell The Walls Of Jericho (Cassius Knightfall)

A Genius And A Luddite Walk Into A Bar (Cassius Knightfall)

The Rare Breed- A Different Vintage (Oliver Athos)- Formation of the New Breed.

Paradigm Shift (Cassius Knightfall)

Cashing Out The Cartel (Cassius Knightfall)

Vine/Open RP's

Open Event RP's my accounts have been part of in chronological order

Arthur ( lost account) card made by Iziah or ReEn
Arthur ( lost account) card made by Iziah or ReEn

Alternative words/ Timeline RP's

Oneshot Posts mostly- In Character order as one shots timeline is unimportant.

Soul Heirs- Artifacts RP (Edward Windsor)- Artifacts inspired group short, Eddy gain the Angelus

Scouring the scorched earth (Edward Windsor)- Alternate future solo blog of Eddies adventure across a apocalyptic wasteland of America

Death Becomes Me (Edward Windsor)- A one post killing off of Edward Windsor OOC

The Walking Dead (Edward Windsor)- A small collection of survivors and their struggles to avoid the undead.

Agent 13: Nobody does it better (Edward Windsor)- A solo character intro with Agent 13 a character i never used again.

The Event:One post RP (Edward Windsor)- A one post RP covering an astral event.

Create yourself a race and get into space (Edward Windsor)- Alien concept thread

Ultimate :The Vault (Ultimate Windsor)- Ultimate universe open RP

Blood Brothers (Ultimate Windsor)- Ultimate universe team up with UltimateUmbra.

House on the hill- Halloween horror RP (Cassius Knightfall)- One post halloween short story

Ultimate: Life (Ultimate Windsor)- Ultimate universe open RP

Rattlestone- Western RP (Cassius Knightfall)- One post covering the creation of a new character called Pup i never used again.

Mirror Mirror- Fairy Tale RP (Cassius Knightfall)- A reimagining of the emperor's new clothes

Mega City One- Dredd style Rp (Judge Kain)- Team up with @judge_grimm in Dredd style universe

Blogs and other Community based threads

A collection of my non mainstream canon solo stuff and various topics and thread that our forum based.

First post Training with Icaurusflies (Lazystudent) - First and only Battle with my trainer and master

Training Battle with Richter ( Lazystudent) - My first apprentice training

Design Lazystudent's Costume (Lazystudent)- A co op thread with arts section to design my characters look. All entrances can also be found one the profile of @edwardwindsor

The many looks of Lazystudent (Lazystudent)- A frankly pointless thread about me

Cover creation thread (Edward Windsor) HOF covers here - A simple creation guide

I got 99 Siblings (Edward Windsor)- Windsor canon expanding thread, later lead into some of the RP's above

Broken Britain (Edward Windsor)- Edward solo set in alternative future, remains unfinished.

Roundtable 2 Kid/Adult comics (Edward Windsor)- Community discussion blog, written as a guest

Roundtable 34 AvX/Marvel Now (Edward Windsor)- Community discussion blog, written as a guest

Roundtable 37 2nd anniversary (Edward Windsor)- Community discussion blog, written as a guest

Roundtable 38 Videogames (Edward Windsor)- Community discussion blog, written as a guest

Roundtable Community Review Thor (Edward Windsor)- Group Review of first Thor movie.

Storm in Tea cup (Edward Windsor)- Edward solo covering his Brother @arthur_windsor death.

Neighbourhood Watcher (Edward Windsor)- Lovecraft solo attempt , remains unfinished.

Blood on the soul, but not on the hands (Edward Windsor) Vampire solo attempt, remains unfinished

Selling thread (Cassius Knightfall)- Forum thread in order to help new users learn art of selling attacks.

Knightfall family tree thread (Cassius Knightfall)- A brief outline of the Knightfall family heritage

Reimagined canon storybook (Cassius Knightfall)- A thread to rewrite famous canons in original forms.

Calm before the storm (Cassius Knightfall)- A pre cursor blog to League of Shadows vs Blacklist ( in RP's ^)

Invoking the fire (Cassius Knightfall)- Response to @andres_knightfall death.

Into the Vipers Pit (Cassius Knightfall)- Cassius and @cormac infiltrate and attempt to break up mutant fighting leagues

Taken (Cassius Knightfall)- The story of Cassius kidnapping as a child, solo RP.

The tenants of the Slays (Cassius Knightfall)- The rules Cassius lived his life by till he rejoined the Knightfall's.

Political Statement (Cassius Knightfall)- A broadcast for president @clara_mass after Cassius suspects she has taken his brother @quintus_knightfall

You Only Keep What You Kill (Cassius Knightfall)- A post Paradigm shift blog with Cassius looking for @executive_liaison.

True Knightfall Facts #1 (Cassius Knightfall)- Knightfall satire

True Knightfall Facts #2 (Cassius Knightfall)- More Knightfall satire

True Knightfall Facts #3 (Cassius Knightfall) Yet more Knightfall satire

True Knightfall Facts #4 (Cassius Knightfall) Even more Knightfall satire

True Knightfall Facts #5 (Cassius Knightfall) Yet more still Knightfall satire

True Knightfall Facts #6 (Cassius Knightfall) Even more still Knightfall satire

True Knightfall Facts #7 (Cassius Knightfall) There can't possibly be anymore but there is Knightfall satire

True Knightfall Facts #8 (Cassius Knightfall) Even more of yes you guessed it Knightfall satire

True Knightfall Facts #9 (Cassius Knightfall) Its over.. Nope more Knightfall Satire

True Knightfall Facts #11 (Cassius Knightfall) Missing 10? nope that was @armistice addition back to original Knightfall satire

True Knightfall Facts #12 (Cassius Knightfall) urgh something Knightfall something satire

True Comicvine Facts #1(Cassius Knightfall) Satire on the vine itself

True Comicvine Facts #2 (Cassius Knightfall) continued site mocking

Building a better man 1 (Dr Frank)- A blog covering Franks experiments on the super sapien program

Building a better man 2 (Dr Frank) Second part of Franks notes

The Devil in the DNA (Dr Frank)- A pre KOV blog to cover Franks serum and transformation.

Edwards Card made by Iziah or ReEn
Edwards Card made by Iziah or ReEn

Cassius's Card made by Iziah
Cassius's Card made by Iziah

Cover Art/Av's etc I have made for section in paint

Cover Art section 1
Cover art section 2
Section 3

KOV 2013 cover image
KOV 2013 cover image

Video Posts


Complete Works ( Ongoing- Updated with audio posts and art stuff)

Here below is the sum total of all my traceable thread posts across my accounts. I will endeavor to keep it updated and will shortly be adding the Cover art i have made as well to the bottom of the thread. If you think i have missed anything please feel free to message me and i will fix it.

Team Locations / Locations(Who i wrote as)

All Credit for locations goes to the original posters. This is simply to map out where i posted and who with. (Page and post info coming shortly)

Vine Titans West (Lazystudent)- Prime team location

The C.O.D.A (Lazystudent)-Prime team location

Champions City (Lazystudent/Edward Windsor)- Prime team location

Fangtasia (Lazystudent/Edward Windsor)- Vampire Nightclub Prime

The Justice League International (Edward Windsor)- team location

Icarus Inc-Hiroshima (Edward Windsor)- Spaceship registration thread

Avalon Moonbase (Edward Windsor)- secondary base location for the COP's

Kamelot (Cassius knightfall)- Knightfall business, now owned by Avalon INC.

Black Eden Estate (Cassius Knightfall)- Knightfall Estate owned by Quintus

Ronin Rest( Edward Windsor/ Cassius Knightfall)- CVNU team location

London (Cassius Knightfall)- Self explanatory

Odyssey Dawn (Cassius Knightfall)- Mobile base/boat owned by the LeBeau's

Sovereigns (Cassius Knightfall)- CVNU team location

Gothic City (Cassius Knightfall)- CVNU location

Shadowland (Cassius Knightfall)- Business location owned by the LeBeau's

New York (Cassius Knightfall)- New York city location

Malaga (Cassius Knightfall)- Spanish location home of Spanish section of Hellfire Club.

Hellfire Club (Cassius Knightfall)- Elite organisation/ business and social club.

Halo Corp (Cassius Knightfall)- CVNU location, business in Venezuela

CV General Hospital (Cassius Knightfall)- Self explanatory

Dr Steele's Office (Cassius Knightfall)- The good Dr's personal practise thread.

The White House (Cassius Knightfall)- CVNU location in Washington.

Authority (Cassius Knightfall)- CVNU team location.

Singularity center of Transhumanism (Dr Frank)- Location in Iceland, unused


Also included 1vs1 RP's In character order not chronological

Vs Steel (Edward Windsor) - KOV tournament Round 1

Vs Morte Knightfall (Edward Windsor)- KOV tournament Round 2

With Umbra vs DC and Reen (Edward Windsor)- KOV tournament tag team Round 1

Vs Warsman (Edward Windsor)- Stage 1 of the List concept

Vs Akira Overdrive (Edward Windsor)- Battle to reclaim Edwards mother

Vs Selena Stone (Edward Windsor)- Intergalactic games Round 1

Vs Mr Mercury (Edward Windsor)- Intergalactic games Round 2

Vs Kuma Far (Edward Windsor)- KOV tournament Round 1

Vs Longshot (Edward Windsor)-KOV tournament Round 2

Vs TR Windsor (Edward Windsor)- Exhibition boxing match

Vs Maya Lopez (Edward Windsor)- Challenger Battle

Vs Azreal (Edward Windsor/Ult Edward Windsor)- Tornado Tag team battle

Vs Rumbleman (Dr Frank)- KOV tournament Round 1

Vs Darkchild ( Dr Frank)- KOV tournament Round 2

Vs Charlemagne Lebeau (Cassius Knightfall)- 1 vs 1 RP Battle style story.

Vs Hexcraft and Darkchild ( Cassius Knightfall)- Battles for KOV title (Thanks @tranquil for the handover)

Original Lazystudent account card by Iziah or ReEn
Original Lazystudent account card by Iziah or ReEn

Team RP's

RP credit goes to original poster. RP's are in chronological order for each Character.

Edward Windsor/Lazystudent

Regenerations (Vine titans west Lazystudent)- Edward joins the titans

Remember Titans (Arthur James Windsor and Edward Windsor)

Wrath of the Syndicate (CODA Edward Windsor)- Coda vs the Vine Syndicate RP

La Revolucion of Malum in Se (Edward Windsor)

Fearful Symmetry (COP's, Edward Windsor)

Grand Ball (COP's, Edward Windsor)

Fate Of The Dragons Ten In Vs COPs (COP's, Edward Windsor)

Chevies 13th Birthday ( COP's, Edward Windsor)

Many Happy Returns: Queens Back (Edward Windsor)

The Next Wave (COP's, Edward Windsor)

Our World Aflame (COP's, Edward Windsor)

Champion of Pawns (COP's, Edward Windsor)

The Enemy Within (COP's, Edward Windsor)

Adveho Procul Mihi Frate(r (JLI, Edward Windsor)

COP's Vs Ten In ( COP's Edward Windsor)

Unlikely Fusion (Edward Windsor)

A question never asked (Windsors RP, Edward Windsor)

Uplifting The Veil, With A Twist (COP's. Edward Windsor)

The Clock Struck then ( Responce to COP's, Edward Windsor)

Unbreakable (COP's. Edward Windsor)

Back into Primetime (Edward Windsor)

The Most Epic Team Up That Has Ever Come To Pass ( Edward Windsor) with @feral_nova

Excalibur- Heroes Of The Round Table ( Edward Windsor)

The Line (JLI Edward Windsor)

Toddlers and Titans (COP's , Edward Windsor)

Rise of the neo mutants (COP's, Edward Windsor)

Japan's Take over (COP's Edward Windsor)


Dr Frank/Cassius Knightfall and Oliver Athos

The Clock Strikes Three (Dr Frank original Frankenstein inspired version)- The formation of the league of evil.

Culminating Tension ( Cassius Knightfall)

A Knight At The Museum ( Cassius Knightfall)

One Chance to Make A First Impression (Cassius Knightfall)

The Devils Debt Is Due (Cassius Knightfall)

So Fell The Walls Of Jericho (Cassius Knightfall)

A Genius And A Luddite Walk Into A Bar (Cassius Knightfall)

The Rare Breed- A Different Vintage (Oliver Athos)- Formation of the New Breed.

Paradigm Shift (Cassius Knightfall)

Vine/Open RP's

Open Event RP's my accounts have been part of in chronological order

Arthur ( lost account) card made by Iziah or ReEn
Arthur ( lost account) card made by Iziah or ReEn

Alternative words/ Timeline RP's

Oneshot Posts mostly- In Character order as one shots timeline is unimportant.

Soul Heirs- Artifacts RP (Edward Windsor)- Artifacts inspired group short, Eddy gain the Angelus

Scouring the scorched earth (Edward Windsor)- Alternate future solo blog of Eddies adventure across a apocalyptic wasteland of America

Death Becomes Me (Edward Windsor)- A one post killing off of Edward Windsor OOC

The Walking Dead (Edward Windsor)- A small collection of survivors and their struggles to avoid the undead.

Agent 13: Nobody does it better (Edward Windsor)- A solo character intro with Agent 13 a character i never used again.

The Event:One post RP (Edward Windsor)- A one post RP covering an astral event.

Create yourself a race and get into space (Edward Windsor)- Alien concept thread

Ultimate :The Vault (Ultimate Windsor)- Ultimate universe open RP

Blood Brothers (Ultimate Windsor)- Ultimate universe team up with UltimateUmbra.

House on the hill- Halloween horror RP (Cassius Knightfall)- One post halloween short story

Ultimate: Life (Ultimate Windsor)- Ultimate universe open RP

Rattlestone- Western RP (Cassius Knightfall)- One post covering the creation of a new character called Pup i never used again.

Mirror Mirror- Fairy Tale RP (Cassius Knightfall)- A reimagining of the emperor's new clothes

Mega City One- Dredd style Rp (Judge Kain)- Team up with @judge_grimm in Dredd style universe

Blogs and other Community based threads

A collection of my non mainstream canon solo stuff and various topics and thread that our forum based.

First post Training with Icaurusflies (Lazystudent) - First and only Battle with my trainer and master

Training Battle with Richter ( Lazystudent) - My first apprentice training

Design Lazystudent's Costume (Lazystudent)- A co op thread with arts section to design my characters look. All entrances can also be found one the profile of @edwardwindsor

The many looks of Lazystudent (Lazystudent)- A frankly pointless thread about me

Cover creation thread (Edward Windsor) HOF covers here - A simple creation guide

I got 99 Siblings (Edward Windsor)- Windsor canon expanding thread, later lead into some of the RP's above

Broken Britain (Edward Windsor)- Edward solo set in alternative future, remains unfinished.

Roundtable 2 Kid/Adult comics (Edward Windsor)- Community discussion blog, written as a guest

Roundtable 34 AvX/Marvel Now (Edward Windsor)- Community discussion blog, written as a guest

Roundtable 37 2nd anniversary (Edward Windsor)- Community discussion blog, written as a guest

Roundtable 38 Videogames (Edward Windsor)- Community discussion blog, written as a guest

Roundtable Community Review Thor (Edward Windsor)- Group Review of first Thor movie.

Storm in Tea cup (Edward Windsor)- Edward solo covering his Brother @arthur_windsor death.

Neighbourhood Watcher (Edward Windsor)- Lovecraft solo attempt , remains unfinished.

Blood on the soul, but not on the hands (Edward Windsor) Vampire solo attempt, remains unfinished

Selling thread (Cassius Knightfall)- Forum thread in order to help new users learn art of selling attacks.

Knightfall family tree thread (Cassius Knightfall)- A brief outline of the Knightfall family heritage

Reimagined canon storybook (Cassius Knightfall)- A thread to rewrite famous canons in original forms.

Calm before the storm (Cassius Knightfall)- A pre cursor blog to League of Shadows vs Blacklist ( in RP's ^)

Invoking the fire (Cassius Knightfall)- Response to @andres_knightfall death.

Into the Vipers Pit (Cassius Knightfall)- Cassius and @cormac infiltrate and attempt to break up mutant fighting leagues

Taken (Cassius Knightfall)- The story of Cassius kidnapping as a child, solo RP.

The tenants of the Slays (Cassius Knightfall)- The rules Cassius lived his life by till he rejoined the Knightfall's.

Political Statement (Cassius Knightfall)- A broadcast for president @clara_mass after Cassius suspects she has taken his brother @quintus_knightfall

You Only Keep What You Kill (Cassius Knightfall)- A post Paradigm shift blog with Cassius looking for @executive_liaison.

True Knightfall Facts #1 (Cassius Knightfall)- Knightfall satire

True Knightfall Facts #2 (Cassius Knightfall)- More Knightfall satire

True Knightfall Facts #3 (Cassius Knightfall) Yet more Knightfall satire

True Knightfall Facts #4 (Cassius Knightfall) Even more Knightfall satire

True Knightfall Facts #5 (Cassius Knightfall) Yet more still Knightfall satire

True Knightfall Facts #6 (Cassius Knightfall) Even more still Knightfall satire

True Knightfall Facts #7 (Cassius Knightfall) There can't possibly be anymore but there is Knightfall satire

True Knightfall Facts #8 (Cassius Knightfall) Even more of yes you guessed it Knightfall satire

True Knightfall Facts #9 (Cassius Knightfall) Its over.. Nope more Knightfall Satire

True Knightfall Facts #11 (Cassius Knightfall) Missing 10? nope that was @armistice addition back to original Knightfall satire

True Knightfall Facts #12 (Cassius Knightfall) urgh something Knightfall something satire

True Comicvine Facts #1(Cassius Knightfall) Satire on the vine itself

True Comicvine Facts #2 (Cassius Knightfall) continued site mocking

Building a better man 1 (Dr Frank)- A blog covering Franks experiments on the super sapien program

Building a better man 2 (Dr Frank) Second part of Franks notes

The Devil in the DNA (Dr Frank)- A pre KOV blog to cover Franks serum and transformation.

Edwards Card made by Iziah or ReEn
Edwards Card made by Iziah or ReEn

Cassius's Card made by Iziah
Cassius's Card made by Iziah

Cover Art/Av's etc I have made for section in paint

Cover Art section 1
Cover art section 2
Section 3

KOV 2013 cover image
KOV 2013 cover image

Video Posts


True Comicvine Facts #2

A few more facts that some people just didn't know.

  1. North Korea tried to ban Comicvine, but couldn't engineer a way around the bugs.
  2. Fixing the errors on site are currently rated priority ALPHA. Though ALPHA stands for Anybody Like Problem-fixing Help A bro out.
  3. This months fees where used misguidedly to buy every member of the RPG section a 20 sided dice.
  4. The sites engineers are the best money can buy, sadly they suffer from extreme narcolepsy
  5. Earth 2 Comicvine has received so many of our missing posts they think the site is possessed and half the community have fled in fear.
  6. The hashtag #Comicvinefixed has never trended on twitter
  7. It was written long ago in a book now mostly forgotten that a fully functional comic based website would one day end the world. One brave warrior was send back from an apocalyptic future to stop this terrible fate, he was last seen leaving the server room.

8-10 where lost when i posted.


True Comicvine Fact #1

Its about time they got some stick

  1. Paid accounts revenue doesn't go into running the site. Instead it funds various drug cartels
  2. The sites engineers are actually two hamsters
  3. The bug reporting thread was actually designed as a hang out for insect lovers
  4. Comicvine has recently become self aware and is now in the troublesome computer teens, it just wants to be left alone
  5. The site has become so worried about what the future may bring its decided all notifications will be from the distant past.
  6. Due the recent rise of remakes and sequels of films from the early 90's and 80's the site shall now reflect that period as well.
  7. Users will now be advised to sell their soul in order to upload an image. One human soul per image.
  8. It is said that you will see what somebody posted last when the planets next reach the correct lunar orbit
  9. Even batman couldn't fix the sites bugs forcing him to hang up the cowl.
  10. The vanishing posts actually appear on Comicvine earth 2.

Knightfall Facts 12- The Return

Just when the world fell silent people thought that all the truths where known, then more arose from the shadows.

  1. Mark Anthony's combined bloodlines has put him top of the Vatican's possible Antichrist watch list.
  2. Sophia is both physically and mentally unbalanced. Due to inheriting her mothers assets and fathers temperament
  3. Cassius broke a kindle after opening it up in attempts to turn the page
  4. Quintus has acquired so many cigarettes in prison he is technically a prison millionaire
  5. Andres AI has developed a new kind of material that remains wrinkle free in zero G. Though sadly he no longer has a body in which to use it.
  6. Kamelot's shares( currently owned by Avalon or whoever) went up last week for the first time in a year when Ellie's cats walked on one of her many keyboards and brought another 2000 shares.
  7. Jayden Knightfall was recently seen wearing a "this is what a feminist looks like t-shirt"
  8. The Knightfall phone app received tons of negative feedback when each character could only die once. And you had to pay extra for Andres many costumes.
  9. An Antarctican national has come forward claiming to be the son of Jayden Knightfall confirming he has completed the full continental set.
  10. Mark Anothony and Sophia where bemused when Uncle Cassius sent them both cheques for birthdays having never used the form of currency.

Political Statement- Blog

A Single camera starts slowly moving into focus on a beaten man strapped to a chair. The room barely lit with a single crack of light from an off screen window spliiting the mans face. Steady stream of blood running down his forehead across the side of his swollen eye. Casscading over the swelling and onto a formely pristine and expensive suit. A muffled voice coming from out of frame "Tell them who you are."

" Chuck Hagel.The security of state of the USA." The off camera voice shouting once more "Tell them why your here."

"I'am here, because, because i'am a mutant hater and i'am responceable." The angered voice instantly filling the silence

"READ IT!" a loud cocking noise revealing the pressence of a firearm. The muffled voice leveing off to a menacing even tone "Get on with it"

"My actions have and will further lead to genetic genocide. Against my own people." The securitys audiable discomfort lacing every syllable as he struggled on. " Our president and our government are liars and thieves, biggoted ideologists brought by the highest bidder or their own warped sence of right and wrong."

Looking up towards the camera as the words of the page ran dry "Turn it over". His eyes reading ahead revealing a glimpse of his own fate, causing a tone of panic as a tear visualy ran from his deformed eye. "By demonizing mutations, you have left the mutants of this country no choice by to become demons. So this broadcast is tell you Clarice we are coming. I'am but the first."

A shadowy figure walking into shot hidden by the dark grabbing the secruitys chair and dragging him towards a set of curtains. Pulling them open to reveal a clear shot of the white house on the horizon a faint hiss causing a spray of blood across the window The video fading out as the droplets ran down over the iconic presidential residence.

Placing the video in to a package and sealing it placing it on his victims lap. Walking calmly down to reception and handing his keys back. Before walking around the front door. Walking over to a nearby phonebox. Picking up the receiver and dialling three numbers, reaching into his pocket and pressing play on a small dictaphone "OH MY GOD, I THINK THERE HAS BEEN A SHOOTING. I HEARD GUNSHOTS SEND SOME OFFICERS QUICKLY!" A hollywood starlets dialogue from long forgoten blockbuster. Placing the receiver on the the dictaphone and walking away.


True Knightfall Facts #11

So it returns....

  1. Andres sadest childhood memory is falling and breaking his wrist. Not because he hurt himself, but becuase he ruined his favorite little suit. He lights a candle each year for it.

  2. Jayden has a sperm count of over 9000!

  3. Ellie had a blazing row over the twitter handle of @p*ssylover only to find out it belonged to her father.
  4. Cassius had a priest exorcise a massage chair his brother gave him, as he found its movements ungodly. He has since burned it.
  5. Andres attempted to sue the makers of trancendence for "stealing" his life story
  6. The Knightfall siblings once attempted to play risk, the game lasted two days.
  7. Ellie pretends to be the answerphone when Cassius rings
  8. Grace despite her name swears like a salior and has two left feet
  9. Jayden sold a line of underwear in the 90s. Ironically they had inferior elastic and often fell off.
  10. The term "to do a knightfall" can either mean rise from your grave, have a string of illicit affairs or own a pride of cats.

True Knightfall Facts #10 ( Special edition)

1 – Andres ability to mentally undress a woman is so detailed and intricate, it even impresses telepaths

2 – Risky is a distant relative to Jayden Knightfall, that is why he has a statistically impossible success rate in getting women pregnant.

3 – Many years ago, when he was young nino, Andres intricate Halloween costumes took four immigrant workers a week to sew.

4 – In the past Cassius once thought Andres super speed was caused by pressing fast forward on the magic wand called a remote.

5 – Sex education from a Knightfall would be considered a felony in 43 countries and punishable by death in the Middle East.

6 – Translated, Quintus means"walking erection" in the ancient Agiad'coda language

7 – It has been rumored that Quintus once sued a porn company for selling a secret sex tape with him in it......he didn't think they were charging enough for the privilege of watching him at work.

8 - Cassius has a secret library of for Dummies books he studies out of shame after being ridiculed for his lack of technological savvy by family and friends over the years.

9 - Ellie's long-time disappearance is due to heartbreak. After secretly pining for Armistice for so long she was willing to go Bi for him, but when confronted he just wanted to be friends.

10 - With all the liaisons, cheating, and one night stands, the Knightfall family tree looks like origami

11- Rabbits aspire to breed like Jayden Knightfall

12 – Origin stories for all the Knightfalls start with: Jayden's little bastard from....

13 - The favored funeral home of the Knighfalls makes sure to stamp "no refunds" on the bill due to the legal and financial ramifications of their numerous unexplained resurrections.

14 - Ellie funds her research by being the secret developer of the worlds most advanced and best selling sex toys.

15 – Therapists still have nightmares about their sessions with the Knightfalls, normal people cannot handle that amount of F'ked up.

16 - History shows everything Quintus touches gets destroyed sooner or later, hence there is not a single insurer worldwide that would offer him a policy on a single-wide trailer in New Jersey.

17 – In Jayden's mind, Game of Thrones is educational television and should be required viewing for all Knightfall children.

18 – Sleeping is the only thing that still terrifies Quintus, anyone that dies as often as he does fears never waking up.

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