
Working hard to bring it all together. There’s so much i want to do!

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Ajib Malik Thomas (from ages 0-14 last name was Small)} is a Super Hero, who gives himself the name Magnificent MetaMan! who's super powers derive from a super scientific epic event taking place at the age of 10 years old! This event also creates a vast amount of other super powered beings...Involving experiments developed in space thanks to Nanobot technology developed by NASA, FDA, and U.N.F.A.M.E. (United Nations Fighting Alien Malicious Events) Scientists, and a Texas sized asteroid that comes from the planet Pluus (rocketed from the galaxy Positiviton in a deadly cosmic asteroid belted storm) hitting a space craft sent by UNFAME to test out the new limits of the Newly made Nanobots. Created to cure all illness of any sort, help all of the human's immunity system to evolve highly, along with the muscular, bone, and nervous system. The Nanobots also can leave and reenter the body to perform extensive amounts of duties. One Nanobot was meant for one of each of all Mankind. Ajib fuses his body with the man-made micro-organisms all made up until that point accidentally... Entirely! Let's just say there were 8 billion, also unknown until Ajib is 20... The true intentions of this experiment are world domination and enslavement of the Human Race, by an Intergalactic Gang called XIVE, lead by Quaglem' War... But simultaneously the asteroid hitting the exact part of the space ship the 10 year old is stowing away in malfunctions the Nanobots to only further enhance humanity, fuse with his brain implanting a 10 year old' personality, extremely take the lives of earth for it's own responsibility and act as one entity, and never zombifies the Hero. The nanobots are also able to hack virtually anything, along with an extensive amount of technological abilities. Ajib is instantly able to live without or within oxygenated atmosphere's due to a immediate evolution of his genetic material. His lungs still function but is also able to generate oxygen through brain wave altering matter manipulation. He has telepathy, telekinesis, seemingly forever enhancing strength, speed, brain and bodily functions. Literally gets more strong with the more he exercises his powers. Although over exertion can be reached when using psychokinetic abilities. He is able to fly by numerous ways. One of these is being pyrokinetic, generating thrust. Another trait of flying is through Brain Waves. Another being manipulating molecules at atomic level to create small controlled explosions generating pushes of speeds unknown to his self. All of these techniques can be used at once. Being pyrokinetic and also able to wear flames as if armor. Can create dense flames controlled by thoughts. For example can make a fire giant or anything else imaginable.

Briefly dead, then regenerated rapidly awakening not even noticing he just was revived from the explosion upon impact of the asteroid and the merging of the NanoBots, Ajib temporarily not in control of his body configures a ravaged smaller spacecraft mid asteroid belt impact, flying 200 miles slower than the speed of light per hour away from the crash sight gathering as many of the passengers as possible grabbing up to 1,011 passengers, just 980 short of 1,991.

Before you get to understand how many other super powered beings became to exist because of this event, you have to understand how Ajib even came across such a path. On this unexpected trip was Shane Shepherd, who persuaded Ajib to go on the spacecraft with him after hearing how much Ajib hopped to grow up to become an astronaut. Shane knew where and how to get to the Blast-off site being that he had a field trip with his school to NASA recently, where they spoke of the upcoming adventure scientists were taking for ManKind's Enhancement. Shane absorbed the second most of the asteroid, after Ajib. He inherited the same abilities minus Mental powers, the NanoBots, and had electric properties rather than fire, because of him hitting Pluus and hiding in the main-board circuitry of the ship during the accident. Shane is pure Electricity for almost 3 months. All of the passengers now are super powered as well. They're just not aware of their abilities which vary due to their in particular exposure. He wakes up an hour after Ajib piloting the ship, still unconscience comes within earth's view. Slapping Ajib back to reality the two freak out and immediately agree on not saying anything to anyone when returning back to earth. They don't know they've been sleeping for a month 3 weeks and 5 days. When the two hear a radioed voice saying to comunicate or be attacked, Ajib, "answers we came back early Houston, we're hurt really badly, RRRoger" and lands the craft at a NASA facility. The two fleeing the scene so fast they're not seen, no one finds out what they're where abouts were on the ship and come back to New Jersey to see they've been considered missing for 2 months. Shane, Ajib are only acquainted because Ajib's Father dates Shane's Mother. So returning to earth scared of what their world would say about their new traits, they wait until they can come up with a great reason why Shane is pure electric energy and Ajib sometime couldn't control his abilities. After the two scavenge and sometimes leave earth to live for the next 2 months learning quite a bit and even attending schools as anonymous kids, they eventually go back to New Jersey, already having communicated with Ajib's father over countless pay-phones. Faking, escaping a kidnapping that lasted the 7 months the two were gone. Once reunited with family, the father really tried making the two "tighter". Telling the two that they had responsibility unimagined. Ajib had in mind the hero life all along, Shane takes until he turns 22 before coming fulltime.

Up until now Ajib has matured a whole deal as himself and his not so known side. Fighting his first super villain at the age of 11. His reputation grows vastly over the world. Metaman tries his best to guard earth from dangers resulting in extremes of immense force. His first bout is with a XIVE Minion named Magquatic who has magnetic and water powers. Magquatic's objective is to vacuum the once NanoBot Drones of UNFAME, and bring them back to the XIVE base for reprograming. Ajib already making friends with his MetaBot so he calls the body of micro organisms fights Magquatic not knowing the minute he takes out his new found friend it will be taken from him. Magquatic tells Ajib he reminds him of a Pluusling before almost successfully vacuuming each NanoBot out, when Ajib heats up so hot he vaporizes Magquatic killing him, after almost 2 hours of a gruesome beating.

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