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Wonder Woman and Batman

Seriously, these two should hook-up! They're  both vastly superior beings. Both of them are loners of sorts. Also, they're both  so damned serious! It would be nice to see how these two forces of good do when things heat up between the sheets!
"Your Batarang is pinching me."- "That's not my Batarang."


Wonder Woman vs. Catwoman. The prize: Bruce Wayne. How would it go down?

Ladies! There's enough to go around for the BOTH of you.
Ladies! There's enough to go around for the BOTH of you.

Courtney and Comicsman...

Whenever Courtney posts a blog, Comicsman posts several hundred at once. And when Comicsman posts one blog, Courtney posts several hundred. Hmmm, reminds me of my friend Clark. Whenever Superman shows up, Clark is nowhere to be found, and when Superman leaves, Clark just pops.....HEY, WAIT A MINUTE!!!


Pop culture references in Comic Books.

When writers refer to specifc pop culture figures and events, I think that the comic becomes dated. In the very moment when the issue appears, sure, people will feel a connection to the character and story. However, wait a few years, and then you read the same issue, and find that the reference is outmoded. I think this is a blunder on the part of the writers to reach out to current, young, and "hip" readers. The stories should be timeless, absenting the sartorial styles of the time. Contrived references are a bit cheap, in my opinion, such as Deadpool referring to Michael Jackson and Lady Gaga in "Deadpool:Wade Wilson's War" #2 (BTW, that Preview Theatre installment was the inspiration for this blog post, and I think it was one of the funniest and entertaining PT's to date!) I understand that Deadpool likes to play with references and is kind of "with it," when it comes to popular culture, but I just don't think this serves the creativity and lasting impact of these stories....
Groovy, this 'Deadpool' issue is far out!
Groovy, this 'Deadpool' issue is far out!
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Batman Brave and The Bored

Batman: The Brave and the we need this anymore in  comics?! We spent so many years undoing the silver age mess from the fifties and the sixties. Grant Morrison is doing a great job reviving some of these earlier stories through his Batman RIP storyline. Why then, give us more  tongue-n-cheek garbagee? The TV series is enough. Basta!

Holy Diapers, Batman!
Holy Diapers, Batman!

Dick Grayson's fate.

To be or not to be...
To be or not to be...

The question on everyone's mind...what will Dick Grayson do when Bruce comes back? Will he give up the cape and cowl? Prob'ly. But, what if he doesn't want to give it up. What kind of nastiness may go down if Dick decides to keep on truckin' as Batman? And if he does, what, another Nightwing costume? Where o' where will this man go in his life? Must Bruce Wayne stay 'dead' in order for Dick Grayson to be a fully realized man? Thoughts...

Faithful Mary Jane?

I need to be held sometimes...
I need to be held sometimes...

 Would Mary Jane always be faithful to Peter. He's always leaving her alone while he plays with Black-Cat and who knows who else. A girl can get lonely, you know.

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