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This is a list of all the comics I've bought in Trade Paperback and Graphic Novel form. It's basically for me, so know what I have and haven't read yet!


List items

  • I don't know if this book is demented genius in motion with a pitch-perfect out-of-the-80s self-congratulatory macho-madman... or if it's some kind of perverted drug-induced hallucination. "Lobo's Back" in particular comes across as something I'd expect more out of Cerebus than a DC Universe book.

    ...oh well. Baffling or not, it's still intrinsically entertaining. Lobo is a rather enjoyable character to hang around, whether he's blowing up planets, or committing multiple acts of deicide...



    I'm not kidding. I think this has rocketed to the top of my "favourite comics" list, up there with Watchmen. Surpassing Watchmen? ...well, he is the Hulk!

  • A dark, chilling, historically-grounded tale that isn't so much an in-depth character study so much as it is a harrowing reminder of how the evils of the Nazis affected Germany itself - and how utterly irredeemable Captain America's oldest nemesis truly is.

    I would never have expected Red Skull could come off as such a complete and utter demon in a book where he's the protagonist, but there you go. Perhaps it was all I should have expected, considering.

  • A great story that explores a lot of interesting concepts of a chunk of Marvel's proprietary cast, and provides some exciting fights and twists. It unfortunately pales in comparison to its predecessor - severely.

  • Impeccable noir storytelling set against the backdrop of monsters and mobsters and freaks. The tone is certainly far removed from the previous incarnations of the series, but it is no worse for it - if anything, it amplifies the grief to the levels required of the genre. Eric Powell is an underrated genius.

    Also, all the art is gorgeous. Simply gorgeous. Stunning. Quite juxtaposed to the ugliness of the characters wherein.

  • Even I have to marvel at the marvel that is Marvels.

  • Touching and terrifying, funny and frightening, Escape from Bizarro World is the best Bizarro tale told, far as this ol' so-and-so is concerned.

    And that am no truth!

  • "Who's laughing now?" asks The Mask. Well, I am. Sometimes. Other times I'm cringing. Crying, even.

    As funny as The Mask can be - and some panels are amazingly cartoonish, inspired comedic bouts with a ton of wit to spare - its true appeal lies in gory, creative body horror, and exceptionally creative violence. So yes, Mask, I am laughing now - but only in between being terrified.

    You scary motherfucker.

  • I am compelled to recommend this book. Reading it... I feel somewhat extorted.

    HAH JUST FOOLIN' YA. It's an acquired taste, but if you manage to acquire it you're in for a barrel o' nonstop laffs with your new overlords. All praise be to Milk and Cheese. All beer to Milk and Cheese, also.

  • This... this comic, guys.

    It mirrors Man-Thing's very empathy in the reader. It digs deep into the recesses of human insanity like a Lovecraftian nightmare. It inspires such feelings - some of them kind, some of them terrifying. And most of all, it presents a Man-Thing who is absolutely pitiable, and fundamentally sympathetic. A beast whose shambles resonate emotionally as much as the insanity of his would-be foe frighten and confuse.

    Something of art, this book is. A must-read if ever there was one.

  • Shakespearean prose, Lovecraftian monstrosities, and post-modern gothic artwork meet in this story about a big angry red demon man who punches people with an arm made of stone. It's pretty unique, even now, almost twenty years after its initial release.

    Also, Abe Sapien!

  • Ryan Choi is still small but Gail Simone stopped writing and it got crap a bit.

    Still good fun, though! Rick Remender's limited end-of-the-series run is just horrifically witless compared to Simone's contribution. Which is a shame, cos I actually like Rick Remender's other stuff quite a bit. I guess that's the price you pay for putting his writing side-by-side with Simone's.

    Look out for a cameo by Wonder Woman herself!

  • One of the finest stories I've ever read, and definitely one of Iron Man's best adventures. The action scenes in particular, perfectly paced and painstakingly rendered, are some of the most exciting and brutal I've ever seen committed to paper.

    Only real downside is that sometimes Tony Stark is drawn to look ever-so-slightly like Tom Cruise ahhhhhhhhh

  • The worst thing about this comic is that its immaculate, beautifully rendered and painstakingly detailed art makes other comics look bad.

    Possibly the greatest Godzilla story ever told. This book is something else, folks - I can't recommend that you miss it.

  • I'm glad I read this, but this set of stories set between Star Wars Episode V and Episode VI are far less enthralling than their reputation would imply.

  • The most imminently charming, uplifting, heartwarming comic I have ever read. And it's about a screw-on head fighting a zombie man at the behest of Abraham Lincoln. How about that.

    Mike Mignola just comes off as a really likable dude, though. He apparently wrote it for himself and got lucky that other people found it the best thing he'd ever done, which just strikes me as an admirable work ethic indeed. I love this book.

  • I stayed up way too late reading this because it's such a compelling murder mystery. That says a lot about a comic that still manages to incorporate the majority of Batman's inane, bizarre rogues gallery. Nolan says it's the biggest basis for Batman Begins and The Dark Knight - I wish, oh how I wish, he had taken a little more from this, and less from Year One.

  • Hello would you like to make an order sir, yes I would, I would like a Goon book, hello would you like Roxi D-Lite to pen a story which she also stars in, sure why not, would you also like Evan Dorkin to write a story where Goon gets his sandwich stolen by a fish, um, yeah that seems a bit weird but I'll roll wit' it, okay well send it on over then

  • It's #2 on my Top 5 for a reason! (Cos it's really fucking good.)

  • A great compendium to own, a little piece of Marvel comics history, but the prequels suck as much as ever and OH GOD NO WHY WOULD YOU SPECIAL EDITION THE COMICS TOO I THOUGHT THEY'D BE SAFE GODDAMN IT WHYYYYY

  • You ever pick up a book and start reading and think, "yes. Everything in this book is made for me. My biases, my tastes, my sense of humour. This is a new personal masterpiece."

    Yeah, that's me and The Goon. You might feel different, but its the kind of demented genius I can do nothing but love. Physically, if necessary.

  • Ryan Choi done and make himself small! Egad!

    This book is good fun. I ain't read anything of the old Atom but Gail Simone has created a great lead with Ryan Choi, a hapless - though not useless - scientist who inherits his predecessors size- and mass- and weight-altering belt. It's also a bit silly! The good kind of silly.

  • The Aliens and the Predators fight each other in these thrilling stories filled with surprises... and prizes!

    Seriously? This is better Predator and Alien content than the majority of singular Alien or Predator content. It helps that there's a more or less 50/50 spread of Alien and Predator. If you're looking for good Alien book, you'll find it here. If you're looking for a good Predator book, you'll find it here. It's a precarious balancing act that they pull of flawlessly. So if you're an Alien or Predator fan, why not read it? Cos you're an idiot, probably!

  • The Joker's plan to strip Gordon naked and put him onto his seductive (yet haunted!) train ride goes awry when Batman shows up and beats him a bit.

    Then Brian Bolland pens what is unironically one of my favourite Batman stories - in which Batman gets shot and killed. Hypothetically.

  • This story is so relentlessly fun, that you'll likely ignore the fact that what promises to be a sprawling villain on hero epic ultimately boils down to a bit of a scrap between a handful of characters in a very large room. It is a fun scrap, though!

    Also, we learn that Giganta doesn't wear undergarments with her ouftit. Ohhh myyyy.

  • Batman, Wonder Woman, The Joker, The Question and one of the members of the Blue Man group need to stop Ozymandias, a real-life Egyptian Pharoah who has risen from the dead to conquer the Multiverse!

    Also, pirates.

  • Featuring the best full-page splash panel ever: Bane riding atop a T-Rex. Enough said.

    Also features the death of Bane!

    Also features the revival of Bane!

    Secret Six is brilliant and everyone should read Secret Six.

  • Pros: The art style is rather striking. Also, Nightwing is in it, and he's my comic book boycrush, so that's fun!

    Cons: It's a clumsily paced, poorly-written, confusing non-mystery, with equal parts failed intrigue and uncompromising tedium; a story that introduces a character as relentlessly boring as any faceless, hand-picked "The One" could ever be. There's no thrill, there's no revelations - it's just pages of a mask-wearing man brandishing a flaming sword at religious cultists for a bit, with forced dialog on every page. It is the epitome of all of DC's biggest problems.

  • This made me really depressed.

    For extra fun, replace Rick's name with "Frank" in your head, turning it from the grim, desperate last struggle of humanity, into the hilarious misadventures of the one and only Frank Grimes. Oh, that wacky Grimesy.

    How do I judge this book. Um, I can see why they made a TV show out of it. Really quite stellar characterization. Not exactly my cup of tea, but I can see how it's everyone else's!

  • Beyond the fantastically insightful glimpse into popular culture's own fascination with America's Man of Tomorrow lies a perfectly written, creative, and interesting graphic novel in its own right. I can't bring myself to make fun of it, really. So instead, I will make up a funny word.


  • As a book, it's utterly braindead, throwaway trash.

    As a horror event, though - a tumble between three of the most iconic juggernauts of the genre - it's a fan-pleasing thrill-ride filled with just enough gore, cheeseball humour, and mano-a-mano violence to justify picking up. Very fun stuff.

  • The first story, in which Wonder Woman and Black Canary enter an illegal underground metahuman cage fight, contains all the trademark Gail Simone wit and humour. The second story, set mostly on Themyscira, contains Gail Simone's trademark grand scale and well-wound plots. This basically cemented Simone as my favourite scribe. Good stuff!

  • A thoughtful and interesting book, undermined only by the massive BDSM boner the front cover gives me. Hnnnng.

    If you're expecting Batman vs Wonder Woman, you may be disappointed. It's a much more intimate and personal story than that, more concerning Wonder Woman's obligations to her heritage and culture than anything. She does fight Batman! The cover is not lying to you completely. But it's more of a character study than a sprawling versus.

  • After Frank Miller's Batman tale, how do you with any confidence attach the term "Year One" to a DC origin story?

    Hire Andy Diggle and Jock and make it like Green Arrow: Year One. My god. What a stellar book.

  • A truly unique take on some of Godzilla's most iconic foes, and probably the best Godzilla comic on the market right now. After Half-Century War, I mean.

    My favourite story is probably the on focusing on Mechagodzilla and the horrific Hedorah, "the Smog Monster," who is even more terrifying in comic book form. Other highlights include Anguirus trying (and failing) to fight Destroyah, a psychic child who forms a mindmeld with the sea monster Titanosaurus, and a mountaineering expedition scaling up Godzilla himself. Neat!

  • It's alright, but the internal art doesn't live up to the genius of the covers.

    It also comes with a lot of questionable humour - which may be writer Eric Powell's forte, but it's just shy of working in the confines of a Godzilla comic. Though, considering the series is only three volumes long, I'll probably end up finishing the thing anyway. Maybe. If I think about it.

  • The complete Judge Dredd! In this first volume, witness the humble beginnings of the evolution of his chin. It starts off tiny and nonthreatening, and by the end you can see it starting to resemble the giant, cancerous mass we know and love today.

    An wonderfully presented look at the beginnings of the UK's greatest comic character. Definitely essential stuff if you're a fan of Dredd or 2000AD or both.

  • Batman meets Judge Dredd, and the two totally get on. Seriously. There's no conflict at all. Judge Dredd says, "Batman, you are cool," and Batman says, "so are you, Dredd," and they laugh and have a cold beer together and ham it up like old chums.

    I may have read the wrong book, come to think of it.

    Simon Bisley art, Batman and Judge Dredd working together, Scarecrow and Judge Death teaming up, The Riddler gaining godlike powers, Lobo. You can't really go wrong with this one.

  • Delightful, colourful art, wonderfully representing Wonder Woman's world, fails, ultimately, to hold up this confusing reboot, full of plot holes, logical inconsistencies, and a well-meaning yet ultimately distasteful twist that disrespects everything the character has ever stood for. Not exactly a masterpiece, but a decent introduction to this era of Wonder Woman - and is more or less made up for by the following volumes, especially those penned by Simone.

    Again, though. I must stress. The art is very, very nice. And the action is exciting enough. It's a solid 6/10... just not for the narrative elements, s'all.

  • The most shocking revelation in this alternate timeline story? The Secret Six is The Secret Seven. WHAT? SEVEN?? THAT'S FAR TOO MANY HOW COULD DEATHSTROKE POSSIBLY KEEP SEVEN TEAM MEMBERS UNDER CONTROL?? THAT'S JUST WACKY.

    Also inside: Flash gets horribly burned by lightning!

  • Spawn is a hellspawn that fights a clown named Clown. Where does Todd McFarlane get his ideas?

    Probably my favourite issue in this Origins collection is Spawn #10, in which Spawn is trapped inside an insightful satire of the 90s comic book industry. The interesting cast, the stories by Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman... they absolutely pale in comparison to the cheek of parody, and the singular full-page panel in which Spawn finds his comrades from DC and Marvel trapped by their own companies - their creators, sobbing silently, with bags over their heads. It's everything I love about comic books as not just a medium, but as an art form... and I completely did not expect it from a Todd McFarlane joint of all things.

    And Cerebus. Cerebus was in it. Because of course he was.