~The Wanderer~

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Powers update.

As some of you know, I'm in process of rewriting my bio.  Since I'm doing that, I thought I should revamp my powerset a bit (not too much though, most is still there, although I got rid of light manipulation), and since that is already finished I figured I might put them up already.  Also, you may tell me what you think but you don't have to xD.

New Powers/Weaknesses


The Wanderer's powers are linked to the planet Earth itself, or whichever planet he's at.  Planetary energy is what he draws his power from, if he was to be outside any solar system (or just too far away from any astronomical object) his powers would cease after about two hours.  His powers are also sentient (for a lack of better word for it) to some degree, although most of the time, they cooperate with Wanderer's will.
  • Psychic Senses:  Ability to read minds and transmit psychic messages, and at times influence the thoughts of others.  In theory, Wanderer can reach out to any unshielded mind in the world.  He has fairly recently learned how to combine this sense with his sight, allowing him to see psionic forces that would otherwise be invisible (hollows, chakra, auras, etc etc).  Another psychic ability is to instinctively sense if he is any kind of potential danger (basically, he subconsciously taps into a vision of the potential near future. If the space he occupies in the present is occupied by something else in the near future, this sense alerts him in an in-direct way), and whenever that ability is activated, Wanderer's reaction time is slightly enhanced.
  • Psionic Field:  A variant of ordinary telekinesis with a quite limited range.  At a time, Izaac can with ease lift/move/other a single object, provided that it doesn't crumble under its own weight or doesn't have an overwhelmingly large mass.  More things than one can be controlled within the telekinetic field, but it normally has to be a group of objects.  For instance, Wanderer would not be able to fly by this power and independently control other things.  On the other hand, if he were to use telekinesis on himself, then his strength would be increased, since everything he would lift would just extend the telekinetic field (and be included in it as well).
  • Instant Transportation:  Normally, this is just seen as ability to teleport or travel through time and space itself.  At other times, he is able to open portals so others can pass through to the same destination.  Having been at the destination before, or having at least seen a photo (or alike) of it, helps a lot when using this ability.
  • Omnilinguism:  Ability to instinctively understand virtually all languages, needing very little exposure to it.  Also, he can also "speak" (by telepathy, since he is mute) whichever language he has learned, quite fluently (although he may have a heavy accent).
  • Extended Lifespan:  Thanks to his alien heritage and some of the powers given to him, The Wanderer's aging process will stop at 18, and from that point he can live for an unknown number of milennia without aging, unless killed or depowered.
    If he would gain an injury or otherwise, that would cause death for any human, Izaac will go into a comatose state that is very similar to death for anyone on the outside.  Actually, his systems would work on the minimum required to function for some time (could be anything between a day and a year).  But after some time, he will have unconsciously gathered up enough energy to completely regenerate and wake up, although he might change in several ways when that happens.
  • Immunity:  The Wanderer can adapt to various environments (such as airless space, underwater, etc) and survive without ill effects for about two hours.  He is also immune by default to the effects of whichever power he uses at a given moment.  For instance, if attacked by fire whenever he's using Pyrokinesis himself, he won't be harmed by it.  Same usually goes for his clothes or things/people nearby, they're rarely affected by his power usage either.
  • Pyrokinesis:  Ability to psionically generate and manipulate fire, upper limit (in temperature) has yet to be reached.  Though, this does not function in airless environments, places with high levels of moisture, or in temperatures below -40°C/F.  Fire usage has also a corrupting influence on Wanderer's mind, this has lead to him trying to use this ability to a minimum.  Pyrokinesis cancels out his command of water.
    Water Manipulation:  The Wanderer has also the polar opposite of fire control, the ability to psionically command water and cold.  Through this, he can generate more water if needed, animate constructs of it, freeze, and animate ice to an extent as well.  Usage of this ability has no negative effects on his mind, but will negate his control of fire.


  • Fighting Ability:  Izaac never really acquired any fighting skill before he received his powers.  Since then he has been trained in close-range combat with WAL, but still that's not his preferred way of fighting.  Lately he has figured out that reading a person's immediate thoughts as he/she is fighting and/or making complicated movements, it is easier to duplicate the move, assuming it's physically possible for him to do that.  When his natural agility and strength aren't enough to support his acquired fighting skill, he complements it with telekinesis/flight.
  • Intellect/Learning:  Wanderer is unusually smart for his age, and his telepathy along with omnilinguism helps him to even faster process or obtain new knowledge.  This is based on the assumption that he is motivated to learn.  If something isn't interesting enough, chances are he won't give it any thought, or put any effort into learning about it.


  • Mute:  Wanderer cannot communicate by normal, vocal means; requiring him to have an interpreter if he was to speak to a crowd of people, on TV, or otherwise.  But if he was to speak directly to one or few people, he will use telepathy to accomplish that.  As long as he wears his newly obtained Indigo Lantern Ring, it will render him able to speak freely, although it goes away whenever he takes it off or when it's deactivated.
  • Knowledge/Sense Limit:  He has to know or see whatever he controls with his powers.  If something is outside his line of sight, chances are he won't be able to manipulate it.
  • Psionic Feedback:  When using either telepathy or telekinesis, the Wanderer is quite sensitive to certain kinds of 'disruption', i.e. like if a person dies as Izaac reads his/her mind, or if something within his telekinetic field is destroyed (which also means that he can't destroy anything by direct telekinetic force, without being hurt himself).  This also makes him sensitive to reading insane (or alike) minds.
  • Lack of Durability:  Except for when he's inside his telekinetic field, Izaac is about as durable (or vulnerable) as any human of his build and age.
  • Toxins:  Certain types of toxins, drugs, poisonous radiation (and otherwise) not only affects him the way it would to any human, but it also supresses his powers.  Even a small amount of, let's say alcohol, would render him powerless until the effects wear off.
  • Brain & Heart Damage:  His brain and heart are the two things required for him to regenerate from an otherwise lethal injury, but if either of the two are too damaged to function, he won't be able to regenerate.
  • Sight and Hearing:  ...Are two of his senses that can be overloaded (by, for instance, bright lights, loud noises, certain sound frequencies), and render him unable to think clearly enough to use a power.
  • Detailed Thinking:  To accomplish an effect with any of his powers, the Wanderer has to think very clearly and picture EXACTLY what he wants to happen, in a very detailed and almost poetic manner.  If he was to be distracted or interrupted, his powers could be useless.
  • Earth Connection:  Since his powers are somewhat sentient, and connected to Earth, it is much harder to use/aim them to affect things in eco systems (such as plants, animals, etc).  If he was to override that difficulty, it would take considerably more effort to accomplish the effect he wants, and he might receive painful feedback from it if the eco-system would be hurt for something he did.  Also, if a large part of Earth's nature would be ruined or otherwise destroyed (like, if a rain forest was burned to the ground), the Wanderer would feel it happening as if a part of himself died.

Old Powers/Weaknesses

(Used for reference to RPGs that are still in process.)


These powers are the basic ones Wanderer has.
  • Telepathy: Ability to read thoughts and communicate using only his mind. He can, in theory, reach out to any individual in the World. Telepathic sight is another aspect of this power, it allows Wanderer to see telepathic auras, like, minds, psychic shields, psionic energy, magic, the force, chakra (although chakra points aren't visible) and alike.
  • Telekinesis: Ability to manipulate and levitate matter with his mind. This works through imagining he himself is the object he manipulates.
  • Teleportation: Ability to move through time and space without occupying the space in-between. Knowing where he is going to helps a lot.
  • Elemental Magic: Manipulation of different types of elements; this power does not always work, depending on Wanderer's mood/emotional state. When angered or deeply upset, he gains the power to control fire and heat (this may get to his head and cloud his judgement). When relaxed or carefree, he gets the ability to manipulate water and cold/ice. When feeling philosophic or thoughtful, he gets the ability to manipulate light to the extent of forming it into solid constructs (similar to constructs greated by Green Lantern rings) or powerful energy blasts. A light construct (for instance a forcefield) that is 1 centimeter thick can withstand a gunshot. Typical uses of Light: Shields, blades, and daggers that explodes after being thrown away. Also, there is a "dagger sphere" attack, where light daggers emerge from his fist and dissipate the second later, hence only affecting things in immediate proximity.
  • Self-Sustenance: While being in space or underwater, Wanderer can survive without ill effects for about two hours. Any longer than that, and he will lose his resistance to those elements.
  • Protection Aura: Wanderer has a subconscious aura to protect him from the effects of his own powers. For instance, if he would teleport into a solid object, the other object will break (though Wanderer might get stuck anyways), or when he manipulates fire the aura makes him immune to fire and extreme heat (though the aura generally just protects him from himself, if he's not using his fire powers he's vulnerable to fire; however if he's manipulating fire and is attacked from elsewhere with fire, then the attack will simply not have any effect). When using elemental magic, this aura goes down on a cellular level. The effect of the aura over skin cells aren't only immunity, but also a certain light effect that gives Wanderer's skin an ice-like tone.
  • Immortality & Regeneration: Wanderer cannot die by "natural causes" like diseases or old age. He would stay young forever. Wanderer can, if killed by an unnatural cause, regenerate completely. Though this will only take place after a long time (like a month), and he may get amnesia from it as well. A regeneration can change Wanderer's appearance and/or personality drastically, the new appearance and/or state being a new so-called "generation". Wanderer can regenerate an unknown number of times before dying permanently, but he's not eager to find out where the limit is. If Wanderer is to be injured somehow within the 16 first hours after a regeneration, the injury will heal completely within seconds.
  • Omnilinguism: Ability to understand any type of language or code upon reading or hearing it.
  • Danger Sense: Ability to sense potential dangers around him. While this sense is active, Wanderer's reactions and reflexes are somewhat faster than otherwise.


  • Fighting ability: Izaac never really acquired any fighting skill before he received his powers. Since then he has been trained in close-range combat with WAL, but still that's not his preferred way of fighting. Lately he has figured out that reading a person's immediate thoughts as he/she is fighting and/or making complicated movements, it is easier to duplicate the move, assuming it's physically possible for him to do that. When his own agility isn't enough to support his acquired fighting skill he completes it with telekinesis/flight.
  • Intelligence/Learning: Wanderer is unusually smart for his age, and his telepathy along with omnilinguism helps him to even faster process or obtain new knowledge. This is based on the assumption that he is motivated to learn. If something isn't interesting enough, chances are he won't think about it at all, or put any effort into learning about it.


  • Muteness: Wanderer can in no way to communicate vocally. This requires him to use his Telepathy to a great extent.
  • Knowledge Limit: Most of Wanderer's powers can't be used if he does not know how it works or what to use them for. For instance, he can't control an object telekinetically if he can't see it or interpret it any way with his powers.
  • Physical Injury: Wanderer's physical resistance is not higher than that of an average human, and he also heals wounds as slowly.
  • Telepathic Feedback: Wanderer can be very sensitive to telepathic feedback from people around him if his telepathic ability is used for too long. It can, for instance, be extremely dangerous for him to be close to a person dying by an unnatural cause, as this would give Wanderer the person's feelings and emotions as he/she dies. If he has not used his telepathy for more than a about half an hour, this doesn't have the same impact.
  • Toxic Radiation: Radiation like X-rays or radioactive radiation can render Wanderer's powers useless. Meaning, if Wanderer were to die from radiation poisoning, he would die permanently.
  • Neuron Disruption: If Wanderer gets a brain injury that disrupts his neurons, he won't be able to use his powers, hence, this can be deadly for him.
  • Heart or Brain Injury: If Wanderer's heart and/or brain were to be too damaged to function (or separated from each other), he would die permanently, since the regeneration process requires both to function.
  • Sight & Hearing: If those senses are overloaded (for instance, too bright lights or too loud environment), Wanderer's powers may not work like they should.

Yeah, like I said, tell me what you think if you want to ^^'