nerd_of_a_hero's Origins of Siege #1 - Siege Prologue review

    Avatar image for nerd_of_a_hero

    Let the Siege begin.

    First is Siege prologue; Loki tell's a worried Osborn the story of Asgard and that there are 9 realm's in this universe.  Osborn distrust the God of Mischief, but Loki states he has never lied to him and that Mischief is his specialty. Next is Siege issue #1 where Volstagg stops a car chase in Chicago but is attacked the U-Foes (sent by Osborn and Loki) which starts the evnets of Siege. Lastly we have a brief backstroy on some of Maverl heroes and villians (similar to The origin's of DC characters).  
    This is nothing more than just book of Siege previews, so unless your a absolute collecter, I skip this one. The Marvel origins of certain characters is a plus though.

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