Comic Vine News


DC Nation Return Date Announced

Find out exactly when Hal Jordan and Young Justice will invade your televisions!

It wasn't too long ago that Cartoon Network abruptly pulled Young Justice, Green Lantern and animated shorts from its Saturday morning schedule. Fans were shocked and only told the new episodes would be back in January. Well, we now have an exact date for you, so get ready to mark your calendars (if anyone still has one).

The official return date for DC Nation is January 5, 2013. Be sure to check out their website for a new episode of New Teen Titans, too.

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Which show is your favorite?

Honestly, I'm thrilled. I'm behind on Young Justice (I know, I know... shame on me) but I think Green Lantern has really stepped its game up with the second season (plus, Ch'p!). Viners, how do you feel about DC Nation's return?