Comic Vine Review


Mister Terrific #3 - Haunted


Can Mr Terrific stop Brainstorm or will his diabolical scheme work?

Mr Terrific fights Brainstorm, and Holt almost beats him to death.

The Good

Overall, Scott Clark (pencils), Mike Atiyeh (colorist) and Dave Beaty's (inker) foreground work on this book is wonderful. I love the line work and how the characters aren't confined to their panels. They'll break through during the action. The foreground characters have a great style to them, and I especially love the bright coloring.

Believe it or not, I like how the issue ends. It's truly weird, but it's a nice change from the past two issues. So, I guess I actually want to keep reading.

The Bad

Where to start... First, there's nothing I hate more than using photos as a background. I could be wrong, but either these are the best drawn backgrounds of all time, or someone is just painting over a photo in photoshop. Either way the foreground and background styles clash.

This is some of the worst dialogue I've read in a DC comic in years. Not only is it cheesy, but it smells like the 90s. People are verbally explaining what is physically happening to them. Not only that, but they have full blown conversations and even monologues as they fight.

Oh no. Someone caught the good guy taking it too far on their cellular device. We've see this so many times in the past few years, not only in comics, but in movies and television. It leads to this idea that the children no longer believe in their hero, but the reasoning doesn't fit. These kids no longer believe in their hero because Terrific almost beat a man trying kill everyone to death? Come on.

The Verdict

I'm passionate about this book because I'm a big Mr Terrific and JSA fan. While it's nice to see this character get some love from DC, it stinks that they wouldn't put a stronger creative team on this book. DC has alluded that this is the first Earth-2 book, which may feature more JSA members (and Huntress, which is currently out), but if all the books are on the same level as this one, I don't want them. While I enjoyed the foreground art and the end of the issue, I essentially hated everything else. This may have become my least favorite book of the new 52... featuring one of my favorite characters.