Trigon vs. Lucifer

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Is Lucifer, and his brother Micheal realy more powerful than Trigon. They say Trigon is an all powerful demon with infinite will and control over life and death.

 Lucifer cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Lucifer morningstar is very much more powerful that Trigon. Lucifer is one level below The Presence, Trigon is a few levels below full form Spectre. If Lucifer can beat Full Form Spectre, then the obvious answer is Lucifer for the win.

Lucifer Morningstar is more powerful than Trigon... Trigon is a beast though

Yes I mean one at a time against him.

Probably but Trigon isn't far behind them then

aztek the lost said:
"ebuchanan said:
"Yes I mean one at a time against him."
well seeing as Michael is more powerful than Lucifer and this is a curbstomp in Lucifer's favor already...than I guess you've already been answered?"
you read the lucifer comics az, Michael still hat the shitts from Lux

I think DC makes it to hard to tell ones supreme power difference from anothers like the Anti- Monitor vs Imperix.
I still think Trigon could be more powerful because he came from a different dimension so he doesn't operate under the presence. Lucifer di die too.

lucifer wins easily

But trigon will put up a struggle

He wouldn't be able to put up a struggle he would be annhilated in a nano second.
@King Saturn said:
" Lucifer Morningstar is more powerful than Trigon... Trigon is a beast though
Wow...... You're making it sound like Trigon even has a chance here.
Like the guy said before me, Lucifer would obliterate Trigon in microseconds....
@war of light_2814 said:
" lucifer wins easily "
@aztek the lost said:
"wait, so are you asking if Lucifer and Michael combined are more powerful or just Lucifer alone? "

LoL Trigon is a Titans villain and if i'm mistaken, has been defeated by them, on at least more then one occasion.  This thread is funny and fluffy light.
@icecream1991 said:
"Lucifer  But trigon will put up a struggle "

No, he really wouldn't. I loath the term "blink him out of existance, but that's what Trigon is to beings like Lucifor or Michael. 
@ebuchanan said:
"I still think Trigon could be more powerful because he came from a different dimension so he doesn't operate under the presence. Lucifer di die too. "
False because the Presence has complete control over all the dimensions according to DC cannon and in DC cannon, the two most powerful being below him are Lucifer and Micheal. Therefore, Trigon is a nothing to them

Lucifer snaps his fingers and Trigon is gone.

Lucifer and Michael have made the SPECTRE look like a mentally retarded kid before

Trigon is one of the most powerful demon, but he is no chance against the most powerful ArchAngel.


Lucifer wins

Lucifer ftw

@ComocYahweh said:

Trigon is one of the most powerful demon, but he is no chance against the most powerful ArchAngel.

Haha if this is Morningstar he curbstomps Trigon.

@why so serious said:

Lucifer snaps his fingers and Trigon is gone.


Depends if Trigon's extra-dimensional origins stretches into another Creation, where he would have occupied the same position as the Adversary that Lucifer does.

Btw, for those underestimating Trigon, pre-Flashpoint he was measured by the Monitor to me of the same level of power as the Spectre.

Also, just to point it out because it is an annoying misconception, Lucifer does not have the kind of power that Michael does, period.

Originally they were created equal, Lucifer had the will, Michael had the power. Then Lucifer had his rebellion and in order to stop it in its tracks, Michael was gifted with the Demigurgic power which is is the one he is now best known for that could wipe out Creation ten times over if released. If Lucifer actually did have that kind of power, he wouldn't have needed Michael to help create his own Creation in the Lucifer series.

Lucifer could dream about Trigon dying and Trigon would cease to exist

Just no....Trigon is spectre level... and Spectre got swated

Lucifer in a curb stomp

Lucifer would not just make a fool of Trigon he would make him beg!

why are people even bumping this thread?Lucifer stomps so hard not even a single atom will remain of Trigon

Lucifer convices trigon to buy him coffe.

Trigon is a little kid to a grown ass man as Lucifer.



A being who gets beat by little kids.

Versus a being, who is second to God.

This is a hard decision.

@batmanuel: @sgxspiderman: Trigon is Spectre level, but he cannot hold a candle to Lucifer.

If you need to refer how he's spectre level look at the swamp thing issues , the monitor ranked him stating * the spectre and trigon are well above 800 or so

even if trigon is the most powerful demon, lucifer is the devil himself who rebelled against the presence.

@thevoidofdeath: What does that change? He still got beat by little kids...

He's more like on Green Arrow level.

@thevoidofdeath: What does that change? He still got beat by little kids...

He's more like on Green Arrow level.

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This is either some low quality bait or ignorance.


A being who gets beat by little kids.

Versus a being, who is second to God.

This is a hard decision.

>Attributes plot to showings of power. Scathing ignorance or something else? Who knows.

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Lucifer wins.


You know nothing of comics then. Raven is his kryptonite, and has his powers plus Azar. The Jla nor the titans could stop him . I have every single trigon scan and it would make you look quite foolish. Your ignorance shines like a beacon ...


@nerevarine_11: you forgot the planet death stare , you'll find all of his scans in my images on my page lol.