Comic Vine Review


Deathstroke #3 - Legacy


Get ready for loads of violence and action the way only Deathstroke can deliver it. That's not all you get here, though. The story is moving forward and Deathstroke could be getting in over his head.

With a series centering on a deadly villain, you expect non-stop violence. There is actually more going on as Deathstroke gets closer to uncovering the truth about that mysterious briefcase.

The Good

How often do we actually get a comic starring a bad guy? Kyle Higgins delivered plenty of action and violence in the first couple issues but here, we're seeing that there is more than that. The issue opens with a great inner-monologue from Deathstroke on how he views the way the world works (although maybe it's actually a conversation he's having). The first issue resulted in Deathstroke gaining possession of a briefcase with mysterious contents. We're being teased with what could be inside and why Deathstroke reacts the way he does about it. There are also other repercussions that are coming his way and they won't necessarily be pleasant.

Because you can't just have a villain in a book on his own, we're introduced to another member of his supporting cast. Deathstroke doesn't need others to get the job done but it's like we get a behind the scenes look at how he does what he does. The introduction of Legacy, a new foe for Deathstroke, is turing out to be quite an interesting match up.

The Bad

I'm still warming up to Deathstroke's new armor design. I'm used to him being more leaner looking. His old boots might've looked a little silly but I liked them. There's also the way people getting chopped in half looks. I'm not saying I need loads of detail like bone fragments or pieces of intestine flying but it makes the violence almost look humorous.

I am curious about what's in the briefcase. I fear that if this mystery is dragged on too long, it could be disappointing.

The Verdict

Who needs comics about superheroes when you can read one with a deadly assassin? Kyle Higgins continues to add depth to a comic featuring a killer by moving the story forward while continuing the insane violence. Getting to hear Deathstroke's view of the way the world works adds to helping us understand what motivates and drives him. We are introduced to a new villain and are seeing repercussions to some of his earlier actions. I'm still not completely sold on his bulky armor look but this is what we'd want from a Deathstroke series. Plenty of action and violence while seeing what makes Deathstroke tick.