CaptHowdy666's Conan #16 - Horror on Uskuth Hill review

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    Bratty Conan Conquers The Dead.

    Conan, is getting sick of the world of civilized men. It is showing and he is becoming a bit of a jerk. Just like a couple of issues before I just don't like his attitude. In this one he back hands a poor little innocent boy in the head. What is that? Oh well, I hope this has something to do with the story, like perhaps when he finally comes to terms with the way people are in civilization and not just how Cimmerians would have been.

    This is the beginning of the Tower and the Elephant story arc apparently. Conan does battle against three conjured demons by an ancient dead wizard. It is a really decent stand alone tale by itself actually, I would recommend this as a test issue to see if people would like the characters, setting, and such (and not have to commit to a large series of issues) except for the fact that Conan is a bit of a prick lately.

    Will he become the honourable King he is destined to be? Maybe, but he's gotta grow up first!

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