the_mighty_monarch's Captain Atom #11 - A Dream Deferred review

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    Atomic Decay

    The idea for the cover is super cool, but the execution is a little lacking. Freddie Williams II has two different styles on this series, and he's used the one I really don't like for the cover. The splatter effect is really awesome, but the view is just a bit too close.

    Overall, Williams is using his style I like much better for pretty much the entirety of this issue. Unfortunately, the inking seems off compared to usual, the lines are significantly thicker and it really throws a lot of things off. The colors, also, use too much wide patches, making things look more simple and cartoony than previous issues. There's a few pivotal scenes with some nice panel layouts, but overall this issue isn't on the stronger art side.

    After the shocking developments in the aftermath of the previous arc, this issue really delves into some mysterious territory, and some emotional stuff as well. Nate's mind has been transferred into a completely human Nate 'body' that he created, a homunculus of sorts. We get a nice little date with Ranita, and I'm sure nobody's surprised when they kiss, despite her concerns about cheating on Scott. But I don't think any readers are going to be disappointed in her, Scott's just a total asshole to everyone but her. He's a completely unlikable character. We've been rooting for Nate, so I don't think this is going to cause a whole lot of painful forced drama.

    But what happens to Captain Atom's demigod body while his mind is off in date-land with Ranita? Well... some pretty freaky things, that's for sure. Is Nate free from Captain Atom, or is this molecular miracle he called a body something that needs a host? Would Nate let Captain Atom be destroyed? CAN Captain Atom be destroyed?

    In Conclusion: 4/5

    The art's a little weak, but the metaphysical exploration here is phenomenal, and isn't overlapping on what's been done before in this series. It's actually a shame to see this end, despite being a harsh critic at the start. Not surprising, but a bit disappointing. This series actually WAS deep and philosophical, it just didn't handle it well at first.

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